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 Friendly communicating!

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Friendly communicating! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly communicating!   Friendly communicating! - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 19, 2021 3:51 pm

Hello, good morning Smile

How very nice picture, with friends!
Come on, with good energy!
By the best wishing from the true heart!
I wrote this text, and I think it's touching some concepts that are too much "key" for not sharing the text. I know it will be less or more known, but well, it's also for expressing the good spirtis on the friendly picture.
This is
"Breve Ensayo: No todo está en Cervantes

Es bien conocido que el autor del Quijote representa, en casi todos los ámbitos del imaginario colectivo español, la cumbre del castellano escrito. No hay parangón, con respecto a Cervantes. Claro, no se trata solo de la calidad de su estilo literario, sino también de su papel en la historia de la lengua y de la cultura, amén de su genio como novelista “original”, el primero de todos los modernos.
Sin olvidar la enorme y bien lograda complejidad estructural de su Quijote, obra multidimensional por excelencia; ni, por supuesto, el ingenio que habita en casi todas las sentencias y sucesos (aventuras y desventuras) que contiene.
En mi humilde opinión, no va desencaminada la mayoría. Para nada. Sin embargo, también es menester señalar que, en muchas ocasiones, se ha intentado otorgar a la magna obra cervantina una naturaleza de la que carece. No todo está en Cervantes.
Su gran novela constituye la brecha casi definitiva, al menos en un sentido literario , entre el estilo del Antiguo Régimen y el Moderno (en un sentido histório general, se habla de la Reconquista de Granada, en 1492, como el punto de “ruptura”). Con ello, y entre otras cosas, el autor trasciende los esquemas de las novelas de caballería y de romance, marcadas por una tipología sociológica de índole no irracionalista, quizá, pero sí, al menos, marcadamente idealista-radical, así como poco dada a la reflexión autocrítica (individual y sociocultural, como individuo consciente de si y de un tiempo).
Y esa tarea no la lleva a cabo de cualquier manera. Su proceso es de deconstrucción general del modelo anterior, dando buena cuenta de toda una casuística de situaciones “tipo”. Sobre todo, relativas al idealismo del honor, del amor y la guerra; un sistema de ideas-sentimiento casi sagrado, y en buena medida nacido, según creo, conforme a los códigos históricos que descubre Américo Castro, para España.
A través de un sentido iróico crítico que, de forma casi continua, alcanza el sarcasmo, cuando no el esperpento (ridiculización del modelo), Cervantes derrocará, con pleno convencimiento y capacidad de convicción, el reino de imágenes y símbolos en cuyo seno él mismo se había formado como sujeto histórico y cultural.
El resultado debe ser valorado, al menos, desde dos perspectivas. Si tomamos como referencia el eje de síntesis que cabría trazar desde las reflexiones de Américo Castro sobre la Historia de España, en el sentido de ver, como un factor sociopolítico de primer orden para la Reconquista, a la uniformización ideológica y cultural que consigue generar el cristianismo; tiene sentido reconocer que el Quijote constituye una propuesta contraria a ese modelo anterior, que, muy resumidamente, podríamos describir como el de la sacralización excluyente (radicalmente) de toda simbología cultural y religiosa ajena a sí misma. Con todo lo que ello puede suponer, a los efectos de abrir algunas vías favorables al surgimiento de un nuevo tipo sociológico-cultural, más tolerante con el prójimo (individual o colectivo) que piensa y/o vive de forma distinta.
Efectivamente, si, como dice el gran historiador español, la forja de la reconquista tuvo lugar bajo el auspicio de una suerte de fundamentalismo religioso, aglutinador de las fuerzas de la resistencia antimusulmana, a través de la fusión, sin fisuras (según el propio modelo musulmán), de los valores identitarios y de legitimidad política, con el principio interpretativo más “totalitario” del cristianismo; parece claro que el Quijote, desde su atalaya deconstructiva de todo modelo de idealismo más o menos monolítico, radical e impuesto a priori, se eleva en un vuelo bien distinto al de la dialéctica de contrarios mutuamente excluyentes (piensas y vives como yo, luego “estás conmingo; si no, “estarás contra mí”).
Ese logro conforma un valor de positividad, casi desde cualquier punto de vista posible. Pero nuestro análisis debe ir un poco más allá de lo dicho hasta aquí, que no es poco. Voy a tratar de describir ahora (en forma igualmente sintética) el que pienso sería uno de los puntos “débiles” de la magna obra cervantina (o, quizá mejor, de su recepción e interpretación socioculturales). A tal fin, utilizaré una perspectiva no solo literaria (la menor, aquí), sino, principalmente, cultural, política y hasta filosófica.
