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 New Era Posts on the Good Times!

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeWed Nov 19, 2014 11:06 am

Oh, Hi again!!
Smile Razz flower Razz Smile

For the Sincerity ( cheers FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!), I wanted to say something else too.
General terms, not adressed to anyone directly. True!
The indirect style of communication is not, MORAL TERMS, keeping you away from the real things you're saying to anyone or about anyone. This "hidding behind the rock" is not working either, if we're Sincere to ourselves. We do and say what we do and say.
There're no Moral Curves on this, though the psycological, FOR ALL, will Always Exist. Because, as I said, we're not gods. If we were, we'd be perfect.
It's been a long time since I wanted to say this.
IT'S VERY IMPORTANT SUBJECT. Because sophisticated and smart People many times hide behind the indirect or metaphoric style -I'm counting myself among them-, and think two things: 1) how bright I am, I said all and they can not say that I said it=Euphorical mental state; 2) I just did say a metaphore, this could be anything.
I've studied, following different authors, the implications of indirect style, and it's True that the opened range of choices for fixing a cercle of meaning get really wave , in some situations. This is well studied, much more than I can achieve, for the lack of time enough. The use of the "that"... The same can be done without its using, in more complex terms, on the ride of the whole structure of grammar, and combinations can be, depending on described state of things, uncountable.
But metaphores are there too. And we have to be Honest and Face the fact that when we're using them, by irony, offense, love declarationg... anything, we're making sense. The structure of the metaphorical meaning is a well fixed complexity, as I think I explained, and it can not be forsaken so easily.
In this world, it's so usual these things I did say happen.
I mean, it's better people throw themselves metaphores than knives, obviously Laughing Smile Razz ; but Morals Crosses All of the Human which is Conscient.
flower love smiley flower

I've got such a big amount of task.
Now some wave for some Try for fun (don't you think efforts for humor do not take energy from my brain for other things; it does; I have to control it, for not leaving anything: it's True what I said, critics and conclusions and connections I'm making for each author and for each one into some context, specially in conclusions of historical reconstruction, it's geting Good!).
I did never make love on the stage (for my antecedents, God Bless!; I guess Emilio, my old friend would agree); but just the other day I used the sofa. So far I guess there're many other places, I've probably been in many ones of those, in this world Laughing Rolling Eyes c'es la vie.
But I did never have the chance for the Loving stage.
Smile Razz Laughing Razz Smile

More seriously, it has to be Embarassed Exclamation , to film sex scenes for the screen. I'd prefer to make a rol as a very dirty stud than sexual scenes before all of the set and, after magic of the cinema, for All.
Admiring True!
I am affraid only for the thinking about the Amoung of Beautiful Task I've got ahead.
No more talking, Going!
Loving Forever! action smiley Razz
flower cheers love smiley cheers flower

ps: I was not wanting anybody felt bad, when talked about morals; I just want to share the Good I think I've got, for Good! From the Heart. Helping, very little it's True, this Big World.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeMon Nov 24, 2014 12:12 pm

Hi, again!!
Smile Razz flower Razz Smile

I'm trying to express myself easy. In these times, and Always, I Do Envy True the brain of Ladies, because They're Better for Linguistic Expression, it gets Easier for them, Usually. More Fluid terms words are coming to their Brains.
But well, though I'm a man ( Smile Laughing Razz Laughing Smile ), I'll Try.
Ah, and I've seen You're making many Interviews with very Handsome Gentlemen, and You're not sharing a simple one Mad ...
Have You seen how Handsome they Really are?
Smile Razz Laughing Razz Smile

