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 Hi, Good morning!

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 08, 2019 9:38 am

And, Well, Only in the supposed case It was clearly Wanted Razz , a Very tight and Gentle kiss&Loving hug to Brooke! cheekey smiley hasi cheers
flower love smiley flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jun 11, 2019 2:24 pm

Hi again Razz

even though getting in a non wanted self-contradiction (and this time is the number... Mad Laughing geek ), and not for self-flattering at all (im actually thinking much more in getting a little more alone Please), i think i have to post this.
it's a very good job (again, better than i thought), i have to admit cheers Embarassed Razz (i'm actually getting, more or less realistically to the people, really  Embarassed cause i think it's simply tremendous; for more and without intention, the second note is the 68th actually in the book... true as it comes).
After all, it seems to me, from my education, almost like a "logic" (not exactly, but on the discursive argumentary i mean...) "demonstration" of Jesus Words. My goodness, God Bless Embarassed

"En la corriente “bien” simbolizada de nuestro trato con los otros seres vivos [o, incluso, con algunos objetos “especiales”; y aquí no me refiero solo al ejemplo de nuestra casa de la infancia, pues el sentido estético tiene una valor en sí que también trasciende lo puramente instrumental], y aunque esto no suceda siempre, ni, mucho menos, en un modo absoluto (no somos seres divinos, ni arcángeles...); intervienen de forma decisiva (constitutiva) nuestra libertad y nuestro sentido ético y moral [para el contenido de estas líneas es fundamental recordar todo lo dicho sobre el grado de la sujeción transcendental, y sobre la evolución biológica de las estructuras cognitivas y éticas, consideradas en su sentido tradicionalmente separado (esta separación tiene un carácter funcional, y una base orgánica, pero en la razón integrada es muy difícil establecer soluciones de continuidad “pura”; el caso de los leones constituye un extremo escogido por su especial naturaleza, pero no es tan habitual encontrar este tipo de “saltos” entre los modos de conocer; por otra parte, y asimismo, resulta imposible fijar alguna clase de gradación perfectamente acabada/cerrada entre los dos puntos descritos; y esto es una clave de consistencia)].  Si (en un sentido necesariamente ontologizado para nosotros) existe una libertad epistémica en la apertura metalógica de nuestro trato con los objetos físicos, la cual resulta especialmente elevada en el caso de la ciencia que reflexiona críticamente (y a partir de nuestros mecanismos lógico-abductivos integrados) sobre el saber acumulado de reglas; cuando nos referimos al plano de la socialización ética-moral...1.
Es evidente que en el mundo social resulta imposible tratar a cada ser humano como un fin pleno en sí mismo, de forma “perfecta;” las necesarias realidades de la cooperación social y de las reglas institucionales y mercantiles ya imponen de sí la modulación, que no la aniquilación, del arrobamiento levinasiano de la apertura psicológica y espiritual a la infinitud de la dimensión del otro [Lévinas reivindica una moral humanista y cristiana, abogando por la recuperación de lo humano como absoluto; pero esto representa un punto ideal de la socialización, si bien, desde luego, necesario y acertado].  
No obstante, y sin perder de vista la precitada idealización simbólica (ni el paradigma integrado de la razón, que resulta una clave de consistencia fundamental e imprescindible), cabe considerar que todas las reglas de la limitación subjetiva en el seno de la sociedad, para ser moralmente asumibles, deberían ponderar a cualquier ser humano como un valor en sí mismo, en el que confluyen todos los demás valores vigentes (valores a los cuales solo aquel ser humano, junto a los demás, puede dar pleno sentido)2.

NOTE 1: Al considerar al otro como un sujeto en sí, y no como a un objeto, no solo intervienen los mecanismos especulares de Damasio (como dije, él mismo se pregunta por una posibles “superneuronas” diferentes).  En un plano más elevado de la reflexión, se constata la presencia de lo metafísico, esto es, el “en sí” que trasciende la ya referida simplificación evolutiva del objeto causal denotado por los sentidos, y “aprehendido” por nuestros sistemas de automatismo físico funcional hasta alcanzar su integración con lo simbólico (una integración en términos evolutivos, y en los términos actuales de cada circunstancia) .  
La plena percepción del otro como un “en sí” completo le sitúa fuera del plano de la causalidad y de la instrumentalización más o menos instintivamente reglada de los objetos, y le eleva hasta el plano ontoepistemológico e intuitivo-afectivo de nuestra propia autorreferencialidad.  En este paralelismo sociomoral, se reproduce la esencia que prioriza estructuralmente a nuestra consciencia frente a los objetos causales, aunque, obviamente, con el misterio añadido (pero no solipsista, como demuestra Damasio, y como demuestra la realidad de nuestra empatía y de nuestro sentido ético-moral integrados) de la alteridad constitutiva.  
En el trato moral con el otro se despierta un sentimiento de cuidado que trasciende la pura emotividad sensitiva de nuestro trato con los objetos físicos.  Ese sentimiento de cuidado y de empatía-simpatía no es susceptible de ser procesado en una perspectiva más o menos “a ras” de suelo, en la corriente sensitiva de los sucesos cotidianos.  Su experiencia y su comprensión requieren de un simbolismo reflexivo y afectivo-moral que nada tiene que ver con el saber de reglas generador de comportamientos más o menos automáticos [en la ciencia y en la investigación es diferente (y, también, cuando cualquier persona se hace una pregunta que trasciende el estrecho sometimiento -pragmatizado, en clave habermasiana- a unas reglas epistémicas bien interiorizadas); si bien, claro está, en un sentido no identificable al de la percepción del otro: la reducción mecanicista-causalista  se mantiene a los efectos funcionales predictivos de todos los grados de la abducción].  
En este simbolismo de lo ético-moral, emerge la libertad máxima de la decisión no condicionada por los eventos causales del mundo.  Las “rígidas” reglas de la lógica inferencial (y matemática y abductiva), de la ciencia simbólica ceden su paso a una  experiencia/decisión de totalidad ontoepistémica, a partir de la proyección autorreferencial en el otro. Quiero decir, nuestros intereses materiales y afectivos (prioridades por los bienes materiales, afectivas entre personas, simpatías y odios, etc.) podrán condicionar en algún modo cada opción moral concreta; pero la decisión de adoptar la perspectiva ética-moral frente al otro, como un principio radical de libertad generadora de lo humano (“post-animal”) permanece como algo cuasi incondicionado y susceptible de justificarse en clave racional integrada.  
Se trata de un principio, podríamos decir, bastante parecido a la decisión de que habla Fichte,  “que cambia una vida” en lo que respecta al tipo de filosofía que elegirá cada pensador.  En este trabajo, y en los anteriores, hemos tratado de mostrar qué puntos de objetividad metalógica trascienden esa libertad susceptible de generar relativismos filosóficos injustificados; pero la libertad moral a que nos referimos ahora es diferente, y desde las dos perspectivas principales [en la paradójica dualidad (metalógica) de la mente, generativa del principio transcendental de identidad, entre otros; se produce una conexión de los extremos conceptuales que, para cada caso y contexto, constituyen una concreción del sentido ontoepistemológico y simbolizado global (la nada y el todo, “lo Uno y lo múltiple”, el principio y el fin… no existen el uno sin el otro); y esto es lo propio, y lo consistente].  Quiero decir, la persona que, dentro del contexto cognitivo integrado que hemos dibujado en el presente ensayo (objetividad y, más específicamente, objetividad de la libertad), opte por permanecer anclada a posturas existenciales que le definan más cercanamente a lo mecánico-animal, de sí se verá enfrentada a su propia crítica ética-moral.  Esto es de lo más relevante de la naturaleza del valor que analizamos en el presente epígrafe.
Un último punto.  La libertad para asumir el humanismo moral no puede ser absoluta, especialmente en la práctica.  Los resultados y los contextos de la vida cotidiana nos condicionan a todos; pero, más allá de esta idea cuya negación pretendería elevarnos a la categoría de Dios, lo que se destaca aquí (lo verdaderamente esperanzador) es la existencia de una libertad cuasi “pura” en el acto de la voluntad integrada en nuestra razón; acto por el cual decidimos adoptar a priori una perspectiva ética-moral verdadera.
La importancia/necesidad del paradigma integrado de la razón se transparenta de un modo casi “escandaloso” en la posibilidad lógica y moral de coordinar en un solo acto (que se repetirá, de forma potencialmente mejorada, durante toda la vida) a la razón y a la voluntad; desde lo más concreto (la emoción sensible que nos condiciona en nuestro trato instrumental con los objetos y, en parte, en nuestro trato con los demás seres humanos: casos extremos de autodefensa, casos habituales de concurrencia competitiva… si bien en todos esos casos permanecerá, de forma natural, de acuerdo a lo comentado, la base de lo ético-moral) hasta lo más abstracto: el sentido afectivo-moral y el aprendizaje ético como expresión más elevada de la libertad y de la trascendencia humanas.