El resultado de una primera reflexión más o menos métodica parece casi evidente, pues ya ha sido, en algún modo, anticipado en líneas anteriores (por omisión): la deconstrucción del modelo histórico-cultural anterior que lleva a término Cervantes, en el Quijote, no viene acompañada de una nueva propuesta de valores sociales y éticos, que hubieren (o pudieren) de ocupar el puesto de los anteriores.
La crítica del genio se limita a generar un marco de racionalidad puramente utilitarista, casi desprovisto de cualquier margen para la reflexión moral profunda, susceptible de mirar un poco más allá de la corriente superficial de la obra, centrada en la negación del ideal caballeresco. Porque si bien en el fondo de algunos pasajes, por momentos, se percibe cómo Cervantes no ve con buenos ojos la picaresca, la mezquindad disfrazada de sentido común o el egoísmo que adornan a muchos de los interlocutores vivaces de la “gran pareja” (el inefable hidalgo y su fiel escudero Sancho); de los comentarios de uno u otro, o de las distintas moralejas que cabría extraer en cada una de las aventuras que, con tanta gracia, nos hacen vivir, no llega a surgir una propuesta de naturaleza propiamente ética.
Ante toda situación, solo nos quedaría la más o menos jocosa aceptación de lo crudo y lo prosaico; así como, por supuesto, el aprendizaje de un modo de pensar y de proceder que, aunque quizá no nos guste demasiado, ha de ser asumido sin más, como principio de suvervivencia y de aprovechamiento particular.
Trasladada esta idea a un contexto histórico real, aparece la forma de una suerte de espejo cultural, de larga vigencia en el tiempo. Un reflejo del típico desencanto español, resorte general de lo inerte para todo lo que pueda tratar de la articulación de un principio político de integración y de justicia colectivas. Lo cual, a su vez, se concreta en un posicionamiento de la misma naturaleza frente a las instituciones públicas, logro histórico fundamental de la democracia moderna.
De este modo, la bien arraigada imagen “quijotesca” solo puede identificarse como una alternativa existencial de corte individualista (estructural), ajena a cualquier mínimamente esperanzada y honesta participación ético-política. Los efectos perniciosos de esta imagen no precisan de largas crónicas, de pasado o presente, para ser confirmados.
Por lo demás, la otra vertiente que describo en la presente crítica (maniqueísmo de identidad) se corresponde bastante bien con nuestra larga historia de enfrentamientos entre ideologías radicalizadas y excluyentes (“las dos españas”). Como resulta obvio, esta otra correspondencia no se cifra, precisamente, en un sentido favorable al espíritu que transpira el Quijote.
Para el filósofo Reyes Mate, el proceso de la integración sociopolítica y cultural de España, como nación histórica más o menos plural del presente (y del pasado, y del futuro), todavía se parece demasiado al modelo del exclusionismo no humanista que describe Américo Castro. No se antoja como posible contradecir esta evidencia.
Quizá resulte una pura utopía, ya, cambiar las dos tendencias culturales descritas: la “dejadez” utilitaria individual y el “cainimismo” proverbial; pues su presencia se halla muy marcada en la vida política, intelectual, académica y general de nuestro país. Pero la alternativa de la aceptación “cervantina”, más o menos implícitamente propuesta en el Quijote, se muestra como un modelo no demasiado productivo para los intereses generales (de todos).
Y no quiero acabar este breve excurso por los caminos de mi desconocimiento sobre el Siglo de Oro español, sin “salvar” (muy innecesariamente) a la figura del autor. No era, ni es, ni será responsabilidad de Cervantes, por grande que fuere su pluma universal, dibujar el marco político y ético que los ciudadanos de España (y de todo el mundo, buen conocedor de su obra) deseamos para vivir.
La mayoría de edad de las sociedades no se alcanza por la identificación no-crítica (incondicional) con modelos históricos previos y establecidos; ni mucho menos por la elevación de lo literario a los “altares” de lo ético y lo político. Solo la formación (clásica, integral y moderna), la reflexión y el diálogo; de base democrática y aptitud (y actitud) constructiva, sobre lo que hay y sobre lo que cada uno libre y fundadamente cree que debería haber; puede ayudarnos a certificar esa “puesta de largo”, por el bien común. Obviamente, sin necesidad de negar per se lo que ya nos ha legado la tradición, madre de nuestro propio tiempo".