We can make the prove on my psycologic reation upon those Videos. You'll See my Normality on this question, again.
Well, the Respecting critics on Heidegger now. Sorry, but I need, as the air that I breathe Laughing Smile , the Spanish Idiome for Expressing already well enough.
"El ser es puro devenir, y representa la finidad constituyente de lo humano, en su potencialidad temporal que, si bien es susceptible de dotar al hombre/mujer de la posibilidad de apropiarse de su propio destino -lo cual requiere el desocultamiento del ser habitualmente vedado al hombre moderno-, también es muestra fehaciente de su finitud.
La metafísica debe olvidarse, porque confunde el ser con los entes. Si habla de Dios, es teología; si habla del todo existente es ontología. Ambos posicionamientos conducen a la ocultación de la verdad del ser.
La ocultación fundamental llega de la mano de una metáfora sobre el conocimiento, el cual por ella es asemejado a un "aparecerse" de la cosa. Este apecerse sólo es superficial y oculta el ser. El ser es apertura absoluta, como tiempo en sentido radical (esto es, como pasado constitutivo del ser humano, como presente vivido y como potencialidad futura pero hallada en el presente más auténtico, constitutivamente). El ser es la nada, a la vez.
Esto último tiene sentido si se explica que el ser se halla en un plano distinto de los entes que son (el hombre y los animales son entes), puesto que es la base de su existencia misma. La pregunta por el ser debería ser entonces: ¿Qué es eso de ser por lo cual los entes son? Pero el ser se halla reservada a la exclusiva custodia del hombre, sólo los hombres habitan el ser, por momentos de "relámpago", al menos.
No obstante, el hombre es un ente, y como ente en un "Dasein", esto es, el "ser-ahí" que es arrojado al mundo. El hombre no elige existir, independiente de la posible prontitud del momento en que se pregunta por el ser, siempre existe un momento previo en que se define la imposición externa de su existir (sentido existencial). Por otra parte, en un sentido sociológico y cultural, su carácter de arrojo al mundo supone que se halla sometido a las formas de interpretación del mundo vigentes en su momento y lugar históricos, de los cuales no puede escapar tan fácilmente (en el segundo Heidegger, más cercano al giro lingüístico, cualquier intento de escape será imposible). Por último, en un sentido cognitivo, el hombre es arrojado en tanto que no es él, en realidad, el que dirige el conocimiento desde su subjetividad cerrada y previa a lo que conoce, y domina e instrumentaliza por medio de la técnica (la técnica es la forma moderna de ocultamiento del ser).
Entonces, cómo acceder al ser. Si bien esto no queda claro en ningún lugar de los textos de Heidegger, y mucho menos claro queda desde una lectura global; existe un razonable intento de delimitarlo en sentido negativo.
La primera condición, negativa, es la eliminación de la objetivación cognitiva, de cualquier tipo. La posición del objeto frente al hombre es la vía primigenia del ocultamiento del ser, que permanece desde los albores de la filosofía (para ello, es suficiente darse cuenta del carácter visual de todos los términos griegos utilizados por los clásicos para referirse a la verdad, en sentido individualizado respecto de un fenómeno concreto o en un sentido de totalidad ontológica-metafísica). Pero el hombre, como ente, no accede al plano del ser por esta vía, en tanto que él mismo se halla en la corriente del ser, aunque no lo sepa o aquél permanezca oculto para él.
La segunda condición negativa fundamental es la necesidad de permanecer en la angustia de la desprotección metafísica y sociocultural (esto podría identificarse como desconexión respecto de los condicionantes ocultadores del ser, sobre todo, la técnica, pero también la razón en sentido tradicional), por medio de la cual se alcanza la apertura al ser y se produce su desocultamiento, aunque sea por relámpagos de lucidez existencial.
Hasta aquí, más o menos, se halla muy resumido lo que dice Heidegger.
A continuación, paso a plantear una crítica al mismo.
En primer lugar, existe un problema de falta de coherencia semántica y de lógica. Si el ente que es hombre percibe y guarda el ser, aunque sea sobre un principio físico de habitar el mundo de los entes y los objetos que son y que se hallan en un plano determinado de la existencia; el hecho de que alcance el lugar del ser constituye una operación de transcendencia. Se quiera o no (a veces parece que quiere y otras que no, Heidegger), del plano físico al plano del ser media una relación de transcendencia. Esto es así en todo caso, por una cuestión de lógica lingüística. Es lo que sucede con la consciencia respecto del que piensa lo que ésta puede ser (algo que ya expliqué en su momento), ¿cómo es posible explicar lo que algo es, en términos de totalidad, cuando ese algo es el que debe explicarlo?
He aquí un doble problema.
En primer lugar, la necesidad de objetivar lo que se explica. Es necesario salir de uno mismo para explicarse a uno mismo. Es necesario sobresalir del plano del ente para explicar por lo que ese ente concreto es, esto es, el ser.
Si existen transcendencia en tal sentido, es obvio que existe voluntad, tal como saben no sólo Husserl (maestro de Heidegger y padre de la fenomenología, donde la consciencia y su voluntad crean la imagen de los fenómenos, la cual depende en todo caso de la forma de la voluntad al aproximarse a los objetos), sino también el propio Kant, lo que se demuestra con su fundamentación de la razón teórica sobre la razón práctica, o, sobre todo, el gran Fichte.
Por otra parte, el hecho de que exista una voluntad ejercida implica necesariamente la objetivación, al menos, de unos fines. Tal objetivación de fines precisa, en todo caso, de una actividad cognoscitiva en sentido clásico de la dualidad mente-objeto de pensamiento. Como vemos, el problema de la definición de la consciencia no es baladí. El conocer es tan consubstancial al ser humano como el existir. No es necesario recurrir a la biología para comprender esto, la lógica del pensamiento es suficiente.
En segundo término, el acceso al ser en la apertura absoluta, lo cual, como se ha explicado, sólo puede entenderse como transcedencia, puesto que es un sinsentido entenderlo como simple deriva existencial en el tiempo radical que trata de instituir Heidegger (lo único que hace es reclamar el tiempo como parte constitutiva del ser humano, pero no cambia su estructura ni su naturaleza conceptual en la lógica de la realidad; sólo la forma en que puede ser percibido psicológica y sociológicamente), donde se ha de dar esa angustia existencial (en un momento de esta exposíción ser verá que ésta no tiene sentido alguno, desde una perspectiva más amplia).
A su vez, en esa apertura, el ser es la nada, dice el autor. En este sentido hay que entender la nada en un doble sentido: a) como despojamiento de los valores racionales clásicos, b) como comprensión del hecho de que venimos de la nada para ser posibilidad (la importancia del tiempo) y para volver, de nuevo, a la nada. Esta doble acepción no queda clara, sin embargo, en el autor.
Esa transcendencia, máxima, y esa nada que vienen a ser lo mismo, sólo pueden explicarse, una vez nos hacemos conscientes de que el ser es indisoluble del pensar de la razón, como la abstracción máxima, en el sentido de transcendencia hacia el infinito y, por estar encerrado en nuestro mundo lingüístico-conceptual, metáforas inclusive, hacia el cero absoluto. La única posibilidad de que ambos estados existenciales coincidan con pleno sentido y en un mismo ente o ser es que ese uno se trate de Dios. Pero ni Heidegger ni nosotros somos Dioses, para nosotros la nada es el más absoluto desierto, y el infinito un simpel desideratum vital. La abstracción sólo es un proceso, no un fin. Con la delimitación, aun de modo negativo, del ser, Heidegger instituye un idealismo, en realidad, por el simple hecho de que no puede evitar utilizar la razón, la cual le obliga, de algún modo, a objetivar en un estadio final esa transcendencia. En ese sentido, no es muy distinto de Hegel.
Cualquier razonamiento es continuación de una petición de principio inicial, de carácter cognitivo, y Heidegger no es ajeno a ello en absoluto, aunque pretenda situarse por encima de la propia razón: nadie puede situarse por encima de su propia consciencia. En su caso, uno de los axiomas fundamentales es que el ser humano constituye el centro de toda la existencia: "el hombre guarda el ser". Es un existencialismo, la semilla misma de esta corriente del siglo pasado, que perdura hasta hoy; y, como tal, adolece de ese prejuicio que no puede velar la condición del "recoil argument" por mucho que se pretenda que se está haciendo por levantarse más allá de la propia razón. Heidegger trata de desgarrar la razón occidental, acumulando un error sobre otro error, cual fue la división cartesiana pura entre mente y materia.
Si Heidegger, en algún momento, aceptase el ser como reclamación y llanto por lo humano, entonces deberíamos decir que el ser es humanidad y que es consciencia. Lo cual constituye un campo de positividad conceptual, en sentido valorativo y en sentido semántico-explicativo, casi infinito para el pensador. De un modo constructivo fundamental, en que la angustia sólo puede ser un motor que impulse el intento por salir de la enajenación de la ignoración, cognitiva y emocional, pero nunca un estado de ánimo natural.
El plano de la transcendencia no puede explicarse con palabras, si bien puede inducirse mediante ellas (y mediante otras cosas, como la meditación transcendental, el discurso de imágenes, el amor universal como concepto razonado y sentido, etc.). Heidegger, en realidad, lo que hace es crear una bellísima retórica sobre la transcendencia, utilizando conceptos erróneos desde un punta de vista epistémico y lógico. Se trata de una retórica que no es dialéctica (se trataría de una posible dialéctica en sentido hegeliano entre ser y ente), sino que tiene el carácter de sofisma, por su inconsistencia instrínseca de partida; si bien la forma en que trata los temas, y el carácter de éstos, provocan posibles estados de percepción alucinatoria. Un creer que se cree, porque no se comprende (el propio Heidegger, en muchos momentos, reconoció no saber qué era el ser). Como decía Einstein, "si algo no se lo puedes explicar a tu propia abuela, es que no lo entiendes". Ciertamente, hay algo más que lo que se puede explicar por medio de la razón lógica o matemática, caso de la metáfora y del conocimiento intuitivo de que habla Gödel; pero tiene mucho sentido aquí lo que dijo Einstein.
Para acabar, la poesía como abridora de la apertura del ser tampoco tiene sentido. Esto se demuestra por la aportación de los propios textos de Heidegger. Su belleza no hace fe ni prueba de su sentido, ni de su verdad.
La poesía es una forma bella de hacer, decir, presentar, vivir... Pero no es el sentido en sí misma. Es, a lo sumo, una vía para un estado mental de la experiencia estética. Insuficiente sin la participación de la razón "común" o clásica. No hay planos de acceso al ser fuera del conocimiento, porque nosotros somos, ante todo, conocimiento.
El ser tampoco habita el lenguaje, como completitud en la que indagar para hallar, poéticamente, el ser; tal como dirá el segundo Heidegger. El lenguaje abre el mundo cultural de la vida, y nos otorga un instrumento cognitivo esencial para investigar ese mundo, interpuesto entre éste y nosotros y a la vez participado de ambos. Pero el lenguaje no agota ni la cognición ni la existencia humana, como tantas veces he explicado.
Esta objetivación radical del lenguaje (que dio lugar en su momento a la consagración definitiva del giro lingüístico) es una puerta abierta a la discriminación cultural y lingüística, nacional, en definitiva. Esto no parece un beneficio para el prestigio personald de un autor filosófico que en un determinado momento apoyó expresa y teóricamente al nazismo. Cómo va a hallarse el ser en un único lenguaje, que, al fin, sólo es un idioma entre otros miles que existen. Entre otras razones.
Por último, volviendo al estado de cuasialucinación, sobre la transcendencia "porque sí" -en tanto que supuestamente no cognitiva, puesto que es inobjetivada, a fin de permanecer en la apertura constante al tiempo existencial- de la búsqueda "angustiada" del ser. Se trata de un principio de addicción intelectual, por el hecho de que somos seres transcendentales. El problema es que si esto se lleva a cabo por los márgenes de Heidegger, ese enredar conceptual y retórico sólo acaba en una cosa: en la voluntad de poder intelectual. La angustia, entonces, pasa de ser el estado para adquirir el ser a un estado de alucinación autoinducida sobre la búsqueda estética de lo transcendente, la cual, por hallarse desprovista de fundamentación lógica y epistémica, muere en los brazós de la retórica del absoluto que pretendía derribar.
Heidegger redescubrió a NIetzsche y fue su gran valedor, en muchos aspectos. El problema es que trató, además, de reinventarlo, convirtiendo esa voluntad de poder en un medio estetizado de argumentación sobre lo transcendente, sin acceder en ningún momento a la auténtica esencia de lo verdaderamente transcendente, si bien a salvo los resultados ciertamente obtenidos sobre la belleza de su retórica y la sabiduría de su casuística".
flower love smiley flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeMon Dec 08, 2014 8:19 pm