NOTE 2: Esta idea es racionalmente asumible sobre la clave de la apertura y del horizonte simbólico metafísico e integrado de la razón (inclusiva de la mereología y del holismo ontoepistémicos).  Sobre esta clave no discreta, ni discrecional, asimismo, toma pleno sentido la “comunidad ideal de comunicación” de Habermas; si bien ahora con todas las connotaciones debidas a lo específicamente ético-moral, en el presente contexto del paradigma ontoepistemológico integrado.
Quiero decir, la idealización de la democracia “plena” se sostiene sobre el valor ontoepistemologizado de lo “Uno y lo múltiple”, como conjunto de conjuntos; donde resulta que, incluso casi por una simple inercia lógica (esto en ningún modo es suficiente, pero representa un principio básico para la integración de “razón, ética y derecho”), ninguno es prescindible, por solo ser el conjunto mayor “suficiente” (en los términos epistemológicos de Parménides o de Russell; en los términos holísticos más o menos clásicos;  y en los términos éticos de Lévinas)".
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 12, 2019 9:38 am

Hi, good morning Razz Smile tongue smiley

really nice stuff to see there, so good!
and this Brooke videos... simply beautiful, cute and adorable! cheekey smiley action smiley Smile
Thank you very much for the inspiration.
Best wishing from the heart.
and a very tight&gentle&loving kiss&hug to Brooke, and please tell her that i really believe we'll meet again so friendly and kind... cheers
flower love smiley flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jun 12, 2019 8:15 pm

Hi, my Goodness those new ones are Amazing; and the Instagram's Too. All put together is so Very Much Energizing to me.
I just said "Beautiful, Cute and Adorable" cause its True and cause more than words It was a really electrifying-tender-natural-spontaneous hug, first of All after All these years.
She is a Real Woman, and its so easy to see at once. I See. And those fitting jeans when You turn around are more than breathtaking.
flower cheers hasi love smiley hasi cheers flower

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 14, 2019 11:18 pm

Good evening,

The world doesnt wait.
I Really think im considered As a silly criminal Who is ill and a piece of an animal to get protected from.
No Matter what i achieve.  It doesnt Matter i have Explained The Core of the human knowledge and Ethics and...
The "democrátic" People dont care.  They prefer to insult the '"so Obviously" non democrátic and bad ones rather than recognize and take the task of People like me.
In Fact, i think nobody understood a thing of what i said.  And those Who Could understood something, for their needs they dont want to Admit It.
Its All Obvious.  If i had just an influencing friend, somehow i would have been protected from the abusing curators/haters; though for the majoritary Hate against me, its possible i have some but they just have to survive socially, cause Helping a person with a social stigma is getting It for You...
If i thought to handle the Stream of Hate and oblivion would mean anything, i would do It.  But its a waste of time, and the only thing im achieving (13 years of internet prove It to me) is to definitively bury the future of my Family...
Well, its time to fight (inside of the law limits for Sure) for the survival of me and my Family.  Im 50, i think i dont need to make Much long terms projections cause i Will be dead in 25 years at the most... And they are older or similar...
Dont You think im Not sorry for the dark future i Honestly See for the world, objective terms.  Very Sorry, specially for the kids, whom i Love with a cleamed Heart, but i can do Nothing.  Im so Truly and Very Sorry.
Well, im going.  Im Not Wishing bad at All.  The wolves have to kill to eat to Live, and the human is what It is.  I dont think its personal stuff; i mean, i Know im a person, but the history is just repeating itself (now we start to forget two WWs, civil wars, cold wars... then its the good time for starting All over... Bravo; or ignoring the global warming, the bad breathing Air, the Big data spying, the global multilateralizing of infinite fronts of Hate -for sex wars, nations, política, money... Any excuse is good to break the Human spirituality and goodness).
I Definitively understand the religious People.
Wishing so Much Well.  Truly from the Heart.
Please, im just asking for some Dignity and human Respect. Dont worry for me, im Not publishing anything else. And though im deceived, i find its a Very Normal thing, and i just Wish You All the Very Best. I Truly Hope im wrong this time and the world future is Much better than i think, from the heart. I have some Very Young Family Too, i Remember Well.
Good bye.
God Bless
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 15, 2019 8:10 am

