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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 22, 2014 12:11 pm

 Smile flower Smile 

I do know there're other positions where the most noted part of the Embraced Body is not "the two backs", as dual figure in one, but that's a matter for the midnight talks.
 Smile Razz Smile 

I am coming from little going to the outside, under trees largest part of time. No, no, walks at this time of the year. Yesterday, already night but under daylight, I went, and Felt so Good.
One thing, ice (I've got special pieces for this, the most recommendable) for inflamed tendons (tendinitis) is so Good. Experimented good improvements. Shared.
Well, not Philosophy thoughts, but something  Smile  Later saying some thing, Easy terms.
See in a while, going to Task. Good Loving!
 flower  cheers  cheekey smiley  hasi  love smiley  hasi  cheekey smiley  cheers  flower 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 23, 2014 9:20 am


Good morning.
Yesterday, unusually in comparisson with my actual behaviour for last years, I did let my instincts and my emotions flew up in a connection quite  wave 
It will not happen ever again. You have my word!
Only one thing to say about yesterday, and nothing else. I can Always listen to any name and I have not a simple little problem. The context in that place was the key for disturbing me, and, also, some intention I think I did perceive (confirmated by other names following later that were changing lyrics of songs). This very specific moment and human context asides, I HAVE NOT A SIMPLE PROBLEM WITH ANY NAME  action smiley 
 flower love smiley flower 

Well, as I said, I let instincts and emotions dominated yesterday a too big part of my brain because of obvious reaons (they're posted  Laughing cheekey smiley wave ), and because I am an human person going, with a too much good memory and a too much connective mind, I'd have to add (not helping at all for some things).
Today starting over again.
Today Babies are coming!  cheers party smiley 
And going to share something about Studies. Knowing I can Help quite enough, and Wanting to do it, whatever the situation of the world or may be. Maybe for that. And maybe, also, in any case, for me too.
See in a while and Always!
 flower cheers love smiley cheers flower 

ps: Truly Wishing that Story Telling Book Gets the Best Selling status, and that have a warm receiving by critics and by All.
 action smiley Razz 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 28, 2014 2:19 pm

 Smile flower Smile 

It was not a virtual hunting but, just better said, a Love caress.
Doing quite Delicately, but that happened because Human.
If I had to tell one characteristic or quality mine that could stand out compared to average of People, from my past, I'd just say "daydreamer".
The sweet melancholy of daydreaming, standing out more than any other thing, comparedly.
Yesterday I did take some time for it.
But no person (not "any person", as I think I did write: here is a philosophical discussion, because the "contrajemplo" -example in the opposite sense, did not find right word for this- could be discussed, because some way, we're all islands, connected) is an island.
And the more my deepest conscience Came Closer to the Living, the more I Learnt to Dedicate more and more time to other things that are much more Useful, for me and for other People.
 flower cheers love smiley cheers flower 
 action smiley 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 29, 2014 2:57 pm