Smile Razz flower Razz Smile

Good Weekend!
Sisters boyfriends (and I did not kill anybody! Laughing -PURELY geek ), Family, Rest, Work...
I've been Working hard today in the house, Helping True. I did ask "how does it feel to work hand on hand with a biologic athlete?" I did fortunetely get saved from the situation! Laughing Smile No... geek
I've started to Read "El significado de la relatividad", Einstein's. Some advanced science for beginners like me. Inspirational for what I have to work out, for the Philosophy. I've achieved some points I think are good, but still there's such a Big Work to be Done. I've been Working the brain for these days.
I am Starting today "Don Quijote de la Mancha", and another one from José Ortega y Gasset, Great.
Sharing as Trying for Inspire.
I've also had some Good Rest, Walks... Some Good and VERY GOOD HEARTED Movies too!
And I've Seen some New Adds...
God Bless You All!
I Love You True, for Life and Beyond, in Vains and as One Soul, Eternal I Swear!!
cheers flower cheekey smiley hasi love smiley hasi cheekey smiley flower cheers
action smiley Razz
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeTue Dec 09, 2014 10:57 am

Smile Razz flower Razz Smile

I remember how Great Michael, Jackson, someday said he did believe that he would have been able to convince Hitler for thinking, and doing, differently.
That's so Nice, Deeply Hearted One.
My goals are much more modest, but valuable anyway. I could read Great Einstein did not believe that much in concepts of philosophy, because the way they were taking the intelectual discussion about the knowledge had been negative to empirist perspective and, consequently, to science advances. I do know I could convince him for agreeing with a big part of my philosophy; of course, always in evolution, fortunetely and necessarily.
His context and his concepts will help for developing better concepts on logic, and limits, in the positive sense, in science, and in all human knowledge.
flower love smiley flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeThu Dec 11, 2014 8:57 pm

Hi, Good Time!
Smile Twisted Evil flower Twisted Evil Smile
Smile Laughing Razz Laughing Smile

How are things, "se armó la de San Quintín", and even the May second and thirty-first wave geek
How Beautiful and Electrifying Videos with Queen Latifah, what a Pair, Tremendous!
If Ava Gardner was "the most beautiful animal in the world", You're not only the most beautiful but the Most Natural one to the camera.
Intimidating, the Force of Your Natural transcending the figure of shy You, so VERY LOVELY Ways to me, Really Are too.
This is a True Force! Yeah!
Yes, "se armó... Se armó el Belén" for Christmas.
These are going to be Very Nice Holidays Here.
flower cheekey smiley I Love You!! cheekey smiley flower
cheers hasi cheers

Tomorrow maybe I'll can not come in the morning till quite later than usual. Tasking.
Big Hug, You're Looking so Very Gorgeous on that Beautiful dress and high heels.
Brooke=Delightful!! action smiley
cheers flower cheekey smiley hasi love smiley hasi cheekey smiley flower cheers
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeMon Dec 15, 2014 2:58 pm