And this thing zimbio posted, on "i want to like You but its difficult"; sorry me cause if its Also about/ for me It is just a partial truth, when i was supposedly condemned to stay here as a laboratory Rat for the rest of my Life...
The other day i heard one of the wisest thingd ever from fiction TV.  In "Salvation", the russian "ministro de defensa" tells to Darius Tanz and to the american "encargada del gabinete de prensa del vicesecretario de defensa": do You Know the most priceless thing in this world today: its Not money, power or información... Its to trust.
This world is actually erasing the confidence on the other one, till unknown limits, from an almost infinite number of different fronts.  People dont trust polítics or enterprises, politicians dont trust politicians, People dont trust People.
The progressive radicalism of the multilateral hates are coming from a real missunderstanding of the most Important things, like the believe in the infantilized egotic culture, by instance: but this is coming together with the lose of trust in the other.  And the correspondence relationship between these facts is more than Obvious i think.
Well, this was my last post.
I dont have solutions; and i cant help You by staying prisoner in this laboratory made for me, cause even when You cant understand It, this thing is just another brick in the wall, for its meaning, and the human is silly but Not till that point, even if the type of nature i said can only be seen unconsciously.
Well, Who knows, may be some day the human Finally admit the only Salvation for his nature is to find The  Real Global enemy; and these global enemies are so easy to see by All (global warming, chemical contaminación of the Planet, trust and truth destrucción...).
But, As long as the wisest words are less than lines on the water, i just can say i Hope its Not Too late when this day arrive, if It Finally do.
My Life is socially finished, but i think now of the future generations.
As i said, i can do Nothing about It; my intelligence and my character are Not considered as a source of little help (they just have meant the Main Reason for my stigma and the consideración of me as an animal to manipulate and watch).
For this, as i said, im Not publishing anything else.  As i wont be repeating the bad conclusions everyday neither.
Ill just stay good, caring for my Family and praying.
Good-bye  action smiley
God Bless
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jun 21, 2019 4:04 pm

Hi, its going to be my last post for some time.
The only thing that posting would mean to me now (i Know to others It would do other things; experiments), and i Admit this side existed before but It wasnt the only one, is the kid coming to g-ue, g-ue, g-ue... Crying or Very sad i mean; and its Not OK to me.
This world sometimes, though rarely, is bringing a second chance to some People.  I Know its Not my case.  The Hot dessert and my dreamy (to me) poems and phylosophy made me fail on this non Justified extrapolation.
Im Not liked by the most, and socially im an ass, literally an animal.
At work ill be OK.  I think my actual Boss is Probably going to be just a little more Respectful than the previous one.  And thats Enough.  Ill be Respectful and as long as im Not the one signing texts and i dont hold decissional responsabilities neither, ill do All they Tell me (before i Did Too), in the case its Always, as i Guess for Sure, its inside the law framemark.  Gonna be OK.
I wont do any philoscheme in the Office neither.  My payed job is Enough You can believe me.  This way, All inside the literacy of the law (objective terms my responsabilities were Always done; with the only odd of a real comunicación problem with my previous Boss; the previsible averaged terms of Respect now -though i cant be Sure, its normal when i think of All done to me; in any case, id STAY good and legal, True- Will be good for All -i Know All the prepared stuff around, but beyond this insult, if the daily treating is coherently Respectful, No problems-; and my Health Will Tell me thank You Too, thats for Sure, my Goodness...).
Ill work on hand at home.
That was All.
Best Wishing Respectfully True!
Good-bye, God Bless
flower love smiley flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jun 27, 2019 1:49 pm

Hi Smile

i don't like at all to worry the People for my behaviour (there're many things to be worried about, but i dont like to be one  of them).  For this i had to come to say this new boss seems to be a really good worker but also a really gentle and reasonable person [it's not contradictory: the better treated the workers are, the better they use to respond on their tasks: getting intellectual respect (listening), and social respect (good manners and gentleness), some professional care and some sense of responsability (moral reaction: they pay fair, and they trust in me and i'm well treated and considered, so i have to...), as much as some sense of hope for progress through a not totally closed jerarchy system, and also some sense of minimus stability and security on these very changing times... are Fundamental].  
Have to say (not a revolutionary, Einstein and Hawking, among many others, said things like this before me): I't's important, of course among many more things very key terms related to the stability of the world (among these things: to have reasonable leaders who care for the people on a deep and large enough perspective on time: global warming, contamination, water...), that the nations together get some arrengements good enough to face the losing of jobs for the progressive technological implementation (e-learning and specialization, i dont' know if they will be enough, i have to say).
On the same sense, it's important to watch not only the people, but also the computers.  As i have proved, their complexity is not only not achieving the emotion and the empathy for the human being.  No matter how many  0-1 bits they work with, they are not able to appreciate all the possible variations in all possible contexts (theorically, as mathematically can be proved -i did it), specially those related to human interests connected to a very complex mix of psycologies and societies and physical world (not only of the considered as the enemy).  For this, they can't get the deep and large enough perspective in terms of total interaction with the world.  They are much better than us to work in controlled spaces, where you know (at least with some minimus guarantees) where are the potential beginning and end of their computational and technological effects, to the world.  
The problem is not computers get alive, the problem is that the higher the computational abilities are getting, and, correspondingly, our leaving of responsabilities on them only for making our life "easier"; as much as the less or more contradictory crossing competition all through the nations and the economy is going to get grown; the more difficult to hold in our hands this control will become.
little grains me...