 Smile flower Smile 

Only for a moment, about last Text I read (so fast, have to add  Laughing Smile Embarassed ). Have to say that now I'm normalizing my reading rhythm again.
Saul Kripke. “Identidad y necesidad”
Kripke trata de superar los conceptos, y sus correspondientes problemas, relativos a la referencia descriptiva. Las teorías descritas en comentarios anteriores, todas, se refieren a esta última, con las consiguientes controversias descritas en torno a la delimitación de las descripciones como medio de referencia, en sentido fregeano.
El autor busca una situación teórica ideal en que poder explicar la “referenciación”, directa y más allá de los problemas planteados. Para ello, primero procede a diferenciar entre descripciones existenciales necesarias y descripciones existenciales contingentes. Son las primeras las que le interesan, por ello elabora una casuística con que delimitar el ámbito de cada una.
Antes de entrar definitivamente en ello, no obstante, y como elemento explicativo fundamental, se refiere al carácter no sinónimo de los términos “a priori” y “necesario”, tan habitualmente usados de forma indistinta por muchos filósofos. Kripke explica que lo apriorístico es lo que se puede conocer de forma previa a la experiencia, mientras que lo necesario es, diferentemente, aquello que el verdadero (o falso) y que sólo puede ser de tal forma. Se observa como esta definición última (y basta ver el título del artículo de Kripke también) va unida a la de descripción existencial necesaria. Porque son éstas las que también se refieren a la esencia, entendida como elemento determinante, en modo exhaustivamente decisivo (valga la expresión), de la identidad (de una persona, de un objeto: estamos en sede de la referencia).
En las descripciones existenciales necesarias, se da cuenta de una característica o rasgo descriptivo esencial que identifica de forma plena y precisa a cada sujeto objeto de referencia, en un sentido muy específico, además. Porque Kripke (a diferencia de los teóricos anteriores ya comentados) trabaja en un nuevo contexto, el de la lógica modal (distinta de la proposicional en que aún estaban situados los anteriores), la cual se refiere a las descripciones referenciales sobre el eje de un nuevo concepto: el de los mundos posibles. Con esto, quiero decir que para Kripke, el designador rígido (su forma de referirse a las descripciones existenciales necesarias) es aquél que precisa la referencia de un ser u objeto para todos los mundos posibles (imaginables y no imaginables; un mundo donde hayan pasado infinitas combinaciones fácticas, y en una multiplicidad infinita de grados posibles, distintas respecto de las que conocemos en nuestro mundo). Con sus ejemplos se puede entender mejor.
Franklin es el hombre que inventó los lentes bifocales, dice Kripke. Decir “el inventor de los lentes bifocales” no constituye un designador rígido de Benjamin Franklin, porque es posible que otra persona hubiera inventado (en otro mundo posible) dichos lentes, lo cual no obstaría, a su vez, para que Franklin siguiera siendo Franklin, en su esencia. Para el autor, necesitamos, en primer lugar, hallar un cirterio de identidad a través de los mundos posibles para poder determinar si un designador es rígido o no.
Por otra parte, Kripke trata de redefinir lo que supone el campo problemático de la epistemología y de la metafísica, respectivamente. El primero correspondería a la búsqueda de esa identidad, creo, mientras que el segundo correspondería a la naturaleza de esa identidad. En mi opinión, como intentaré explicar al final, no hay separación posible entre los dos campos, del mismo modo que no hay separación posible entre mente y cuerpo (algo, esto último, sobre lo que trata el autor de referencia en sus conclusiones finales).
El problema de circularidad que se plantea aquí, patente en los diversos autores, consiste en cómo hallar un criterio auténticamente cualitativo que delimite en modo pleno y absoluto la identidad del sujeto en cuestión; lo cual no es, valga la redundancia, cualitativamente distinto de la problemática citada y derivada de los artículos anteriores. La respuesta que da Kripke es la siguiente. Propone, en primer lugar, utilizar la expresión “situación contrafáctica”, en lugar de la de “mundos posibles”, para evitar los prejuicios teóricos derivados del contexto teórico previo a su propuesta. En segundo lugar, y esto es lo más importante, trata de mostrar cómo opera este mecanismo de necesidad. Para ello, utiliza (como en todos los casos) diversos ejemplos. De momento, me interesa citar el que se refiere a los números y la aritmética. En este sentido, Kripke dice que 3+3=6 en todos los mundos posibles. Porque aunque, supongamos, existiese un idioma alfanumérico en que, por ejemplo, se expresase lo que queremos expresar con “6” con cualquier otro símbolo; lo que queremos expresar no cambiaría. Esto, sin ir más lejos, en mi opinión, es exactamente lo que explica Russell (muy brevemente en su artículo, ciertamente, por lo que necesitaría más elementos de su teoría para pronunciarme con mayor seguridad) al referirse a los términos existenciales.