Smile Razz flower Razz Smile

Came for the Loving of Brooke; and also for some Try for Goodness, Understanding and Inspiration for Christmas.
As long as I Know, for Sure, There's Smartness enough for handle any strangerism or any other thing negative, making, by this, ready for Feeling the Sense on Goodness, from Everywhere!!
I don't want to believe in differences as much as I WANT to Believe in the Universal Spirit of Harmony, Love and Peace. Tolerance and Education -not necessary formal type- are Always Key.
I am not feeling this, as I never did; it's some re-creation, fantasy of guy.
In TV Program, Presented by Iker Jiménez, one of results said that men are less sensitive and scared from violence images than women.
The key is knowing biology and feeling intelligence and reason. Then you can sublimate everything into Energy for Good and Moral Doing.
flower love smiley flower
flower Laughing Laughing Laughing flower
Smile Smile Smile
cheers hasi cheers

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeTue Jan 20, 2015 1:13 am

Hi Good Sweetness!!
Smile Razz flower Razz Smile

How are things!
I am going on with All Well.
This man, Martin Luther King, is Tremendous. It's probably influenced for my knowing of the history, but it's not only what He says, it's also just his Presence Up There. Some Very Rare Goodness, Heavenly. It's Up There on the Picture to be Seen and Felt. Some kind of Energy and Strenght... Heavenly to me, and now I'm only talking about what I can Feel and Understand Right from his image, so True. One of the People whom I Do Admire More in History of Human. It's Pure Heartfelt Feeling, this Man.
flower love smiley flower

Have Good Resting day and night. See and Dream of You I guess, Brooke!! You're Very Important to me. And it's Love Real.
cheers flower cheekey smiley love smiley cheekey smiley flower cheers
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeThu Jan 22, 2015 4:41 pm

Sorry me, had to come back again, because of News, News, News geek Smile Smile
If I was not going that much to school, specially for the last year, when 14 years old, it was not becuause me not comfortable with being Liked by Teachers (me Always Very Happy Exclamation about it; ONLY NOT when my Beloved Sisters were telling me that They, even after good number of years, when I did go to high-school, they were still talking about me as a role model... "Because the brother of this girl..." it was the Song they're were telling me, less or more Razz , for Normal Human not totally feeling good, for comparisson to older bright brother) or by girls (I was quite David on the bike for that time).
I was NOT MOTIVATED by the Difficulty of Academic Challenges. I Know Now! Then I Knew, but not conscient of it. It's not because I was stupid, at the very least Iwas not more stupid than now, because this "suddenly" light idea has been seen in me Here for quite many times.
And this did also Happen to me at University, till I went to UOC, because I could make some creativity up. The Final Start, though continued and nerverending Human jumps, did come from Poems.
So, God Bless! action smiley Razz
flower love smiley flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeTue Jan 27, 2015 10:18 am

Hi Highly Good Cuteness Lovely Adorable Brooke!!
Smile Razz flower Razz Smile

This morning to wake up and to get out the bed was like an impossible mission, harder than moving mountains, seemed to me. I was Tired, as the "pallissa" of hell had been given by me to myself the past night geek Laughing Smile
I came too late at work... Anyway, I did already sleep 5 hours. Not much less than my minimus, which is fixed in 6-6:30, at the very least; but the efforts from the whole day going before, and the last long sprint of the night were... wave What a Face Sleep
Taking the morning Responsably but Easy, for Sure.
I had to post those things (only adding, for what I can wave remember, that the concept of taboo, anthropologic one, is well known by me, but I thought it was Good to bring it out in the text, for expressing, first of all, my Profound and Fundamental Sense of Freedom, I mean, to think what I wrote does not mean to be a reactionary, not at all; this is what I wanted to prove: there're not absolute rights on the practic living with others; and the taboo concept did fit for the symbolic cultural importance of it and, also, for the context of making things by the expression, as long as the taboo is not only for not doing what it means, but also not talking about it; and this subject FINITO for some time wave Laughing Smile ); and it's OK.
How Nice Pictures Everywhere Around I am Seeing Everyday!
And had to say that though I did not say it explicit terms, OBVIOUSLY I Will Watch "American Sniper" and "Rocky". I am not missing them for anything.
And Well, Big Hug on Friendly Staying!
Brooke, I Adore You and Love You so; those Pictures are of an Angel; this Humble Makes You even, if this was Possible, more Beautiful!!
Thank You for Videos too!!
See in a while and for all of the morning and life and More!!
cheers flower cheekey smiley hasi love smiley hasi cheekey smiley flower cheers

ps: I was so low levels of energy that I dreamt (and this is very unusual thing have to admit, for all of my life, even when this fact I'm saying right now from the dream was true, because I am including when I was a little kid, though obviously the oniric sublimation did have some other form, it was all more abstract, but quite True and Intense, even in Dreams) that I had such a little pennis. Yes! Quite wave And the most wave to me is that I was so Tired, even for all of the dream that I can remember (nothing making feel bad, very normal routinary dream, like doing things while thinking of You from the real physic distance this time) this did not matter at all to me Smile Laughing Razz Laughing Smile
Well, in the morning, like in "Big", for "big" Smile Laughing Razz Laughing Smile ; I made my own instant comproving for safety and calm... lol! Embarassed Laughing
Adored, Adored!!
flower love smiley flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeFri Jan 30, 2015 6:24 pm

Hi Good Cool Coodness!!
cheers Smile Razz flower Razz Smile cheers

This is criminal but I have to admit that me, one of the biggest examples of asocial for the last 25 years, I mean me geek Laughing Smile it's Much More Calm and Easy on a day like this than any other one when Totally Focused in Work and Think for himself.
Smile Laughing Razz Laughing Smile

I am quite wave about this. I have been on the charge of the administrative caring of the event (on Prevention, for and from All Caring, of generic risks at work) Good. The one at the door, the one telling things to all coming, some easy instructions, the one making all coming back after the pause for coffee (this was the funniest, remembering me, Sorry me just funny!, of some situation where I was the dog geek Laughing Razz ) and more social things and so Good.
I Do Need my Time on my own Focusing Hard because this is so Important. The event from today just marked how Good I've Been Developing myself, just into Normal (nothing big to get admired, just Easy into the normal). I'm not judging, from deepest concepts of nature and psycology of my own, anything social. Just going fine on it, and it's working, as it used to do till my twenties and some more.
I've been talking with many People, but I'd Like to talk about the one, a little longer than the usual time of almost all others, I shared with a nuclear physicist. Some academic, some philosophy and the nuclear fision ("Fisión" in spanish, I think it's written the same but not sure, for this translating now). She's so convinced about Goodness from it, though all technologic problems this means by now, for the rendiment of energy, the supporting structures... It was Nice and Funny.
And well, here we're going on.
I think today's night not coming, probably. Tomorrow yes. Taking the weekend for rest and study and some fun Good.
Seeing later and Always, Loving!!
cheers flower cheekey smiley love smiley cheekey smiley flower cheers
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeSun Feb 01, 2015 7:04 pm