i'm still thinking of going up, till the next category (the only one that's not achieved by only political decission... as long as my fame is not exactly Paul Newman's in Hollywood of the 70's...).  i'll be doing courses (i cant study more masters: it's too expensive), and i'll be publishing two more books on reason, ethics and law (theorically, these two, as much as the first -as long as it's the first fundament for developing the following ones- should be positively valued as a real Achievement for my scoring in the objective and public competition).
i am also working on key things of physics connected to mathematics and to logics and to global ontoepistemology.  I'm on good progress (demostratively, nothing related to "pseudoscience" -very respectfully to these people, i have to say that i know that the ones who think this way about my work is cause they dont or they cant understand it; so ill be calm anyway about the ignoring of my work).
And im also working on some different essays (art, artist in the society, etc.).
This all i will be writing at home, trying to save the stuff by working disconnected to the net, cause... I'm sorry but its true, the chances for getting hacked and losing my texts (i know i'm hacked, but i dont know if i can trust, it's quite reasonable stuff, from the experiences i've had...).
I know my language is not liked (too much "complex" -but the things are this way; they only become "easy" when you understand the complexity; and this is a necessary step if you want to get an integrative perspective on all of the human: i mean, if you want to live easy -and if you are good for this, cause me...- you just have to find a work and meditate by yoga, by instance, but this is a chosen reduction of oneself towards all of the human; quite Honorable, and very Understanble); and the logics and deep perspective are not the most fundamental thing to the people (important, but just till some point; before we have the short terms safety, eating, money, fame, playfulness, getting liberated from frustrations -necessary, and bringing less or more controlled agressivity and non fair behaviours to ourselves and to others..-, etc); and human is not so naturally prepared to like to truth as we were told in school (the truth in the physical is liked -for this science and technology...- but the social is born "actoral" by itself, beyond the confrontation ego-empathy... and beyond the supperficial study of the sophistication of social abilities on evolution: the representationism that lies in the human symolism is coming in any case together with this, but it's not a tragedy but just a world to be worked, on progressive self-consciousness, empathy, ethics... More paradoxes i'll have to work on, not so difficult stuff this is, actually to me)...
But i believe in the need all people have to become recognized fair terms for their efforts and for the quality of their results (i'm just a human being, not a saint, a normal person, and with a family).  And if they are not recognized, they have to stay fair to their work (it's part of the person, this is key to know to any creator; as much as it's not the same to others, even though to the most loved and recognized artists: for this, many times some artists go so fast from the top fame to the oblivion...) and to their dignity and earned rights (justice is a fundamental right, but the applying of it in every context does bring the meaning of the "contractual reciprocity" towards the society; this is not marxism at all, obviously -though i do believe in the social justice: paradoxes of the human mind are key to understand these supposedly contradictory conceptos).  For this i have to publish my work the best i can, no matter the selling is close to zero.  it's a matter of self-respect-loving (if you dont love yourself, in the very frequent  geek  case you are not a saint, you cant love the other ones; and, i have to add, if you dont care for transcending the pure animality of the material causality of the world, you cant love the others neither: spirituality is needed to integrate the love for the human: till the point that those who truly care for others and at once call themselves as materialists are so mistaken on themselves: i mean, they trust).
i dont love all of this world at all, but i love to live in it (and i do also love -more than that- my family and the kids...), and i love to investigate and to work (even though when the price has been so high, and the compensation so unexistent, to me), and i Need it all so very much to stay well.  
I know it's not changing the world (and i'm Not trying it), but i love it, as much as i love to plant this little social seed on the world, it is feling good when i think about the time when i go.  Very humble goals, but feeling some historical transcending is quite fine (though i have to admit the prove of the metaphysics by my phylosophy did help me very much on achieving faith in God -i cant define it, but it's not a logic order as Einstein described it, it must be what it is beyond this, in really correct logic terms-: and it's bringing Hope, Sense, Resilience, and also Inspiration for tolerance and goodness; and you cant disconnect it from the others and from the loving the life, obviously, but it really helps to get yourself closer to something bigger but that at once is also connected to yourself... this is so calming stuff that's not for forgetting the world and the people but for getting very important peace and hope, as goodness too).
Here we go. On my own but on the loving.
Wishing much goodness, and Peace.
Stay Healthy and Well!
And very loving, caring and gentle greetings to the Very Lovely Brooke!
Good-bye, hasta siempre, adéu  Smile
flower  love smiley  flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 02, 2019 9:41 am

Hi good morning Smile

yesterday the psycologic "prey" in videos was too evidently "clinic" stuff for studying and directing me...
Today im posting for the play and for the share.  Healthy and "teachy" geek
one of best fictional portraits of the feudalism.  i chosed this part cause, among the big rudeness (and yes, yes, the very obvious bad sexism... it's on feudalist time...), it's some kind of emotional fiction (dreamy metaphore about the opened range of real and respectful chances i could have had for some youth dreams)
from a close land to the previous one... and from yesterday videos...geek Nooo, obviously for something more  Smile
(from yesterday... i say it was never about crazy/playful shooting)
wow, dreamy moments
these TV was tremendous; and though the producing and writing are obviously sexist, Mike Hammer is the "prey" usually for the women, and not the opposite (i like this, specially on these times... Razz  study ), while he's dreaming (no glasses through...  geek )
One of the Greatest!
Self-confidence, Personality, Independence, Heartfelt Support, playfulness, kid alive in the inside and... Nature!  
It's just a metaphore, cause the "wild kids" that have been found through the history did never get the normal and averaged human capacities (language, abstract intelligence...); but it's Good story for all (very specially when you know the real circumstances...; but for the kids, as Santa Claus or the Magic Kings, i think it's quite fine fairy-tale for some time)
hammer rhythm  Smile for the sharing "teachness"  geek (Nietzsche called himself as the philosopher with the hammer...)
human vulnerability, and, fundamentally, the metaphysics of the language as an essential part of the human reality
the first well fundamented version of the constitutive human paradox (we also see references to other poets, like Homer...), well, by reading both "at once"...
presented by a woman (and with no jokes for connecting what Socrat called his wife -like a horse...  Rolling Eyes - and the name of Hammer's Platonic Love...  Smile )
it's the discovering of the logic in the dialectics, and of the openeness of the knowledge process
rationalism, but also the acknowledge of the heritage from the Escolastics and the Patristics; from them, he explains the importance of the Consciousness (Fundamental!).  He is also bringing the key ways to critizise the excessive logic formalism positions, by inaugurating it as a well defined position (so good to the positivistic science too, of course)
the key concept of Transcendental in human knowledge, as much as the Ethics: don't use the other as a tool for your goals (and he knew so well Newton's work, among many other things)
the historicity (cultural) involving all the human knowledge, as much as the dialectical concepts of the good and the bad, and the moral agreement
the first empirist and logic-positivistic philosopher who is (with less or more explict self-recognizing on the meaning of this step) accepting the transcendental basic source, and who is using it for defining the best known concept of the causality; his mathematic studies "ended" in his well known paradox, which is the first step in the analitic school of "language/reality/mathematics as one logic whole thing" (Frege...) to the recognizing of the metaphysics (again, less or more implicit terms; as it happened, a little later, with the also Great Gödel); Russell did also know well Einstein's work...
the ethic, human, beautiful and transcendent importance of the other!!!
(asperger ones like me can achieve it, they only need -innately- a little more social space than the most of people; among some other things, non invalidating ones in any case)
another Tremendously Beautiful one, back from yesterday...
flower  love smiley  flower

i did not count the exact number of items (well, to be true the number for the "paradoxal" and "in the middle" Razz finding between the 15 and the 17 is in good terms presented... geek Smile Razz cheers ), but i think the symbolic meaning for the feeling and, also, for the teaching and for the healthy living is quite good , to my opinion, obviously (i'm sorry, but the Earth is a ball, not a level land; i know i always say it's important to be be critical and conscious of the things, to live and to do the most properly possible, but this is including the study of all the sides, not only and just the most conspiratory versions: i mean, the evidence of the fact the Earth is not level is too big; and, obviously, this is not the only evidence we get from the science: it's openeness is on its limits; without any kind of certainty... we would be completely lost, and our innate abilities, those living in our nature for millions years, do prove this is not happening)
Best Wishing from the Heart!
Kind, Healthy and Gentle kiss&hug to the Very Lovely and Bright Brooke, Loving Eternal!
flower  love smiley  flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 05, 2019 11:34 am

Hi, good morning Smile

yesterday, the spanish Artist Arturo Fernández (one of the greatest in the world) passed away, at the age of 90 years old.  A true role model to us all, for a lot of things.  Beside his Talent, i'd like to remark his ethics of the work (here, "ética del trabajo") and of the living; the first part is evident, and the second has been told almost by everybody (though there're things you can see... it's not like knowing a person, but something...).
Rest in Peace in the Heaven.  Thank You.
My Condolences and my Best Wishing to his Lovely Family and to all his Friends.
flower love smiley flower

i am on a little slower working mood (needed, for the prolongued stress and for the big and long-time efforts of the mind), but i'm working the phylosophy well.  Today i'm starting to work a little more focused again.  In any case, i am quite self-conscious not only about the things around, but also about the things inside of the hearted mind (i should add "bellied" i think  Smile , cause the last finds of Science say we have in the belly -intestines- as many neurones as a dog or a cat brains... my goodness!; to care about).  Going fine.
For this all, i'm sharing a little part of the conclusions of my first book on ethics (i'm actually working on them -a little easy, on the very hot summer...- from the first version i have written on hand since a couple a weeks ago), as the index and the title.  Little help i am able to share.

