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 Normal Developing on Time!

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 23, 2016 1:05 pm

Razz cheers wave flower wave cheers Razz

Low mind, True.  Calmy Well.
Working easy and resting, I guess no needing more pain pills, but antiobiotics I'm respecting the routine, one week.  Next friday revision of threads.
But, though, this is All Very Biotic!!
And I guess I'll have to connect the TV for Sports for All-Star Game...
It's not much expensive, and as we use to say here in my land, "a un anegat da-li aigo" geek Laughing
Really hoping to See Gasol Brothers, Ricky and Calderon, and Kobe... Basketball party smiley
I guess You Watching it too.
Sharing time, then!!
I'm repeating very much, but I'm so bounce Exclamation on the tasking results, oh my.  I'm close to a time when I'll be in themoral duty of treating myself as "usted" geek Laughing
No, really, it's All I Expected for, and even More.
As You!!
Seeing, Loving Eternally
flower cheers cheekey smiley bounce love smiley bounce cheekey smiley cheers flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 29, 2016 1:26 am

Razz cheers flower cheers Razz

How are things!
Me Much Worked. Good, and tired.
Understanding the myth on its own conceptual and historical terms. Wow Surprised party smiley cheers
More Good Movies Coming! My Sister has told me today She Wants to go to Rocky. Yeah. Maybe we'll go together. I'll try, depending on time. If not, Watching for sure anyway True.
It's a real brutality, the task ahead, withhead, I mean geek Laughing Smile
I did have dinner some minutes ago... Too late, but well, I had to finish this part.
Now Rest of Mind.
Coldies heart, but goldies mind, I hope.
I Really LIke what I'm Doing, Very Embarassed And I am sure it's Helping, Really.
I am using a ton of bibliographic references. And I was the "antithis". I'm Very Focused in Making a Good Job.
Well, Good night. Seeing later, on the Loving a Fine Hug!
These words I Read on a Video, "A Lover's Concerto" by The Toys: "you don't fall in love with somebody you can live with you fall in love with somebody you can live without". Well, somehow, there's some Sense on it I guess.
Loving and For Eternity!!
flower cheers tongue smiley love smiley tongue smiley cheers flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 30, 2016 12:10 am

Here "alone". Took chance fot pizza. This restaurant is Tremendous.
Mouth OK. But this modern surgery... The material has not been taken, its getting well alone.
I feel like couple of kgs in mouth, pulling me out the gum. But well, calm.
Took the day easy. Some TV, tennis, Big bang, now Flash.
Psycologic mind need rest too. Stress of creative and of time pressure down.
Good Hug, God Bless!
Loving Good
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 02, 2016 9:21 pm

Hi Good Goodness,
cheers Razz flower Razz cheers

Listening to TV News and on the Task.
The focusing is actually wave . So Glad for the developing of mind on letters. And it seems the counting time is going to fit the calendar planning! bounce
Just saying Hi and Greetings Fine!
Good Loving Friendly Hug!
flower cheers cheekey smiley love smiley cheekey smiley cheers flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 09, 2016 1:45 pm

Razz cheers flower cheers Razz

For testifying my True Good wishes, and my real and calm normality; I'm sharing the last mail I sent to my thesis Director. AS long as I know it's known, my mail, but I don't know who and how many people can see it. I guess not everybody. I Know someday this will be Honestly and Peaceful and Friendly Solved too.
Well, this is it,
"Moltes gràcies per la crítica constructiva. Però en aquest punt volia expressar la tremenda diferència entre els 2 posicionaments, el de la ortodòxia més clássica de la raó occidental, Plató, i l'actuality. Mostrar el contrapunt per després desenvolupar-ho tot. Crec que és un punt d'interès pel lector ("retòrica" de l'escriptor, o metodologia), destacar les contradiccions i les apories més o menys aparents, per després intentar explicar-les. Com pot haver canviat tant la perspectiva filosòfica; està justificat, això? Aquest seria el punt de partida de l'assaig.
Ahir anava super liat amb tot, i no vaig poder dir-te res. T'he cridat avui i no he pogut comunicar. És igual, va bé.
Vaig xerrar amb l'Institut d'Estudis (...), companys de feina. La tesi, de Llull, potser els interessi, però he d'anar a xerrar amb el director, polític. El tema del gran tractat de teoria del coneixement jajaja... és una altra cosa. tot i que, si fós en català... Ja veurem. De totes formes, no pateixis, Toni; perquè si en Lleonart i ningú no ho vul publicar, ho faré com a llibre electrònic, previ registre en el Registre de la propi intel·lectual. D'una manera o l'altra en sortirem. De totes formes, no t'atabalaré massa amb el tema de l'assaig, que vas molt liat, i ho sé bé.
El tema dels "palabros"... Ai! Què puc dir, ho intentaré; però l'assaig sortirà estilísticament com surti, el millor possible, però sense obsessions de forma, perquè, amb tot l'esforç mental que representa, trigaré 30 anys en acabar-lo si no sóc un poc més flexible. De cap manera penso el mateix sobre el contingut, és clar; i per això agraeixo tant la teva supervisió.
I si no agrada, doncs, Toni, el treuré pel meu compte. Perquè no puc rompre el meu estil, la conceptualitat... No sé, de moment, expressar-la d'altra manera. Necessitaré temps per millorar la claredat d'exposició d'idees, si arribo a aprendre'n algun dia. Crec que el doctorat serà un bon assaig.
Pel que fa a aquest, el doctorat, m'ho prendre, ja t'avís per la teva tranquilitat com a docent responsable; como si fossin 10 mesos de "mili", l'antiga. Els "deixonsos" a la porta, vull dir, plena assumpció dels teus criteris, em costi el que em costi de reelaborar i adaptar les idees a l'ortodòxia de la investigació acadèmica.
Seguim en contacte.
No pateixis, que no m'oblidaré de'n Ramon Llull. Deu mesos, un cop facilitada la feina amb el que m'has passat, crec que és possible. Bé, fent feina. Un dia d'aquests començo Anthony Bonner, però no he pogut fins ara, llegint i llegint material.
I bé, fent molta, molta feina. Però, com és la nostra autèntica passió, la filosofia ho mereix, per sí sola.