Hi Good Times!
cheers tongue smiley flower tongue smiley cheers

Here we're going Well.
FOCUSED and Easy Doing. Tremendous perspectives for the Good from this.
Have to share that (I'm so funny with these things! Laughing geek Smile ) I am going to only write introduction (finishing today) and conclusions from historic critic. It's just that I don't need the prologue, for the good narration, because the introduction is having substance enough, more than I thought, and the same conclusions are having more of it too, on a quite global perspective. This way it's easier to be read. And this is a principle.
And have to say Everybody, on these New Nice Times, that thogh I may get a little desillusioned when I may see my book is not getting a best selling status because of the interest beyond the sea; I'll not get angry or disturbed at all. True!
Now some resting, and after some Task.
Seeing later, now and Forever Well, Loving Goodness!
cheers flower cheekey smiley love smiley cheekey smiley flower cheers

ps: I can understand some, or many, people up there could think I was a demon or something, because of the hurting inside since the 22th year of mine; because they associated the pain to the paying by evilness and hate. All these people were wrong from the very first time, but I am not angry with them at all either. They were just mistaken. That's All. All of the rest is normal history of human nature. We're Improving it, that's for Sure! Here We Go!
cheers sunny hasi flower hasi sunny cheers
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeTue Feb 03, 2015 10:04 am

Hello Good Time,

how are things. Those Beautiful Pictures, whatever the mood, are such True Sources of Visual Joy! cheekey smiley bounce
Here, Spain, Europe, it is coming a very cold weather front, polar one. Temperatures 6 or 8 degrees celsius, minims, under the usual levels. And snow, in many places of Spain, at 0 m over the sea level. It's orange alert time, announced by authorities.
But Here I can see very Nice Light from the Sun, and not much cold. We'll keep on seeing.
Quite Focused, Quite Focused for the Tasking.
Wanted to comment something. Yesterday's night I could watch on TV Very Good TV Program, presented by one of the senior member of TV, Ramon Colom. Good!
There was a talk among 3 Ladies writers and a Lady psychriatist. About the game of personalities and about the limits of the pathology.
I'm afraid to have to say that the actual state of psycrhiaty makes me remember the vision of a two dimensions cercle painted on a plane (ideal ways, there's always a very little part of highness, but well we're talking on theoric terms) before the three dimensions.
Medicine for the brain, in last two decades has proved to be very useful, for some cases, and not that much for many other ones. This systematic and logic vision, as the rule for the judgement... It is so epistemologically poor.
And, how we can be so sure about all, "sentando cátedra" for each time, if by now we don't even understand how our brain does work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe in 50 years, if my saying gets some understanding and some publicity through the years (I'm almost totally sure this is happening when I've died, if ever happens), those big and closed sentences from very clear prejudged sphere of theorical reality and learning, someway, will be able to get better levels for the understanding of human, global terms, where I'm, Obviously, including the mind.
Beside this point, I Had a Very Good and Formative Time!
flower love smiley flower

And, well, going to Task. Have Good Day on the Loving Good!
Later (or before if some idea to say; how can I come before than later, if this is the present? scratch wave Laughing ) some more talk Nice for Good on Goodness.
action smiley tongue smiley
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeWed Feb 04, 2015 6:04 pm

Razz flower Razz

I'm not changing the title. It's OK. I explain it on the introduction.
Going quite Well.
The Vanity balls were Tremendous taste.
Some covers (legs on) are the epythomatic concept of the bad taste and lack of empathy, mixed with some lack of knowledge and a little piece of evil. But I'm not "killing" anybody for this. I think, by now, that if that was the properly answering for each time something like this happens, I'd end alone in this planet!
Laughing Smile Razz

You don't know a damn about the Private Living of People, guys. A symbolic "fostio" (the same ways you're using) from here. And well, to all others bringing "peace" and "good feelings" to this world.
My Best Wishes, I SWEAR!
flower love smiley flower

This continued attacking has bringed me so much Peace inside. I'm talking about me ending this solitary type. Because I was not, when I was younger person. I mean, I was different, but for many times I did like good other People company. I guess it was and it is not all because of my fault. This is such a Beautiful Source to the Sense on myself to me.
And I'm very easy doing.
Coming later for a while. Today editing the introduction, and starting the two parts.
Ah, only one think more. About the connection I talked about, between "to know" and "to think", this is, on the both ways of study I said, by the notion of "understanding".
See in a while, Loving. Brooke, I'm a Good Person, Equilibrated. I've got my Conscience so Calm about it, whatever it may be said.
And, now all I said before appart (though there're obvious human and existential connections), it's not possible there's People and Children Dying for the hunger or the cold, or suffering unhuman terms for it. Big Enterprises with their BENEFITS, INCREASING YEAR BY YEAR, DAY BY DAY, HOUR BY HOUR...
It's like killing. And it's a True Source for losing my mind, when I Think and Feel it in the Deep.
But, well, as I said, We're Here for Making as Much as it's Possible and a little more. But those miracles... I can UNFORTUNETELY do nothing.
I Just Can Study and Translate my Thoughts about Equality, Freedom, Love and Peace.
flower love smiley flower

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeThu Feb 12, 2015 10:17 am

Smile Razz flower Razz Smile

What a Beautiful Tremendous Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow I vow and bet this is transcennding the net!
And what a BEAUTIFUL Pictures.
Even though (I guess this is it, for the picture) now cells are only for calls geek ,
Smile Laughing Razz Laughing Smile
I am actually Shocked for the Beauty of the Face, the Facts and the Body.
cheers cheekey smiley flower cheekey smiley cheers