"5.- Conclusiones.

¿Qué es la realidad?  Todos tenemos una idea al respecto, más o menos aproximada, pero en ningún modo cabe imaginar que se tratará de algo idéntico para todos.  En ese camino de dificultad definitoria, inmediatamente aparecerán las diferencias entre las personas, ya no solo por razón de  cada nacionalidad, de cada educación/cultura o de la estratificación social.  El hecho mismo de la subjetividad individual, receptora y creadora de experiencias y de significado (sentido), es consubstancial a esa diferencia (natural, cultural, psicológica, intelectual, artística, vital...).
Se trata, éste, de un factor transcendental que estructura nuestra comprensión del mundo (y en el mundo); hasta el punto de que la supuesta definición a que hacíamos referencia es inabordable en términos académicos estrictos (léase: formales objetivos).   Y no solo esto: la visión que de la realidad tiene una misma persona cambia a lo largo de su vida, en años, en días, en momentos...
Y todo esto resulta consistente con las bases del paradigma integrado; donde el simbolismo lógico (paradoja), la integración del contexto, y la dinámica bioquímica y neuronal de cada uno (esto último es un rasgo natural universal) coinciden en la formación de un sistema cognitivo de naturaleza trascendente, en apertura paradójica-objetiva.  
Esto, en otros términos (conforme a un perspectivismo integrado), significa que la diferencia humana y esencial otorga su fundamento a una objetividad de naturaleza lógica-simbólica, y viceversa.  
Por otra parte, y asimismo, la apertura del conocimiento constituye la clave de su falibilidad creadora y, con ello, de su progreso no tautologizado o no formal.  Esto da lugar a una objetividad del significado sin la cual no habría comprensión/comunicación posible entre los seres humanos -ni supervivencia, esto es una cuestión de lógica elemental.  
Ambos caracteres (paradójicamente consistentes, sobre las bases que hemos definido de la paradoja estructural del conocimiento, entendido éste como principio y como desarrollo teórico-práctico, trascendente en-el-mundo) definen en buena medida el ejercicio de la racionalidad humana; la cual se halla de sí imbricada con la experiencia ética y social [recordemos que las divisiones del conocimiento y de la experiencia humana obedecen a razones metodológicas y de simplificación necesaria -el Uno como sentido de totalidad constituye un fundamento teórico y práctico necesario, pero no aporta la necesaria funcionalidad específica que requiere el trato vital/intelectual con las diversas esferas vida-; y no a soluciones de continuidad absolutas; lo cual también sucede en la tradicional diferenciación entre la racionalidad y la experiencia (no pueden separarse); todo esto es clave y, como se puede observar, se halla en concomitancia constitutiva con el conjunto del texto: lo Uno en lo múltiple y lo múltiple en lo Uno conforman una vía más de la paradoja transcendental].
Como hemos observado en capítulos anteriores, esta perspectiva constituyente de la realidad tiene unas implicaciones epistemológicas -y éticas- muy profundas.  En primer lugar: su estudio no nos conduce a una suerte de relativismo nihilista, pero tampoco al positivismo lógico, tan típico de la imagen colectiva y mediática de la ciencia actual (la filosofía de la ciencia madura hace tiempo ya que ha abandonado esta consideración sobre su disciplina de referencia).

A) El modelo de la ciencia

Cómo no empezar por la ciencia, saber que, a día de hoy, es el único con un valor de objetividad reconocido; en detrimento de la filosofía, la “mayor” entre las restantes disciplinas de la creación humana, como el arte1NOTE (quiero decir, si nos comprometemos con un estudio/análisis “total” de la experiencia raciovital y lógica-trascendente del ser humano).  No obstante, y como vamos a seguir comprobando, las conexiones de todos los ámbitos del conocimiento humano se hacen patentes por doquier, en el seno de un paradigma de la racionalidad integrado y autoconsistente.  Ésta es una condición central que casi nos llevará en volandas, a lo largo de todo nuestro análisis de fondo/de totalidad.

NOTE:  No es que no haya fuertes razones para el cuasi monopolio de la ciencia y de la tecnología.  Principalmente: a) su éxito material a corto plazo (el aseguramiento de un éxito a medio/largo plazo, dados los actuales desafíos globales, requiere de un estudio holístico más profundo de lo habitual, solidario y mancomunado entre todas las ramas de la ciencia -conocida y por venir) y b) las dificultades que han tenido y que aún tienen que afrontar casi todas las demás ramas del conocimiento, a la hora de abordar la reconstrucción de alguna suerte de objetividad compartida en torno a los valores “verdad”, “bien”…
En sus propias contradicciones internas, históricamente, las corrientes de la filosofía transitan del relativismo al puro formalismo analítico.  Sin embargo, esto no significa que sea imposible replantearse los problemas (seculares) de un modo distinto, y con una mayor proyección intelectual, sociológica, ética y democrática (a los efectos teóricos y a los efectos prácticos, integradamente: como una proyección a priori y como un desarrollo histórico positivo).
Siguiendo este hilo argumentativo, no es que el arte constituya una forma menor de la creación humana, en ningún modo.  Lo que quiero decir es que, precisamente, dada su fuerza para “mover” conciencias (la de los demás, como diría Rorty, y la propia, como nos indican la psicología y la neurociencia modernas), es importante que el artista reconozca las implicaciones y el alcance de su trabajo.  Y aquí no se trataría tanto de establecer límites a la subjetividad generadora, cuanto de promover y de facilitar el crecimiento intelectual y ético de todos (y esto es consistente con la perspectiva ética, política y jurídica de Habermas; así como, también, con los resultados de este trabajo)".

Title and index:
"Razón, ética y derecho.  Los principios de un paradigma integrado.

1.- Primeras reflexiones.

2.- La unicidad de lo racional.

3.- Hacia un nuevo paradigma.

3.1.- Las bases del edificio cognitivo; la consciencia; el absoluto.
3.2.- Los esquemas de la comprensión.

4.- Integración natural de la razón y la norma (y el valor, el interés, el afecto...).

4.1.- Ciencias naturales, filosofía y ética.
4.2.- La idea como símbolo significativo.
4.3.- La naturaleza racional del valor (en lo normativo y en lo afectivo).

5.- Conclusiones".