Para profundizar en una posible crítica a la tesis kripkeana es interesante traer a colación un último ejemplo, que en realidad es la contraposición de dos. Utiliza las oraciones: “el calor es el movimiento de las moléculas” y “el dolor se corresponde con un estado mental o neuronal determinado” (debo decir que esta última frase la he sintetizado yo mismo, con intención ilustrativa, a partir de varias similares que utiliza a lo largo del texto).
Para Kripke el primer enunciado se corresponde con un designador rígido. El calor y el movimiento de las moléculas, independientemente del nombre que demos a cada fenómeno físico, son sucesos fácticos mutuamente referenciales. Para perfilar su explicación, Kripke cita la posibilidad de ser invadidos por marcianos con un sistema neuronal y nervioso distinto del nuestro, hasta el punto de que puedan percibir el calor como nosotros percibimos el frío y viceversa. Ante tal situación contrafáctica, utilizando sus propios términos, Kripke manifiesta que no cambiaría en un ápice la descripción efectuada, y el carácter esencial de la definición, consecuentemente, tampoco.
En segundo lugar, el autor de referencia se refiere a la segunda oración. Para él se trata de un caso distinto. En su opinión, es posible imaginar, incluso, la existencia de un estado mental que no se corresponda con ningún estado neuronal; lo que, de acuerdo con el principio de que si es posible lo mayor, también es posible lo menor, justifica la opinión de que, en el supuesto de una situación de dolor, no hay forma de saber con certeza que siempre su reflejo en la mente será precisable en un mapa neuronal definido. Por este motivo, dice Kripke, se da una conexión contingente entre estado mental y dolor, lo que elimina la posibilidad de utilizar la proposición citada como otro tipo de descriptor definido. A esta explicación añade el hecho de que “dolor es dolor” y de que “estado neuronal es estado neuronal” corresponden , ahora sí, a otros tantos descriptores rígidos; en lo que parece un intento de reforzar su tesis.
Finalmente, todo ello de una forma muy resumida aquí, conecta lo anterior con la relación mente-cuerpo; y señala que no hay forma de demostrar que los estados mentales se identifican con estados físicos (mentales, o sea, neuronales). Lo cual le lleva a una posición en que él mismo considera haber desarrollado una teoría de carácter analítico óptima respecto de la explicación del lenguaje y de su imbricación con la realidad; la cual, sin embargo, pese a demostrar la no veracidad de la teoría de la identidad entre estados mentales y estados físicos, le conduce necesariamente a tener que admitir su propia incapacidad para decir nada más sobre la relación mente-cuerpo.
Mis conclusiones al respecto serían, sobre todo lo anterior, muy resumidamente recogido:
1º) Se produce un intento evidente de reforzamiento de la capacidad explicativa de la filosofía analítica frente a la filosofía de corte transcendental, de origen cartesiano, (no se hace referencia directa a ello, pero su diferenciación entre “a priori” y “necesidad”, así como su opción por este último como fundamento explicativo básico así lo demuestran), así como también frente a cualquier fisicalismo mental, dentro del mismo contexto de mente-cuerpo.
2ª) Creo que Kripke incurre en algún error al diferenciar entre los enunciados relativos, respectivamente, al calor y al dolor. No creo que su eliminación de lo apriorístico, como concepto explicativo implícitamente transcendental, zanje la discusión humeana sobre la causalidad física y el principio de inducción, esto es, la generalización de sucesos finitos en forma de fórmulas, leyes o enunciados generales. Sobre la base concreta de la experimentación y la investigación, no hay diferencia - al menos actualmente, pero creo que también en la época en que escribió su artículo- entre la explicación del calor y la de la experimentación mental del dolor. La problemática no es cualitativamente distinta. No veo cómo pueda serlo.
3ª) La superación del prejuicio “materialista-transcendental” sobre la relación mente-cuerpo, que, desde mi punto de vista, es la que condiciona el error que comento en el punto inmediatamente anterior, conduce a nuevas conclusiones sobre la relación entre la epistemología y la metafísica.
Como seguramente veremos en el próximo artículo de Hilary Putnam, aunque desde una perspectiva distinta, la epistemología condiciona la metafísica, y viceversa. Pero, y esto es muy importante, no lo hacen en el sentido convencionalista o relativista que plantean autores como Rorty, p.e., sino en un sentido estructural complejo, en el modo que, tan arduamente, he intentado explicar en todos mis textos anteriores."
 flower  love smiley  flower 