And I had some rest Good. I was reading yesterday's night some from Ortega y Gasset. It's not actual but a Classic. A couple of essays from him.
I'm taking things easy till the next week, but I'll be thinking about the Developing of those 12 points, or well, 13 if You prefer it (Pictures... Smile action smiley Razz ).
Those Events, Gala Amfar and other Ones on that wave, I Do Agree are Important. We All, the whole World, Need More Ones from More People Able to Be in, from All Around the World.
Going to task, quite Focused and Inspired, so Very Tremendously Much, on the Loving!!
flower cheers cheekey smiley love smiley cheekey smiley cheers flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeThu Apr 16, 2015 10:03 am

Hi!! Razz Exclamation cheers

I'm sorry, it's Family but it's also Too Much Delicious to Shocked cheekey smiley and to the Heart; then I'm Speechless.
Smile geek :action smiley wave cheers hasi

I've got some ideas -I could Spend the whole day Looking at those Pictures while Listening to some Instrumental and Beautifully harmonized Music, so True- that later I'm sharing, for completing what I said yesterday, because there was a point who needs to be developed, about the difference in intuitive "abduction" between conceptual knowledge from science and from philosophy.
I'll add some comment about what I think it's some very solid fundament about the origen of our type of knowledge. To Read is not only Good for Learning but also for thinking, and I read something that made me think. And I want to make clear some points I honestly think aren't about conceptions on this subject from some Authors. The structures of our thinking are much more determined than some Great Ones, as Schrodinger, p.e., may think.
later some easy nice sharing.
On a State of Adoration that I don't even know if that's possible today wave Smile action smiley
flower cheers cheekey smiley sunny hasi love smiley hasi sunny cheekey smiley cheers flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2015 11:26 am

Smile Razz flower Razz Smile

Came for a moment for saying something Important to me.
(I am Working, also, Well).
I have been posting and watching Bruce Lee Videos.
It's the Expression of my selfsecurity about not only my skills as biologic/intellectual/spiritual human, on the doing and on what's sure not doing. This is nothing new to me, since I remember; but it's probably new to many (it's also very possible, probable, many still do not believe). I posted for this, as long as I think I've actually proved the most important of the person who I am.
That's all. Quite Calm and Peace in the inside.
The Video on Bruce Philosophy is Tremendous, his Thinking.
1) Individuality on Freedom. There're as many martial styles as people are practising them. There can be doctrines, less or more homologued, but there will always be Persons, Born Free to Legitim Expressivity (Legal + Moral) of Body, Soul, Mind and Heart.
2) Honesty on the Expressivity, beyond each concept of vanity, which is flattering but not only mistaken but also the way of losing your true own essence to yourself, not only to others.
3) Get your Mind Empty, be Water... Classic.

About 2), for many times my vanity took me to many kind of expressions and ways of doing it, the expressivity line. Maybe I was angry, but it was not only that much; I was firm defending my supposed (to myself) status and, also, splashing around my supposed (to myself) most attractive skills.
About 3), beyond the physical fighting/dance moves, this is the True Essence I Do Always Try to do by my own philosophic reason working, Searching for the true keys for each issue and subject, existential problems to solve and to explain, at last (the knowing is such an intimistic part of our nature; because it's connected always to the feeling, and because it's like a pulsion that can be expressed and manifested by many ways and fields -and this last character is completely connected to the first).

flower love smiley flower

Good Working Good, Good Days!
Love Brooke for Always True!! action smiley
tongue smiley flower Razz cheers love smiley cheers Razz flower tongue smiley
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeTue Jun 02, 2015 10:01 am

This is totally out of any kind of competition. Just feet following sounds, and some tongue smiley meaning for the thinking behind, for fun.
The springtime... Memories from my old times on some re-creation... wave hasi Smile
By Fine Nice Inspiration! (for going further than "plates") (for the not movil motor) (Tremendous; and, also, the moto, The accident determining big part of my temperament I know) cheekey smiley Razz (for Love!!)
study tongue smiley party smiley Razz
flower cheers love smiley cheers flower

ps: I was Feeling specially childish and good humored and moved.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2015 9:10 am

Hi Very Big Good Morning How are things Going!!
Smile Razz cheers flower cheers Razz Smile

Going well, quite Focused and Calm.
The Loving is not bad either.
Big Hug!!
I see, for the way I'm developing the task essay that is done as big effort for each specific subject-chapter, as some going deeper into previous concepts that I'm developing more and more and into the whole Sense of the essay; for the way, I was saying, I'm developing, each phase of a complete chapter, to my brain, it is something like running a marathon. Muscles need a minimus time for recovering, depending on the person, training level... The same happens to me, though the rest (marathonians do the same) is not purely passive, and it's useful not only for itself but also for entering the principle of the next subject.
Brain quite depurated, intellectually cleaned from last efforts. Anyway, everything actually it is done by caring, from the experience I've got on these things, actually.
Loving Forever!!
flower cheers sunny Idea cheekey smiley hasi love smiley hasi cheekey smiley Idea sunny cheers flower
action smiley tongue smiley
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeMon Jun 08, 2015 3:19 pm

Hi, Coming with Good News about the Tasking.
It's not only I've got brain intellectually roaring again, but also some determined fixed point for developing.
I mean. As I was talking, there's more than pure conceptuality, in the biologic human brain. This is what Authors as Schopenhauer Explained.
He talked about morals, but he did not do it to the level of wideness this needs.
Kierkegaard did, as 2nd stadium for the integrated selfconscience.
On my own ways of explanation, I'm presenting the same ideas from both of them, but actualized.
There's this sense of "cenestesia", etc, purely biologic animal as Prove from an Integral Reason about things happening around are not a cartesian dream. This Reason, Complete, "talks" to us, and it's a True Source for and from an Intellectual Certainty, at once.
Also, there's the Empathy. Which is something biologic too and the physical support for Ethics. The importance of it is the same Kierkegaard said.
This last one is, at once too, for the selfconscience and for the conscience of "the other". And both, also, as I've been commeting today in previous posts, can Never be Separated, to Human.
Big Brooke Hug Kind Good Fine!!
flower cheers sunny cheekey smiley love smiley cheekey smiley sunny cheers flower

ps: Today Did Work, and More. This Week is going to be "tremendous", for the Efforts and its Results.
Humble as Always, or "a bell for the ham", for becoming a Fine Soul All! Razz action smiley
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeTue Jun 09, 2015 5:38 pm