And well, that was all today.
Best Wishing from the Heart, Good Feelings.
And a very special&gentle&tight kiss&hug to the Bright&Lovely&Beautiful Brooke!
(that Beautiful Video with Bob Costas, and the Beauty in those other blondies ones from the 90's, and the today ones... so Good! cheekey smiley action smiley tongue smiley )
flower love smiley flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 15, 2019 12:47 pm

Hi, very good morning!!! Smile

i only came to say these last QVC clothes designed by Brooke and the and videos are just so amazing, brainy and adorable, my goodness sacred.
i have to admit that to follow the idiome speaking at this speed is a little difficult to me, and not only for the Fact i'm listening to the words while i'm very really blinded by the beauty Shocked cheekey smiley Razz but also cause im a little too slow; but i think i can say the ideas expressed are so brilliant and lovely, oh my...!
So classy and so inspirational, so much. Energizing.
How beautiful and young Brooke is looking on these days, wow!
it's wonderful, i'm touched true...
cheers my goodness a very tight&gentle Loving kiss&hug right now Please!! cheers
flower love smiley flower

touched wave bounce tongue smiley but not overreached by the heavenly emotions (what the..., that's a normal thing to me geek Laughing Razz ), i can say i have also been working very focused and well. and i'll be doing so, cause over this Hearted inspiration...
I Love You
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 15, 2019 2:15 pm

Hi Smile

very excited but, till the point i know and at once, quite "easy"; i just can say that these videos have meant so much to me.
And that the following ones i could see just some moments ago are so dreamy; and that those very well explained maps of flowers and that those white trousers are just simply perfect and like the heaven to me.
im actually quite emotioned.  True.
speechless, very much.
cheekey smiley cheers kindest tight kiss&hug i could ever give in the heaven to the very Heavenly Brooke cheers cheekey smiley
going back to work now for a little while more, focused (i dont know how!!!  wave  Laughing  geek  Razz  Smile ; You made my day and You made me so very happy!!  Sorry me cause i know im not the only person in the world (well, but probably one of the most  wave  Embarassed  bounce for sure now  Smile  Razz  action smiley ), but I Liked All the things so much that I...
By the very best wishing, we're gonna be OK.  
I'll be working hard and good, as I'm staying fine: while I'm also Dreaming of the day I am able to meet You again, so Respectful and Gently -and, probably, close to a silly state of my mind, again  Smile !
and i can say i have truly developed very good and key ( cheers ) things for this connective theories: mathematics, language, physics, philosophy.  Yes, for physics and mathematics too.  I did for Gödel theoremes, so it should not look so rare even though i have not done degrees on all those subjects.  it's a matter of self-consistent logic development, and then all keeps coming, coincidentally, like a real puzzle where all the pieces do fit to one another.  I'll show you when i have finished.
And all these things, which are true anyway, were said to look like a really brainy and calm person  Smile  Embarassed  geek  cheers  cheekey smiley
I Liked these Videos Very Much.
I Love You, Brooke, it's so Good...!!  
And im actually Truly Afraid of simply moving a feather down the street now, or to just even breathe, for so much Beauty I don't want to make bad to, for my very predictible unconsciousness; cause it's real life but i'm feeling like it was the heaven.
And, in the best of cases, my words cant make it better; in fact they cant look correspondingly to these feelings; and i feel like when i write them, they were robbering something from this moment.
flower  love smiley  flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 16, 2019 1:31 pm

Hi Razz

first of all i wanted to express my very hearted condolences to the Families of Pernell Whitaker (one of the greatest of all time; i felt absolutely shocked yesterday's night when i knew it) and Stephanie Niznik (i could see some of her work, and it was so really good and beautiful). Rest in peace, in the Heaven.
flower love smiley flower

i can also say that i have been working very focusedly this morning, and i can also say that i have already finished the next point, 5.1.2 on the science in general and on the actual science more specifically, connecting the transcendental structures to the last discoverings and for the future ones, on a global cognitive sense of the human reason.
and i have to say that these new Videos, Pictures and Premieres (specially this one in Spain) are so really Nice and Inspirational. I find them all very Supportive and Energizing, from the Heart.
By the Best Wishing True!
And very specially to Brooke Love!
Good-bye, see later... action smiley Razz tongue smiley
flower love smiley flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 18, 2019 10:05 am

Hi, good Razz

these Pictures of the day are really Nice and Beautiful!
Here i can say im on a couple of "recovering" days, from the mental efforts. it's a process, and i actually understood is important to listen to the body/brain when it tells you "we're going on a little "rookie" wall now", cause the quality of the job and the health depend on it. A continued 200% is impossible to handle for years and years continuedly.
I mean, it's not a stop, it's a period when i listen to the ideas, write schemes on the paper and let my conscious and my non conscious mind go along with the work together, for a couple of days. It's good and key for going deeper into the explanatory concepts and for organizing the structure of it all.
On the next week i'll have finished this next epigraph, and after it i'll start working on the 5.2, with a common initial part upon the "value", and with 5.2.1 on ethics and 5.2.2 on the law, integratively to all. It's, more than about political choices, about the real working structures of these human skills, and their importance to the individual and social living of the human, and about their value to help us all to live a little better.
When im finished (im taking two vacation weeks on augutst), before the end of the summer, i'll edit the 5th chapter; and afte r i'll do the definitive edition of the whole essay.
It's almost all on the head, and i can also say that it's all actually quite "well" done (the editing i think it's not going to be too big, as long as the conceptual evolution till i wrote this actual chapter is fitting, as it's textually expressed, to the line of the book), and that i'm so really cheers for this stuff.
And, well, by the Honest Best Wishing!
A very gentle&tender kiss to Brooke Love Beautiful!
flower love smiley flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 18, 2019 2:38 pm

Hi Smile

my goodness, this is the fourth post today...! cheers
(i'll share this book with Cuarto Milenio, as i said, i have not changed my mind about it; why i should?; that's fine!; if they are interested, as i think it's quite possible, then it would be a great public exposition and sharing source for my work; but i would not get angry if they were not interested, though i think they will be)
i'm calm cause im not losing much time at all for this much posting for a day.
i think the conclusions im getting about the time "dimension" connected to the transcendental structures of our perceptive mind are going to be really tremendous, oh, oh Embarassed really.
more than for more than probable opinions different to mine, im honestly Embarassed for this rookie achievements im sure im getting.
comparedly, in the usual terms we all use to think in the socialized and common understanding of things, this is meaning even more precocity than i did show by and on my philosophy (the first book took, since i started studying with no degree -but a master, but very "reduced" comparedly-, 6 years); but as long as its all connected, it's not so much, the actual one...  cheers (then, less  Embarassed )
i think im going to write these new things in the same 5.1.2, leaving the next one for more global ideas connected as i said.
in any case, i'll be thinking about it all for a couple of days more, to fix the arguments well Shocked
and i think the most appropiated think would be to write an specific essay for these conclusions, cause they are too "physicalized" (more than physicalist) for the usual philosophical context.
I think that what ill do, as long as i cant and i dont want to get too different (by instance, and among other things, because, as Hegel said, there cant be anything we can name that is totally and absolutely different to another), it is to write a really long note (not so unusual), the most synthetic possible.  Yes, that's what i think i'll do.
Or maybe not (please, tell the People i have written this post by more than just one visit, by editing, cause if not, my  wave reputation...  geek  Laughing  Razz ).  Cause i think i can follow the last lines i shared by this theory, as long as it's proving the positive (non only in terms of experience but of value too) range of possiblities the transcendental is giving to our understanding, as much as it is the necessary explicative way we can only use (perception structures, metalogics, paradoxes and connectivity of it all; all these things i have been saying).
By the best hearted wishing true!
Tender&Kind&Tight&Respectful hugging to Brooke Love Beautiful!
(sorry, it's not for jokes but for honest and childish -and asperger- poetry of the sounds of words: "Brooke Love Beautiful" sounds tremendous to me, it's almost like a romantic mantra of the moment, so true)
flower love smiley flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Jul 19, 2019 1:50 pm