Very summary style, but I think some useful. Taking a look later for correcting all I see it's needed.
Not posting translation because last results did  Embarassed me, and as it's so Easy to do it by the internet, I'm leaving like that.
Coming in a while.
Loving so Very Much!!
 cheers flower cheekey smiley love smiley cheekey smiley flower cheers 
 action smiley 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 30, 2014 1:00 pm

 Smile flower Smile 

No, no much more to say.
"Just" that I Love You. Had I sayed it  scratch ? I don't remember. It's possible but I don't know... Cool 
 Smile Laughing Razz Laughing Smile 

flower See, Love, Adore, Hold!!  flower 
 cheers cheekey smiley love smiley cheekey smiley cheers 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 31, 2014 10:31 am

Hi!  flower 
 cheers Smile 

I had been thinking about differences between common names, as water, using Putnam example, and names as proper nouns (I found this in the internet dictionary as translation of "nombre propio").
By now, being sincere, have to admit I can not see epistemological relevance in this.
There're obvious consequences in grammar, in the same living, in emotivity, necessity or interests... I know that in Logic there're differences, but what I'm already sure about is that structurally there are no differences. I mean, nature of logical relations and structures do not change for that.
A proper noun designs an unity and a common name designgs a plurality of things with the same nature (extension).
Neuropsicologically, I do think the set "extension+characteristics included" and the set "proper noun+characteristics" get the status of concepts in mind the same way. The only relevant difference is that the first concept wants to "talk" about an identified person/animal/place/thing, the other one wants to "talk" about a plurality of one (or more) type of them. Obviously, this means consequences in the possible construction and treatment of sentences about them, but I do think this has no more consequences than the visible ones. There's not a hidden epistemological mistery in this classic duality. The nature of the cognitive recognising is not different either, I think.
I do think proper nouns are a natural consequence of evolution of mind and emotions of living beings: I mean, Affectivity for Differencing (and cognitive ability for doing it) the singular ones among others who may even share the same nature (same species of animal, p.e.). I think it's more a Subject about Affection than about Epistemological Ressorts to be answered.
 flower love smiley flower 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2014 12:56 pm

 Razz flower Razz 

I'm posting again, only because some little edition of last text.
Inocencia semántica y situaciones no comprometidas. John Perry y John Barwise
La pérdida de la inocencia semántica en la filosofía del lenguaje, explican los autores, se remonta a Frege, con su afirmación de que la referencia de las proposiciones es su valor de verdad (y nada más).
Este carácter de generalidad abstracta es criticada en el texto, y se expone que la conformidad con dicha tesis fregeana es la razón principal de la opacidad de las oraciones de relativo que señala Quine (=indefinición respecto a los posibles valores de verdad en las potenciales combinaciones proposicionales en general, al fin).
En el texto se diferencia entre enunciados, interpretación y evaluación. Es este último punto, la evaluación, donde suceden los aspectos claves que se traen a colación aquí. Remontándose al artículo (ya comentado) de Donellan, en que se diferencia entre los usos referencial (reservada para cosas y objetos específicos) y atributivo (propio de las expresiones genéricas del lenguaje: un alguien un algo) del lenguaje.
Los autores creen que la clave de las respuestas a los problemas planteados por Frege y Donellan, entre muchos otros, se halla no en otros mundos posibles (al menos, en su mayor parte) sino en éste. El hecho fundamental es que la identidad lógica entre proposiciones, dada en enunciados con idénticos valores de verdad, prescinde de la carga evaluativa del lenguaje respecto de contextos y situaciones específicas. Éste es el problema por el cual Quine, por ejemplo, se pierde en la supuesta opacidad de las oraciones-contenido de otras (recuerdo que, en mis propias palabras, ya expliqué algo parecido en el breve comentario que compartí); la desconexión respecto de las situaciones contextuales específicas, que sólo pueden evaluarse en clave del uso referencial (en terminología de Donellan) del lenguaje.
El lenguaje tiene que ver con el mundo, y por ello no sólo es un conjunto de proposiciones y enunciados junto a sus respectivas relaciones lógicas-gramaticales, sino que también se refiere, en modo esencial y fundamental, a las situaciones y a las relaciones múltiples entre las también múltiples y diversas situaciones del mundo. Prescindir de ello, de esta imbricación natural y necesaria entre lenguaje y realidad especificada, es la causa de la pérdida de la inocencia semántica, para Perry y Barwise; aunque hay que reconocer que, en su sabiduría, al final del texto mantienen abierta la puerta a investigaciones de otro tipo (me refiero a los "mundos posibles", objeto de estudio tan en boga en su época), aunque se decanten netamente por su propia teoría como principio y como marco de investigación básicos".
 flower love smiley flower 

ps: now, a little better and clearer written. For Sharing, All, with All, but Dedicating Efforts to You!!  action smiley 
 party smiley cheekey smiley hasi cheekey smiley party smiley 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 06, 2014 3:40 pm