Una abraçada,"

And calmy, humble, gentle and friendly going; though on quite Enough self-esteem, which is so Necessary for any creation, though always in terms of respect, not pure wilderness, I mean, when it's related to others.
I can paint what I want on a empty paper, and be payed for it, if I'm Picasso; but I can not do anything on Husserl or any other one.
And in philosophy this is specially key, as long as there's an objective core I'm Proving on my treatise, that's usually forgotten. then, the respect to the Reason, as Integrative Complexity of Human Creation, is even more key than usual.
Many Greetings!
And Big Hug, and Loving Good!!
flower cheers love smiley cheers flower

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Feb 18, 2016 1:12 pm

Razz flower Razz

On the going.
With mind going around with the dialectic concept of contradiction from Hegel. I'll fix it well.
Going back to Conference, I had to add some key point.
If human is a fallen creature, coming from a place paradise where the living is a happiness kid's, the way for coming back to it can be directed by the Religion.
Nothing against it. I Do Believe in Something!
Philosophy takes the challenge for Happiness and tries to do it from a point of not "mystery" but from the point of reason.
Reason as wisdom, that means going beyond the supperficial living of sense and instincts, and a little more than this first one going beyond, in neverending process of transcendence from itself.
This is the key of philosophy, the paused and critic and deep reflection, free and self.critic for more understanding, into the deep of existence, knowing you're never catching it by the reason (for this there're no logic fundaments for erasing Religion as Faith and Mistery of Salvation by Existential Behaviours and Practices, as Praying. by instance Good).
I think the philosophic key for happiness comes from Epicure idea of "bienestar" or "benestar": staying well. It's not about other things from the outside, but about your staying, that's an inner thing, and as long as it's inner nature, it's yours.
This is the key said yesterday in Conference, even prior to Concept of "Virtus" (etimologic terms, only man can be virtuous beings and only women can be "felice" beings; non politically correct, but etimilogically yes it is geek Laughing Smile ; nothing for Real) coming from Aristotile. Though, in the philosophic perspective of transcendence, the inner healthy state is coming from the "virtus" and it's at once a "virtus", able and needed for you and at once for "you for others", as I commented before.
flower love smiley flower

Big Hug Going Good True!!
flower cheers love smiley cheers flower

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Feb 23, 2016 2:12 pm

Hi, on a Hug!!
Going well. Focused Fine.
Talked to my thesis director (such a Nice Person, who is giving me advice on everything excepting the thesis geek Laughing Embarassed , well just by now, on july finishing the treatise).
He liking the ideas I've transmited to him, and he's making able to me the contact to another professor, "emérito" (me very "e-mèrits" too geek Laughing Razz ) who is epistemology expertise, for a talk (and me asking some questions on bibligraphy he passed me one time, for the master course). Good!
He also told me how it's good not getting too close inside before the rest of the world, a danger for all thinkers, real.
Ah, and I've Incorportating, Very Strongly, Karl Otto Apel in my essay. Important, his transcendental concept.
I'm taking this concept of the subject, actual terms, as I'm doing on the critic of science (Frankfurt Movement: Adorno and Horkheimer; and Gadamer, Habermas and Apel); for going a little beyond to my own integrative concept of reason.
He also asked me, after me explained my doing and its goals (I'm so sorry! geek Laughing wave ), if I'm Incorportating Damasio. Of Course!
For this the critic on the critic on science, for after going to some "multidisciplinariedad; perspectiva holística; y mereología cognoscitiva"; fundamenting, by it, the Incorportation, Strong terms, of Damasio Conclusions and, also, Evolutive Theory. Both Will Help me so much to try to fix some biologic anthropology for determining the structures of mind as as innate necessary functional trascedence, connecting this to the classic paradoxes of Zenón, Parménides and some other more I'm actually incorporting, connected to the "recoil argument" ("trilema de Mucnchaussen", by instance).
And this was all for now.
Loving, on a Hug higher than highest cloud, Holding Tight, Feeling Touch of Heartbeats and Parfume!!
flower cheers love smiley cheers flower