Hi, good morning Smile

on the working, well.
These Movies, Videos and Pictures... Really Nice.  And look at how Bo Derek or Sharon Stone are looking on these days... Tremendous.  It's like an "epidemy" of virtual Beauty to me geek Laughing Razz cheekey smiley
I can say i am going to work on this stuff of Physics (time and physical structures of the universe, as much as ontoepistemological, obviously) for the weekend, on calm and joyful reflection.
i'm resting too of course tongue smiley In fact, i've got most of it on brain and even on paper hand, but it's good.  Next week i'll add this part to the last epigraph; and after it, i'll start the next one.  
This last will be more focused in a global perspective; as the next one, on the value as a category of the human living.  I cant remember who said it very expressively, but even from a not so wave Shocked hasi study  investigating point of view as mine,  i think it's evident that without a non purely material perspective, it is impossible to deal, global terms, with the concep of the value (epistemologic, moral, ethical and so).  In fact, this is directly related (metalogically proved by the integrative human reason) to all of the human conceptuality (and also, less or more, to other type of less symbolic behaviours, if we are going back to the evolutive human brain and do connect it to the actual one).  
If we forget or condemn the transcendent point of view (or if we do even punish the People who come along with an expressive and explicit type of it, developed as a narrative religion which is respecting the Human rights... -some ex-communist countries have modified for good this political side, and, whatever may be happening in other political sides, this is a very good and positive thing to be recognized and celebrated), if we eliminate the key notion of the human soul and spirit... we're killing a very fundamental part of what to be human does mean (the essence, the morality, the dignity...).  It's tragic.
Had to share it.
Well, now going.  By a the very best wishing from the heart.
Good-bye, see later.
Special and tender kiss to the very beautiful and heavenly Brooke!  cheekey smiley  tongue smiley  action smiley  
flower  love smiley  flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Jul 24, 2019 12:57 pm

Hi, good morning Smile

on the good working.  Well!
Only came to wish so much Well too, and to send Please a very kind&tender&tight&respectuf&loving kiss&hug to Brooke! action smiley Smile cheekey smiley
flower love smiley flower

PS: one of the Movies i want to go with my Beloved Sister is this Great new "Fast&Furious", and i still hope we'll go. To the actual one or to another following one, in any case Razz cheers Smile
Wanted to say that my Best and Hearted thoughts and wishes are specially with Joe Watts, his Family and his Friends at this moment.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Jul 25, 2019 8:41 pm

Hi Smile

Those Nice Videos by the sea, Always for ending quite up!
Here, working Really hard now for connecting Einstein and Cuantics to the Key structures of logics and transcendental ontoepistemology.  Complex, and Difficult to me (i cant write It All Well at once, im on continued papermind edición) but at this time of the day, even though non finished yet, i can say the maremágnum of words is actually making real Sense on edited papers and mind.  Step by step, cause each new and consistent conclusión has been taking me to new, and usually even progressively more complex, questions.
Going back to work, though till Not Too late.  Human beings need rest, Peace... Health is Key.
By the Very Best Hearted Wishing.
Special Memory for Rutger Hauer.  Blade Runner, Ladyhawke and so many other Great ones.  Rest in Peace in Heaven.
Also, special good Wishing for Coto Matamoros and Michael Robinson, and All the People in any Health trouble.  For Marco Asensio Too.
Im Not healing by my "powers" cause i aint got them, but im Truly Wishing complete and fastest possible Recoveries.
And, Very easily, Much tight Greetings  Razz to Brooke, and a kiss&hug.
flower  love smiley  flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 30, 2019 1:01 am

You See, im feeling better now (a little further from the stroke), cause i was able to be sincere.
To Remember All things done to me... And the ones still going on... And this weekend with my Family...
Too Much for anybody geek
Brooke and most of the People Hate me or Ignore me.  Its OK.  
My Family has changed so Much to what i can remember, for many circumstances.  Its Crying or Very sad me but its Also OK.
To be Focused in the Good things and in the Good i can do, far from public eyes and ears I Hope.
Sorry for the pessimistic.  To forget It soon, just Remember if You are wise and strong Enough (or simply thinking what i said is just an asspiece  geek ), the Good is Always Surviving.
Dont worry and enjoy Well and Kind this Very Beautiful Life.
Now im going to rest (but Not for eternity yet geek ) cause tomorrow im going to work, and i Need this job, for the money.  Im keeping 200% responsible and hoping here at least for this time my sincerity and my inner pain dont get me more pain.  Im fine with my working conditions, im feeling Fortunate for It, on these days.
Im Not angry now.  I dont believe in Big dreaming on earth (Ortega was Right, circumstances and experiences are conditioning the human so Much), but in Goodness on It as in Heaven (Transcendence is Real, and Asperger me has Proved to myself Well Enough!  cheers ).
We'll be OK.
Goodness and Good-bye.
I wont come back but i Wish You All the Very Best.
God Bless the Families!
flower love smiley flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Aug 01, 2019 10:15 am

Hi, Good morning Razz

How many Really Nice and Good Videos, Pictures, Premieres, Events... About these, i did find specially Interesting the one by the Foreign Press Association, and the one by the Hollywood Walk of Fame Recognizing the Great Stacy Keach...
Really Inspirational all these finds today!!! action smiley Razz cheekey smiley
I wanted to ask if Former First Lady Michelle Obama (I'm a Hearted and brainy Admirer action smiley ) is coming back again, this year. And, also, if Tiffany Trump, one of the Daughters of the Actual President, is coming too. Wow! Proud for the coming to my land of these Really Celebrated Persons. I Really Hope they come again as in the few past years! Razz Smile tongue smiley
And, well, here we go.
I am taking a little rest from the book writing (yes, i needed). Almost all of the structure is on head and paper, but even though i honestly think its important to finish it, i think it's even more important to do it well. I'm doing (i think Shocked geek Smile ). It's pretty sure i'll have published this stuff before the end of the year, at least.
I can say that, among things i have to edit/add to the last epigraph i shared, there's the matter of the time travelling. From my logic&physical&mathematical&ontoepistemological (Yes wave geek Laughing , but it's true -hads up to middle height and opened and head down to the closest possible to the shoulders and moved from side to side and up and down easy for one moment in time, basically -the study Shocked wave is neverending lol! ); i think we are "needing" to admit the theory of different universes connected, to be able to think those travels are possible.
Obviously, i will add&edit other things. Though i have to admit i'm actually very proud, and that i feel some real recognizing.
And now its time for going back to the task. Good-bye, see later.
The next week im starting some vacation "full-time"!!! cheers bounce Smile
By the best hearted wishing!
And a very special and gentle kiss&hug of Love to Brooke.
flower love smiley flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Aug 02, 2019 3:36 am