Greetings, and much goodness, love, peace, sense, health and hope!
A very friendly, loving and gentle kiss to Brooke! cheekey smiley cheers Smile
flower love smiley flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Friendly communicating! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly communicating!   Friendly communicating! - Page 6 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 24, 2021 8:19 pm

Hello, Hi,

So deeply sorry for this last Brooke experience. Terribly painful. Facing It, now She finally decided to publically share It.
Unfortunetely, my Mom has also gone though simmilar, and I know, almost first hand by loving empathy, what It is. There's a real age difference between You both, but these things are too bad to us All.
A good Fortune You both have is that your Families really Love You so; as much as another one: You are natural fighters, and so strong.
As a True Loving fan, beyond The fact I honestly think that to express myself on this emotion has taken me to some unfair situations and troubles in my Life (cause I think i made mistakes, but I see no balance between them and those other things),; and Well, Knowing Brooke is not "The Guilty" one for this All; as a True Loving Fan, I just can send tons of True Love from The Heart, and The best Wishes, and All of my Support.
Im taking The chance for apologizing before Brooke, for The times I took things too far, and for All my missunderstandings. I Swear I CAME with The best of my intention, but as The human being I am (Asperger, which Is not little social hándicap -though not a danger for others or me to take policial care about), I did Fall (not physically, but I think it hurt The same) for so many times in The past.
Now I know I have to leave this public messaging officially undercover, and say Thanks to Brooke for All The Beauty, Eternal.
Come on Brooke, there We go. We may fall, but let US keep our Hearts Always Up! Forever, by The Soul.
With All my Love.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Friendly communicating! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly communicating!   Friendly communicating! - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 25, 2021 1:13 pm

Hello, Hi,

Yesterday I cried a little, and exercised, and did my mental reflections and said my prayers. And i have had a resting night, with some Nice and calming dreams.
Im back to this actual essay, and Im inspired. I wont write All on the computer on just a continued period of time, but Ill be working both sides: progress on getting into deepest possible of concepts and their relations, and progress on my lingüístical explanation of them, after The first phase, though this is Never closed totally, as by gentle instance Ill see on the typing.
I want to share these things. If Im not paid for It...Well, maybe someday Im recognized.
The case is that I would share All The typed words here, cause even though i know its not necessary, It would make me feel Well, for The Loving tribute It would mean. But I Need to Know if this would be really Liked.
Im not needing Big cheering Up, but some certainty on the fact Im doing Well. By instance, a picture posted directly by Brooke, where She is with some of those books that, for sure, She is actually reading now would be enough help to an Asperger.
If i cant get to see anything simmilar to that, Ill morally have to understand its prefered The simple typing with no posting.
Any choice Will be OK and wellcome. Cause Its not at all a Matter of addiction or ego.
By The Best Spirits possible.
Much Strenght, Energy, Health, Peace, Joy, Sense and Hope!
And a very, Very Loving kiss&hug to The Beautiful Brooke!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Friendly communicating! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly communicating!   Friendly communicating! - Page 6 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 26, 2021 2:21 am

Hello, good night,

How Beautiful pictures, Brooke. You are a Beauty.
The Words I Loved too.
Come on, we All see, again, how strong You are!
I think I understood. I honestly think. And Its OK. Ill be writing on my own sharing.
I would have Liked to Talk, Sincerity; but probably at this You did see things clearer than me.
I Know im able to forget, by learning from them, The bad things that happened to me and The bad ones I did. And I Know Ill keep The good ones in my Heart.
Sending All my admiration, Love and Support. If anytime You feel alone, You can Always remember my Heart is with You. So True.
Much Strenght, Health and Peace!
And a Heartfelt kiss&hug to my Lovely Brooke!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Friendly communicating! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly communicating!   Friendly communicating! - Page 6 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 05, 2021 11:56 am

Hello! Smile

it's been a pretty long time since the last post.
I'm coming consciously by the reason, but also pulled by the events.
I'm so very sorry Brooke, for this bad injury and for all the pain and danger you had to go through till heal it, Brooke.  You have Always been in my Prayers.  I Love You.
My absence from here was caused by this suffering, and some unreal but happening sense of guilt about myself for that.
The Covid did not exactly help to make me stronger before this fact.  As much as my frustration for the veil on this place, selfish terms (longing for some basic but explicit recognizing, calm and respect for me), and unselfish terms (the asperger needing truth, the asperger before the guilt sense for writing here while I know well our vital and social positions).
I just came to say to You this: God Bless You and Your Beautiful Family.  I Love You For Eternity.  I Care a Lot about You.
Your last Picture in the Instagram is just a Love Dream to me.  How Very Lovely, Cute and Beautiful; looks like Heaven.
Today I have writen the first version for a new scheme. on hand and for some new texts that I will write on hand too.  Something quite complete and really good (better explanation from the structure, and also cause of the style I'll be using and for the things I'll say by the more easy and direct style), on my philsophical and moderate investigations.  Somehow, I did get inspired again.
I will keep it all for myself by now.  The uncertainty about the social reception of my thinking (I'm not exactly treated as a well respected philosopher...), and its corresponding social ignoring in terms of explicity on the subject, have become something too important to me.  Truly, I cant help it.  
But it's OK to me.  If I have to stay and to go always this way, it will be fine to me.  I have a really good time, really, by this thinking and writing of mine.  And I have noticed that when I write on hand, my thinking seems to be deeper, on the treatment of the subjects, probably for the pause-calm that I'm unconsciously taking to this type of writing, compared to the more "pulsioned" (well, in terms of some normality) typing way (Heidegger, an Author I do not usually agree with, talks well about this difference, in "Parmenid"). And if these texts do never get publication, well, I'll understand it. This is something that's not worrying me anymore. Among other things, cause I know well my philosophy is not so important that it could change the world for better. I'd like it, but it's out of my reach. And I Assume it.
And well, I'm not coming much frequently, for the reasons I said before, but I'm not closing this channel. Love and Friendship's One.
Please, in case I am disturbing You or anything, let me know by the usual ways.  I will try to decode and understand well (which has not been always happening  Laughing  Smile  Razz ) the message.
Hope You had a Nice July 4th!
I Still keep Alive the Hope We Both will be Able to get a Friendly, Respectful and Personal Talk, Someday, Brooke.  
Much Loving, Health, Goodness and Peace!
flower  love smiley  flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Friendly communicating! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly communicating!   Friendly communicating! - Page 6 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 13, 2021 9:31 am