 Smile (slowly)  party smiley (slowly)  Smile 

The Forum is SLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Laughing Smile Razz action smiley 

Truly, it did Feel Good to my precious ejection of...
What were you all thinking about!
 Smile Laughing Razz Laughing Smile 

Now talking true, it did not feel bad, though I was not that much "in-tensed"
 geek Laughing Smile 

Stupidities of mine. Being Fine.
Coming later for a little and calm while. If I can pot before going to sleep, please!
 Smile action smiley 

Really, really, talking true, I have worked fine with no anxiety for not being able to post in a good while.
I'm Psicologically Much Better, from the Beginning, than many of You (tempted to say "think are able to say") have thought.
I Do Accept Friendly  action smiley 
I'm Happy and Feel Good.
I think I'll have to say a couple of things ( Smile Laughing Razz ) about that Article.
Important. Difficult but Important.
Well, See in a while and for All of the Time, Loving!!
 flower cheers cheekey smiley hasi love smiley hasi cheekey smiley cheers flower 

ps: All I Feel for Person Forum is so Pure in the core of my Heart, so Pure and Good (and I don't think peripheral is that bad either  Smile  Laughing  Razz  Laughing  Smile ; just Trying some Good And Nice Hearted Fun) . It's so Beautiful!!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 20, 2014 6:04 pm

 Smile flower Smile 

I talked about my mind training results for Happy Sharing, Optimistic about the Future. There was a little part of ego there. Anyway, I'm on 1'81 m well stretched and "shoed", so...
 Smile Laughing Razz Laughing Smile 

Well, also getting better my calf muscle, pausedly and quiet improving.
The problem about my proved improving is the Responsability about my Task and my Results. I've got no way out about that. I've got true wills for the start. Pure Work.
Smile Wink This place is Joy's!  Wink Smile 
God Bless!
And Always on the Loving, Heartfelt!!
 flower cheers cheekey smiley hasi love smiley hasi cheekey smiley cheers flower 
 action smiley 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu Aug 21, 2014 2:00 pm

 Smile flower Smile 

Came for the One, Good Time!
How are things.
I've been working (and for some moment laughing while remembering all I've been doing for last days, have to admit, how  geek to me it is -  Laughing Smile Razz ).
You're Always the Prettiest and Most Beautiful to me, I Think You really Know, actually it by now.
But those "not dry" dreams...
My "backconscience" was influenced by circumstances from the real world, and it got expressed by the dream.
I Love You!! action smiley 
 flower cheers party smiley hasi cheekey smiley love smiley cheekey smiley hasi cheers flower 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 25, 2014 1:23 pm

Smile flower Smile

And how is it possible, if he's so Angry about so many things, and he's got such a big memory for remembering all from last years (noises have been enduring for years too), he's still coming. Anybody could ask.
Just because I'm not coming for paternalists, offenders or dominators. I'm Sharing my Thinking with More People. And for them I'm coming for the Sharing.
I'm Looking at You All really Shocked ; my inner glance for Life, since I remember, and I guess that's for all of the time.
God Bless! Razz action smiley
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 27, 2014 9:34 am

Smile flower Smile

Nice Pictures and Videos Here around. Good Day for it.
News from the World do sound a little better than usual today too.
Here we Go!
flower love smiley flower

Going Fine Here. And Seeing later and Always Smile cheers Loving!
cheers flower love smiley flower cheers
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 05, 2014 1:32 pm

Smile flower Smile

Needed some permission for some tramitation before public administration. Fine and Easy.
How Adorable these Pictures of You. On the "bucket" those Eyes are Speaking affraid ( Razz ), How Beautiful They Are.
Not much talky, talky me today.
This week I did take some mental rest from hard thinking (You know me... Laughing Smile ), and I think it did work. Needed. Anyway, I do have to do the doctorate. Because it's Necessary, accepting the social conventions. I have to be realistic and don't expectd too much from it. I mean, the original (so much wanted from me, the true way for taking off for Real Better as Difference -yesterday Watched for a while, again, "Una mente maravillosa", that anxiety of Mr. Nash for making an Original, I do Admit Here it was Real in me too) can not come from doctorating, though it must obviously bring some new thing from investigations. So, I am not going to be mr. "lentorro" (=slower than turtles) for making it. I'll Do Good, as any other normal one, using all possibilities I do have. After it, it will come the time for Original.
I Know it. Prepare for Working (while making the official part, I know I'll not be able to totally close my evolutioning mind, it will all be a connected thing for good on time).
Seeing in a while and Forever, Brooke Shields, I Love You More. You so Adorable that I can Only:
party smiley party smiley party smiley party smiley party smiley party smiley party smiley cheekey smiley Smile action smiley

ps: substitution of bound by hug of Love!!
cheers hasi cheers
flower cheers hasi love smiley hasi
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 08, 2014 10:15 am