Smile Razz cheers flower cheers Razz Smile

Truly, it does not disturb me at all, this subject action smiley ("hay gustos para todo", and now Only talking about my supposedly real attractive -New York at Night Knows Laughing geek scratch action smiley ).
The fact I've got my own moto does not mean I can not be thankful geek Smile Razz
Well, just some geek
Those Beautiful Videos, Covers and Dancing and All, are Gorgeous and Delightful to my Eyes.
Friendly Videos on geek too.
And those from or about You too!!
I Knew You had aristocratic filiation. OK. Good.
flower love smiley flower

Today finishing the preparation for the Essay. How lazy oh my goodness.
But I have to do it.
I Know what my heart and my "heads" want and think about (yes Mad scratch hasi ), but I'm on a Task that I Have to Finish Well and the Best Possible.
And I am Doing it.
Good Very Big Hug, later another Hugging Post. Now more task.
flower cheers cheekey smiley hasi love smiley hasi cheekey smiley cheers flower

ps: the comments like one I did today on Kierkegaard. I think it's Important to Share things like this; but I Have to Get Focused in the Sense on the Itinerary of the essaying.
Many things at once, but well, I guess it's Possible.
party smiley hasi party smiley
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeFri Jun 12, 2015 10:24 am


I know (not personal references and not talking about Persons Here) there will be People who will Laughing at this Methodes.
But this is FUNDAMENTAL to the Future. This Specific Type I Shared or any other One Similar.
Development of the Emotional-Social Existentiality, from the inputs of the Methode to the inside and for the inner focusing and selfawareness of the whole existential dimension of oneself, and from this to the outside as output, that's Improving the Convivency for Sure, and the Health of All.
And, Important, this is All Supported and Designed by Scientists, not for merely intuitive Hearted People. They Are Too, Really; but Also They Have Studied so Much the Scientistic Vision of these things (it's Proved Methode it's also Making a Better Intellectual Rendiment of Kids).
As I've Always sayd, the Symbolic System of our Minds is a Filter for All entering it; and this Symbolic System is Cultural, Truly.
And the Culture is so Improvable!
We All have had experiences that bring us to Nerves Up. Families, Work, Social Life... And We All had Learnt a very specific culture of the immediate and material satisfaction, only focused in the pure superficiality of our existences, made as a quick and non stopping process that, in fact, can never be a source of true personal satisfaction. Because this process it's only creating anxiety for more and more, with non stop in Mind and Heart. On this way (Totally Dominant on these days) Personal Fulfillment and Peace are Impossible. And if we're not feeling it, how can we expect Society Get Better Ways for the Living of All. Making Laws is not the only solution, it's not enough.
flower love smiley flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeMon Jun 15, 2015 5:13 pm

Smile flower Smile

Hi How are things!
A really moved day. I was telling the Truth, I'll write and opened letter for when I die, if things around my real life -well known, nobody is stupid till getting this levels- do not change fast, I Swear I'll Do, with Names and All.
And, about People who I Know could not do anything for Solving this I'm talking about -Innocent at that thing!-, those Pictures from whosay are Really Cute and Motivationally Friendly.
God Bless!
flower love smiley flower

Tomorrow will not be coming at first time in the morning. I've Got TERRIFIC CONCENTRATION TO GET FOR TASK.
I'll come at last hour in the morning, as I think I'm doing from now on.
Good Hug, Friendly, Loving!!
flower love smiley flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeTue Jun 23, 2015 1:17 pm

Hi, Good Goodness!!
Smile Razz flower Razz Smile

Going fine, the resting of mind by the walk, opened air and the sun carefully.
Lumbars better though not perfectly.
One ball yesterday and for some times the curving the back till being able to handle the weight of the body by the hands on both knees while breathing deep, were good remedies. Almost totally OK today this too.
And the rest of things Here I Do Find quite tongue smiley Razz cheekey smiley
Yes I (and every part of me Smile Laughing Razz Laughing Smile ) Really Like You!!
God Bless on the Going on and Up!
You're Very Loved!!
flower cheers sunny cheekey smiley hasi love smiley hasi cheekey smiley sunny cheers flower

ps: now Task, later coming easy well fine action smiley
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeThu Jun 25, 2015 2:32 pm

Good and Beautiful, the Morning is!!
cheers tongue smiley flower tongue smiley cheers

Oh my Adoration of Mine, when I make Memory upon those Pictures of the Day...
Fortunetely I've got a big amount of nice hormones from the rethinking about the "finished" Tasky work of the Day geek Razz Smile
Both sentences are True!! But maybe the first More.
But what's being told by it?
Here's an example (only coming to mind after writing it, not premeditated, True; but now for going on the Sweetnes and, also, for some Useful Sharing too) upon all I've been saying about the language and not only about it but also about the same natural and innate constitution of our human mind. Its limits are so Functional (in this case, for Expressing) and, for so many times, so Beautiful.
Just in case You may did not know, Lady Heaven, I Adore You action smiley
Taking the rest of the morning (today a little longer for compensation of clocking times, normal, but not very much) less or more easy on the side of "big" deep thinking.
You so Beautiful!!
And this is containing the Meaning of so many things! action smiley
flower cheers sunny cheekey smiley love smiley cheekey smiley sunny cheers flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

New Era Posts on the Good Times! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Era Posts on the Good Times!   New Era Posts on the Good Times! Icon_minitimeSun Jun 28, 2015 8:25 pm

Hi, now the text.  The Most Actualized from me.  Though essay is going to be much better writen and more properly developed as justifying of Sense, I think it's Interesting and Helping.  For this, and for some pulling for Help, I'm sharing it.