Hi, Good morning! Razz

On the workind mode again, Brooke.  That's so really good!  I think I know how You need it, and I know how the others (including me) do absolutely Love it.
Yesterday I also started writing on the pc.  I think it's quite possible You could know it.  I'm happy for this.  And I'm happy cause I think I did a good job, after all these weeks.  I have spent almost the two last ones thinking and writing things on the paper, and I think the conclusions I have been able to get are quite fine, explanatory I mean, which is a real goal to me, I know.  Cause the philosophy is not easy, and cause my writing ways and style (too focused in concentrating everything in every line geek ) are not exactly helping... I'm working more calm and thoughtfully on this.
And these last Video on 10 of your Movies is so Good.  Your Legacy is More than Tremendous, and it's not getting stopped by now.  You're a Classic Star.  And this is so Very Amazing to me.
And I Love this New Picture, wow!  Magnetically Beautiful, I'd dare to say.  My gosh!  
I Love You!  cheekey smiley  Smile  cheers
flower  love smiley  flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Friendly communicating! - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Friendly communicating!   Friendly communicating! - Page 6 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 22, 2021 11:51 am

Hello, good morning Razz

that Interview with Laura Brown "In Style", it was so Good.  The words that sounded like more "related" to me (I admit I could not understand all the words, for the fast speaking) were the margarita cocktails and the kitchen "stuffs"; it was funny.
About the more serious questions (well, underneath the surface of the previous ones there was something equally serious too I guess Smile Wink tongue smiley ), it was so interesting what you said about your life process before the cameras and for your own moments of privacy.  Brilliant.
And the last Video, on Abuse, I can only say it's so Important to be Aware of it, not for "too previously condemning for anything", but to know well the circumstances that can be a sign of it.  
About my personal case, I can say that all the economical help (and also any other material help, like carrying heavy objects, etc.; they, as all, have been growing old...) that I have been and that I am bringing to my Family, to my ethical vision on things, is Fair. Just cause we are all coming from a very difficult situation, one that has left us all with some kind of different  traumas (depending on the person and on his specific role and circumstances in the Family -and I think I'm not the only asperger in the Family, which is something not so rare, for the genetics, obviously).  This situation, among other things, did also leave us alll in some real (and I think it's permanent, for life) bankruptcy, cause of all the inherited economical circumstances, coming from the time I was born (my Parents marriage getting started).
Talking more objective terms, I just can say it's a Very Good Job, Brooke&Ali.
And well, there we're going.  
To what's related to my Persona, by very low expectations for life (in terms of personal recognizement, and in terms of finally finding some social peace for me), and by trying "the big&good heart".  
Hopefully, with humbleness&dignity, love, responsability and care.  
As much as with much work (for my case, I can say I'm doing some good thing again, on these days, as I guess You'll be able to see  Smile ).
Much Health, Peace, Love and Prosperity!
I Love You, Brooke.  And my low expectations about the living are real, but I admit I'd really Like to meet You again, someday You'd want to; about me I can say it all would be on absolutely Friendly, Kind, Respectful and Gentle terms.  I know it's difficult You get to come again to Spain, but well, who knows!
God Bless the Families, and the People!
flower love smiley flower

PS: I said on a post on Instagram, "I had the luck 'To' meet Her...".  This preposition is not correctly used here I guess scratch study Mad Laughing Razz   Better said, "I was lucky enough to meet Her...".  
Yes, Really!! cheekey smiley love smiley action smiley
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