I'm going to get a really bad mood for the next days.
It's about recognizing. I've never been in my life.
I think in the USA the way is tougher and harder, and you (if not son of Somebody Important) are totally alone in the way to achieve the social recognizing. But when you're there, you're reached some Respect status.
I think in Spain the way may not be that harder (different societies, my opinion), or may be this is also something from the past and now is coming to the harderjungle ways too, it's a process; but here it's so easy to forget, differently to other countries. Here you're up and by the days, you can reach the floor.
I explain myself, I can not figure out, p.e., Joe Montana, on the top of career, being highly critizised by People Fans going to the Football Matches for not being in the best shape for some time. Support would not dissapear as fast as it can do it here.
It's just an opinion, but I was thinking like this even before this morning "event" of the "another expulsion".
I'll get used. I AM USED.
The inner frustration can become an inner beast in the inside (so much dangerious for ourselves), if we don't learn to deal with it.
I'll do, because I know what it takes, the negative version.
The big thinker who died in an anonymous office, working grey papers in an anonymous colectivity.
The idea of so many Recognized (I know number is big) around Knowing it is making this feeling much more difficult to handle than before this "fame" me.
The idea She's Watching the whole thing is increasing the increased.
This ideas are not torturning me anymore, though I know my mood Here is going to get really changed.
For all days of last week I did Try to talk to Professor too. No answers either.
Yes, the forgetting is Real almost Everywhere.
Here We Go, Always, ALWAYS I'VE BEEN, GOOD!! Smile party smiley action smiley
flower love smiley flower
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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeTue Oct 28, 2014 12:19 am


not much geek
I've been thinking today about some new subject, though I could not write a simple line because I was sufocated LOL by the tasking. Some about symbology, related to all things I've been saying. Good.
Truly, I'm getting an age when I am much less tolerant to some faults or forgetting. Not for vengeances, just for going on my own and not wasting time.
We'll be seeing.
I'm getting naturally moderated, and calm, on finish-lines as living and intelectual horizons too.
See later, Fine.
Loving Always!!
flower love smiley flower

ps: I'm still Shocked Laughing Very Happy looking at the montage, as a tramp, that was prepared for me. So many involved. It's not definetively divorcing me from human, in fact it was just a definitive lesson and a priceless motivation for life.
It was, beside other things, quite funny! action smiley party smiley
It's something overreached, forgotten.
God Bless! hasi Smile
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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2015 7:04 pm