"Parece que el gran psiquiatra y psicólogo Carl Jung sostenía que la madurez psíquica es una función de la relación vivencial y cognitiva del sujeto con el Absoluto.
Y qué es eso del Absoluto.
En el "juego de lenguaje" (como diría Wittgenstein) de la filosofía histórica, el Absoluto se corresponde habitualmente con el Ser.
Pero hay una relación necesaria entre ambos conceptos?  Y cuando digo necesaria me refiero a alguna clase de logicidad semántica-conceptual, no terminológica, como sucede en la contraposición de significados mentales entre vacío y lleno, por ejemplo, como antónimos coesenciales.
La apertura hacia lo transcendente hacia el Absoluto se da como vía al Ser, entiendo; aunque semánticamente no exista una implicación de necesidad entre los conceptos (absoluto=lo ilimitado, lo que sólo se necesita a sí mismo; frente al Ser, que es algo aún mucho más complicado de "definir";algo que trato en parte de llevar a cabo ahora mismo).
Como señala Heidegger: el Ser lo inunda todo, todo es Ser.  Nada puede hacerse o decirse por el ser humano sin la presencia metafísica del Ser.
Por qué?
Porque creo que el Ser es una proyección transcendental (no en sentido kantiano) de nuestra psique, existente y autoconsciente, que se transciende a sí misma y, también, a todo lo positivizado; como Sentido, en dicho contexto cognitivo-existencial (como ya dije, el Sentido metafísico impregna las mentes "positivas" de todo científico, lo quieran admitir o no).  Y el Ser es el culmen, el horizonte inaprensible pero apreciable, en algún modo, de lo Absoluto, de la base última de todo.
Por qué el yo autoconsciente se proyecta como Ser?
Porque es su consubstancialidad.
Includo Descartes, aunque erróneamente, parte de ahí: "cogito ergo sum".
Pero, como sabemos, ahí existe un error conceptual fundamental.  Ser es distinto de pensar.  Pensar, sólo implica, en un sentido lógico-conceptual la existencia de un ser que piensa.  Nada más; y por eso es una tautología, a la que subyace el monopolio metafísicamente significativo del Ser.
Qué cosa, qué calidad se añade al pensar, respecto de los atributos necesarios para la conformación de una concreta manifestación del Ser, como es el hombre/mujer?
Por lo que sabemos (mi ensayo es clave al respecto) y lo que sentimos, el Sentir y la intuición instintiva.
Sentimos con certeza que existimos, pero esto no puede explicarse racional o conceptualmente.  Es una sensación natural y, paradójicamente (respecto de las doctrinas filosóficas clásicas), una noción metafísica para nuestra razón intelectual o cartesiana.  También sentimos que razonamos, en igual medida y con idénticas implicaciones.
No existe una línea de discontinuidad entre ambas nociones, sentir y pensar, sobre todo cuando estamos reflexionando conscientemente sobre aquéllas, como ahora.
Qué supone esta dualidad indisociable genéticamente, que se halla global y transversalmente asociada a todos los procesos mentales conscientes (y, en forma parecida, aunque con las necesarias matizaciones, en los subconscientes -no inconscientes, aprovechando la clásica terminología de Freud)?
Pues supone que la empatía natural forma parte de todo.  En la práctica y en la teorización racional.
La transcendencia existencial y racional del Ser no puede darse excluyentemente respecto de este principio.
En primer lugar, porque el yo siempre conlleva un trasfondo existencial del otro.  Siempre, por imperativo natural.
En la búsqueda innata de la transcendencia, como pulsión cognitiva (recordemos dos puntos claves: a) los saltos "conceptuales" de nuestros ancestros por la supervivencia, covariación permanente del rendimiento biológico y b) la necesidad de un marco de significado abierto para la posibilidad del pensamiento racional/conceptual) y como apertura proempática de amor al prójimo como "coparticipante" de la vida en el doble nivel afectivo-biológico y de transcendencia al Ser común; se da el tránsito existencial del Ser y lo Absoluto para el ser humano.
Los dos caracteres descritos (pulsión cognitiva transcendente y apertura afectivo-empática al otro) son, en realidad, por simple estudio comparativo con los animales (y por estudio ontogenético de comparación de especies evolutivamente más próximas, como los simios, y antes los monos...) representan lo cualitativa y esencialmente humano.  De forma que cuanto más desarrollados se hallen ambos, más cercanos nos hallaremos a nuestra natualeza más propia y diferencial en términos de seres biológicos y transcendentes que están situados en la escala de la Creación.
Esa concepción representa la substancia de lo humano (en términos ético-morales) y del humanismo (en el sentido sociocultural histórico clásico).  
Cuando esa experimentación vital y cognitiva que nos toca llevar a cabo como seres humanos carece del adecuado fundamento ético-cognitivo, da lugar a narraciones de Sentido que pueden resultar perversas respecto de la significación última del Ser, del Absoluto, o de lo Divino.
Esta creación narracional es cultural, pero requiere de una implicación activa del sentido individual por y de lo ético y lo racional, como aspecto crítico constructivo esencial de lo que supone ser humano.  Esto es, requiere del ejercicio pleno de la libertad interior, en el sentido más global posible.
Cuando algunos médicos, en una época histórica-temporal en que no se podían a ver todavía coaccionados por la acción del III Reich, adoptaron gravísimas medidas de eugenia o eutanasia, entre otras; ¿lo hacían por una carencia genética interna propia respecto de lo que he explicado en relación a los límites potenciales de la transcendencia del Sentido; o por razones educativas y culturales de su contexto académico e histórico de formación profesional y como ciudadanos?
Es imposible dar una respuesta cierta.
Lo único que es seguro es que la conducta cultural del hombre se nutre de modelos, que funcionan como extrapolaciones subjetivas de uno mismo, reflejadas en el espejo del Sentido existencial; el cual es una construcción continuada y sin fin, creada a partir de la cultura, la educación y la libertad (y la cultura de la libertad interior plena, lo que requiere más cultura y educación).
Ciertamente, el gran mal del hombre/mujer moderno es la ausencia de un Sentido existencial.  Todos los discursos al respecto han sido deconstruidos hasta el último ladrillo conceptual, sin que todavía nadie se haya atrevido a alzar la voz contra el positivismo monista o el relativismo escéptico y cínico.
Una vez se han cruzado todas las barreras conceptuales que ha derribado nuestra tradición cultural, no es posible empezar desde cero; sino que es preciso empezar donde la falsa y superficial (por insuficiente, reduccionista o perversa; o todo a la vez) deconstrucción teórica acabó, tomando todo lo de bueno y significativo que hubiese podido quedarse en el camino.
Enfermedades como muchos transtornos obsesivo-compulsivos, neurosis o depresiones; pueden hallar un gran ámbito de respuesta en el Sentido natural, transcendente y racional de la espiritualidad inclusiva y moral.
Para ello se precisa de la tolerancia y de ser educados en ella; pero, también, de la comprensión y vivencia de todo lo que he expuesto.
Y, cómo no, por supuesto, también, de un ordenamiento jurídico nacional e internacional adecuado, ejercido y aplicado sabia y ecuánimemente por los operadores designados al objeto de su salvaguarda, así como de los derechos que aquél debe consagrar.
He aquí un esbozo muy sintético de una visión de Sentido por el futuro de la Humanidad.  No hay ninguna opción emotiva en su significado, si tenemos en cuenta que casi todos los seres humanos consideran que, en algún modo o grado, son distintos de la mera animalidad ejercida por el dominio y la supervivencia".
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