As i See im Not considered as a good Person, i Will Tell You i retire All the nominative references from my posts, cause im already Sure You think its All for some hidden and dark purposes.
Your blindness has no limits.
Coherently im going.
I See an in crescendo pressure on me and my Family, less or more subtile.
Im Not Wishing You bad, but i Swear ill Protect my Family with my Life.
Well, Everything else i may say is waste of time and food/information/excuse for attacking me better (since Vero calls till today...).
Im repeating It, im Not Wishing You bad.  If You dont want me as a Human being, Please im just Saying leave me alone Please.  Im Not keeping any Wills or plans for disturbing You, i just want a safe, free and dignifying Life for me and for my Family.
Im Not coming back.  I begin to understand Not only how badly im considered, but how i have been taken in the past.  Its scaring, horrible; but i have assumed it.  As Much as your ignominious persistence in causing pain to me by those non constitutionally authorized 'therapies".
I wont think about It; You wont destroy me.  Im an Innocent and Free Man.
Coherently, i wont Hate You at All.
Im just going to think about self-protecting; fundamentally by Very, Very long emotional distance.
How is It possible, what has happened and its still happening here!!!
Dont answer me for once, this time i Know the answe.  Cause its how the Life goes.  Thinking back on time, the global context of conditions existing when i came were Saying: stay alert, red alarm, dont come.
Though i Admit the whole think went further than anybody Could expect; basically for my Dignity, my talent and my continued Big working (yes i Know You cant assume any one of these things in me).
Well, when i think about them, its All understandable.
I dont want to Change the world, i dont want You bad.  Im just a Professional with a very tough Life as long as 51who want to be good, calm and alone.  
You cant Change me at this time of the movie, among other things, cause of my moral consideratión on the whole thing.  So, if You dont need to kill me, Please leave alone.
This is a Good-bye.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Aug 02, 2019 2:28 pm

Hi, for a minute Embarassed ,

i see it's obvious it's not worth, the good things i may ever bring by my posting, when i think about the possible bad effects, any kind, from my words.
At this moment, my most than ever certain feelings upon the fact i really must go from this Good Forum are Not coming from any anger or craziness for feelings of unjustice; they are coming from a very well fundamented decission from the mind and from the heart and the soul.
I Hope i'm seeing You again, someday. For sure, You'll have all the good memories by the posts (and the coming for twice too), for Always, and my coming and hearted and very brainy and moderate and kind books Razz .
You All are for Always in my Heart.
And im taking the chance for sending, by the anticipated permission from my very Admired Iker Casillas, a very tight&Hearted Hug to Sara Carbonero. Come On, Inspired and Strong as usual. With this husband and those kids... Wow, això ja està fet! action smiley
Wishing Much Health and Peace and Love to Everybody.
And, for ending, a very special, kind and tight hug to Brooke. If we dont ever see us again, please remember i was Always Wishing the Very Best for You and for Your Family. And that You'll Always be in my Heart, cause You're so Beautiful and Inspiring Person.
God Bless Us All!
flower love smiley flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 21, 2019 2:57 pm

Razz Embarassed Cool hi, good morning.

I have just found these New Videos on Timeless Brooke Collection, and they are so Very Beautiful, Lovely and Magical to me.
I cant keep coming everyday cause on this time of my life my mental/body health is needing more than ever to define the real limits of my private life (Intimacy; obviously not in absolute terms, but you know... as anybody); but i had to come to say this (it's Not only for my health, thought this is really Important, obviously; it's also cause i Honestly Believe it's the Good thing to do).
And also Please tell Brooke that im VERY SORRY for some bad words i may have ever said, cause i was NOT really feeling them, in fact. It's True i was angry (beyond the reasons and the non reasons, PEACE! action smiley Embarassed cheekey smiley ), but i was NOT feeling what i was saying, I Swear.
When the time was right someday may be, i'd really LOVE so Much to meet her and to talk to her again. Very Much! Very Respectfully, Kind and Fanning terms.
I'm Loving Her Always!
So TRUE, at her feet i'll be, my Lady. I can't help it cheekey smiley love smiley hasi
Good-bye, see later.
Before going, i can say i have been working quite well on the finishing of the book. I'll be writing, for the 5.2, a global part for the "value", another one -connected to it as integrative sense (theorical and practical)- to the normativity, and a special one for the application of these conclusions for ethics and another one for the law. I'm doing it calm, we're on the summer... But i'm in good progress. On the next week i'll start writing this last part of this actual book.
If i have permission for it, I'd really Like to send a very Hearted kiss&hug to Brooke, Please. She's so Beautiful... cheekey smiley Shocked Embarassed Cool action smiley
flower love smiley flower

Ps; And now also, pulled for the Feelings (Emotional state), i could not forget to take the chance to send my Very Hearted Condolences for the passing away of the Very Magical Peter Fonda. Such and Admirable Artist and Person, Inspirational! Rest in Peace in the Heaven.
flower love smiley flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri Aug 30, 2019 2:16 pm

Hi, good morning Razz

first of all i wanted to make a post to express my true pain and sadness for Luis Enrique's Daughter, Xana, passing away. Dear Parents, Family and Friends will Need time and some help from everybody on these moments, but as the same Dad said, to Know She's in a Very Good Place Now is Very Much Calming information and believing.
My hearted condolences, guys. It's a real tough challenging, but im Sure You'll Success, as Always!
Rest in Peace in the Heaven!
flower love smiley flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hi, Good morning!   Hi, Good morning! - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 02, 2019 7:40 am

Good morning,

I dont have Hate un my Heart, but fear neither.  Its Deception, yes, and Very strong Untrust on the People.  Stronger than ever.
But i have learnt a lot, from my continued stress
 And i believe in God again, though i Cant Really understand anything from him.
The Hate from the newcomimg neighbour (Next "curating" phase You programmed so wise for me) ill be able to face with no violence and Calm Enough (what another one! -noise continuedly done at key hours to disturb).
I al Not in pain for this actual situation, cause i think its the only one possible for me in this world.
And i have my Family (Mom, Xisca, Sisters, Uncle, Grandaughters)..
Well, i think this is Good-bye.
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