Everything OK. Anarchy, politic or intellectual is nonsense. I do have to Admit it. Though, the origen of the legitimacy for the decission is different in each case, the well known difference between "authoritas" and "potestas".
Not thinking about what's been or is wrong, but focused in what can be improved for the better. To make the world a little more better, I mean.
I do have to Believe this is possible, whatever. If not, I do get paralyzed, intellectualy, and almost physically. A too big potion of negative realism is not working to me, and to the most of the people either.
I'll be thinking about the letter to Vero, this weekend.
I'm highly recommending by coming book, also. Well, I have to say it, to admit it's necessary to be noticed, what I'm saying. It Makes Sense.
Though the empathy is a genetic character, as the intelligence; and though the lack of it towards me for all these years (it's just that a mind like mine still can not forget Question about it, how is it possible?), it can be so Improved. It's my Work, this I want to bring. I could do it before coming with no problems about what I've perceived in the world, but this staying here illusioned for years against All by me... It did open so door to the challenge for keeping it real. And the admission of the fail of the Love is very painful, and I'm talking objective and general terms. It does feel like surrendering to me, and like I had been lying to myself. And the frustration is so Intense. This has become an intellectual problem to me, to find out the coherence in my doing for last years for Love.
I was not only coming for Brooke.
And, so, which are my conclusions on Human?
I brought too much hope to its Nature and to the chances for the Future. The mental process was that I was in Love, and I did translate it, for sublimating because of the forsaking of the person and all other ones around, and, more than this, for the Happiness and the Emotions that Come to the Lover for WAnting to Change the World for the Better; I did translate it to the World.
How can I Think and Feel the same now, after the well fixed news on conspiracy (or, at the very least, lies for amking a stupid psycology), and the Totally Confirming of the Forsaking?
The sincerity and the truth do not feel always good.
My anger for the isolation and the attacks, in real life on my privacy and in the internet, I can not actually disguise.
But the lack of Intellectual Sense I was talking about some lines ago is even Worse than this to me.
It's the same it happened to me in the youth, the willing for leaving everybody.
Though, I Feel Love, and this is increasing the bad feeling, for the feeling of guilt.
Gladiatoring is, now I'm making sense to all "paparazzis" and psycologists" who wanted to know about my decissions in the past, my salvation.
My tragedy is that I'm a really social person, that's going connected to this too high sense of the right doing and the moral goodness of mine.
I am so Deceived from the People, but I Do Have to Love them.
For this, as I've doing for last years (more sense for those who want to know), I Do Have to Make All so Familiar, for I may be Making and Doing Fine.
I'll Try!
I'm going to have a good weekend, I'll dedicate my time to it. Wishing the Very Best.
God Bless, Love and Peace!
flower love smiley flower

ps: I've got so much Work to do, but this weekend, for Health, I'm Resting.
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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 27, 2015 11:42 am


Coming for a while, quite cheers Smile because I'm getting into some more global conceptual "brutality" (sorry me for these expressions, but I do adore to use them, for a contradictory thing: as a kid winning a competition -against himself, in fact- of achievement of goals; and, at once, as having tons of fun upon my own childism; I adore both things). Smile Laughing wave tongue smiley cheers
And the brain is going so focused an calmy. I did not use any pill, but the heart is syncronized with the brain, same waves (hemispheres yes, but also the heart not only from the brain but by himself, there're neurones; well, in fact it's very complex system).
On the Loving!!
flower cheers love smiley cheers flower

ps: catching Tremendous Godel Theories for Making Much More Global Sense on mine, by the Integration of All for the Everything's Reason.
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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 10, 2015 2:17 pm

Smile cheers flower cheers Smile

coming more than I said (I think the right way of saying it is "things I am the most satisfied about", correcting one of synthactic mistakes in one of first posts of the day; well, hoping I'm correcting Laughing Smile scratch ) because I am quite Happy.
I'm going to make less or more fine and non strident the integration (meanigful, making philosophic Sense) of the symbolic element from the conscient and the subconscient -integrated for each one and between both of them- into the concept of aprioristic fundaments for any cognitive processes of the mind (the logic of mind from the evolutive mirroring before the laws of our contextual -less or more large, talking metaphysical terms- reality). In fact the logic principles are a part very important for the mechanicisms of integrated coherence of the symbolic system in our minds.
Going Good and Well.
Little "digression" now:
About my Feelings for You, going beyond these "superficial" cognitive capes for my doing of Vital Duties; I Have to say I Have Not changed action smiley
The Dreaming is Still Paradise of Heaven Real to me.
cheers flower love smiley flower cheers
action smiley wave action smiley
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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 13, 2015 5:28 pm


going on.
Worked Very Focused and for Good. Now resting.
Next months are going to be this way. I am pulled to this by the Duty.
I'm very angry for the physical watching in my house, and neighbours; each day I'm getting a little more Mad about this. It's destroying all we could do here. It's not a danger announcing, it's just and advice in case anybody does want this keep going.
Anyway, though this was not happening, these next months I'd do the same.
If some specific idea or advice for practics come to mind, I'll share in one of my posts. I'll keep doing this same easy and frugal way. And it feels so good. My efforts have some human limits as everybody's. Distributing them by some comparisson of priorities has become necessary.
Not working only for me.
Many nice pictures and videos around; it's a true shame I can not feel the same good feelings in my real life (No complaining about the work place at all!; it's my private life that keeps me Mad Exclamation ; though, I'm proving someday before legal institutions what's happening for years to me; this is another true motivation to me).
Now some resting.
God Bless, Best Wishing!
On the Loving Forever whatever!!
flower cheers love smiley cheers flower
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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 21, 2015 10:06 am

Now, Tasking Very hard.
Inspired!! action smiley
flower cheers love smiley cheers flower
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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 28, 2015 12:02 pm

I'm actually at a level of pure anger that, in my heart, any try for a honest getting closer to me would need a true and real progresivity on time.
I could not do it suddently, actually.
It would need a real re-making and totally changing things and ways, and some prolongation of it on time.
There's still hope about this place in my heart, though I do actually think I will never love this again the same way, have to admit too.
Something transcendent, in the plane of the existence, has changed in me.
My goals are actually very far from the romantic living.
I'm searching for something more in my life now. And I am who can make it, who can really bring out to the living and to the social sharing.
I had to be true.
There's till time for not erasing totally all sometimes was good here, talking now about people involved. but the time is getting shorter and shorter, day by day.
Things must truly change. Because I know it's all who are involved with the doing to me.
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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeTue May 05, 2015 9:47 am


I did get out of the pressuring role of the too big responsability for nothing ever visible whatever efforts.
Now coming quite free terms.
Not for much time, yesterday was very useful one for going in progress, for my disconnection. I have to keep on this way.
But Loving is Loving!!
Though You're so sure that are Never going to come to talk to me.
I do honestly Prefer this way, have to Admit too.
Those Moments will be There Forever!!
cheers cheekey smiley cheers
( party smiley Very Happy Smile tongue smiley hüpfen jumpy smiley )

Finishing Habermas epigraph today. After, the last point on Descartes, in his corresponding epigraph, as phenomenic critic; and I'll have 4 epigraphs finished. Capturing the speed level I wanted.
Well, Big Hug, We See in Beautiful Eternity's Horizon!!
action smiley tongue smiley
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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeWed May 06, 2015 9:19 am

Smile Razz flower Razz Smile

How are things!!
Here it's a hotty time, too much, almost asfixiating but OK.
Those Videos... party smiley hasi party smiley
Very Focused. The Heartbeats Truly Help for Inspiration.
Loving Picture, those Memories are Alive, as the Days of Present.
Loving for Always so Much!!
flower cheers sunny hasi cheekey smiley love smiley cheekey smiley hasi sunny cheers flower
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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeThu May 07, 2015 12:54 pm

... and some more words (and some Smile party smiley meanings on the connectivity).
Tremendous Heavenly Injection of Inspirational Force for the Working, You Brought out. You Are action smiley
flower cheers sunny Idea love smiley Idea sunny cheers flower

ps: the Highly Focused working does not erase at all the Eternal, True, Calm and Vibrant Love and Adoration for You!!
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PostSubject: Re: More Posts   More Posts - Page 11 Icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2015 11:27 am

Smile Razz flower Razz Smile

If I don't keep a little appart the idea of Embracing Your Beauty of Heaven, the Needed part as the halfpiece of my Soul, I'm very possibly able to become wave ; I mean, at that Intensity for the Hug, as yesterday.
this is not mean the Adoring Love more than Life is lower than yesterday, just the opposite, it's getting stronger, for what I effectively can See (yesterday, for what I said but more for how I was feeling, I had the proves for this).
Yesterday Need Good Shower, Good Rest, Good Stretching, Good Breathing, Good...
If not I was feeling I was exploding my Heart.
no complainings Smile action smiley , just Reality.
After all these things an a normal good resting night, today Feeling so Well.
You're Existing There, it's a Metaphysics of Eternity of Love, so Heartfelt, so Heartfelt.
sunny bom sunny
cheekey smiley cheers Razz cheers cheekey smiley

And, probably for all these experiences, I'm in another Critic point on my investigations. It's about the selfconscience, the conceptuality and the structures of mind. It's really something I guess. I think I'll need a couple of days for making it less or more "clear" for being able to share the main lines about. something I'll do for sure.
cheers tongue smiley Loving Very Much, Connection's Real, Life's Inspiration tongue smiley cheers
You're Something from Heaven, from another World to me. But not because You're so Talented, Well Known, Famous or Rich, or American from the other side of the Sea. It's just because of What I'm Always Feeling for You!! action smiley
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