ps: It's Terribly HARD, to seriously try so hard for some social recognizement (not wanted for ego or self-assertivity, actually, True; but for my legitimacy and my intellectual authority, giving me the chance to be Truly Listened, making me able to Bring some help Fine), and stay on this place, knowing how really global has become.
This so personal perspective and expressivity of mine is tendentially taken as non serious thing. I understand this and have to accept it. Though I know, slowly but fixed terms, the understanding of the Trascendent Perspective that there's behind this all is progressively penetrating minds of many ones for Good.
Here, Calmy Terms, Truly Fixed, we can Stay for another Eternity Well, I Swear!!
And now back to Task!!
flower love smiley flower

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 04, 2016 12:49 pm

Obviously, in terms of Human Universality, I'm Wishing the Very Best and Only the Good. If not, I could not keep myself focused in this very hard tasking.
My (...) is only related to these ones breaking the law (lately I've confirmed that it has been done criminal terms: "allanamiento de morada"). The passivity from others is, most of the time, not a reason for anger but just deception; not huger than the one that brings to my mind the comtemplation of many events happening, like wars, humanitarian crisis, hunger, kids less than two years old condemned by their own people for being wizzards or witches ...
Well, I admit the direct contemplation of some of these things do get me really wave Exclamation ; but it's something I have to live with everyday. So, I had to understand that or I'd learn to keep calm for most of hours of the day, or I'd die precociously for an infart (brain or heart).
Brooke does Not care for my situation before these events happening to me for years. So I do have to make logic conclusions: she does not care for my safety. This is obvious.
So, she does not love me; or at the very least she hates me more than may care for me. And less or more about all the rest.
And it's OK.
The evil and illegal (with "alevosía") playing is only putting Distance among the People.
If the problem was controlling my anger for accusations of "red haired", you Know there was something more than words on it, or sodomy, etc.; this was Not the way.
If the problem was the need for destroy something beautiful, this was Not the way neither.
For these things:
I honestly thing human is condemned, the same you have condemned me.
But well, let us all live our common condemns the happiest way possible; much better if we have money and influences for protecting ourselves and our families from the predatory instincts of others individual, corporations or nations.
My happiness is the healthy staying of my People, and mine of course (I've been having, for 3 or 4 last years, serious problems in belly and stomach, for the nervous, and I'm actually so Well at it); and, also, the Search for some Sense, even beyond human, intellectual terms, if necessary. And, obviously, adding some real will for chances for helping Innocent People, like that kid who was condemened for witchery and abandoned, appearing yesterday on TV.
I think it's all. Back to work.
action smiley
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 01, 2016 2:31 pm

Razz flower Razz

What a weather! wave Last two days here were torrid (in the highway there was a real stopping because two ways instead of normal three for treatment of trees around, and that time, me with my "hot flashes", I was getting Asfixiated for the Brutal Heat inside of stopped car), and today it's not stopping the rain.
It's been a crazy year here, what a weird winter. Global warming consequences (did you read last data on it, about ice getting melt in the north-pole!)? My goodness, this is going so fast then. I really prefer to think it's just a point, though not ignoring the subject does really Need some extra-constructing among all for saving the planet. And the people, because you don't need to be Albert Einstein or Stephen Hawking for knowing the interstellar travels are still a "little" far, for forgetting the Most Urgent Problems!
Well, it was a matter of conscience, the sharing of these thoughts. And also some Mad for my personal going on this not nice weather too.
And going in a while now. Took the day easy today too.
Not forcing my brain. It's cheap, but it's great Laughing geek wave
Daily going makes impossible, FORTUNETELY!, to keep the "HEAVENLOVING" run for always for each second of the day for all of the years; but All I said yesterday and today was Truly From the Heart action smiley cheekey smiley
(and some other places Embarassed that I... Smile Laughing Razz Laughing Smile )
Big Hug Beautiful, I Love You!!
flower cheers hasi love smiley hasi cheers flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 06, 2016 12:32 pm

cheers Heaven Beautiful!! cheers
Smile flower Smile

This is a subject that's sometimes a question, for my structural and innate "questioning" of everything.
Asperger me.
Yes: many eyes fixed disturb a little even if they Friendly, couple of eyes very fixed for much time disturb a little too, me very "focusable" person as inertial mind, me very easy on myself going.
No: those things of eyes are quite common, I started very soon to talk, and interested for all around (intellectual and emotional -even sexual), very good physical coordination (walked very soon and standing up very much too), liking time with friends not too many huge groups.
And many things else.
I don't think I'm asperger. I'm "different" at some sides of personality, but I can't find real connections to asperger.
What do You think?
Each brain is a world, and we know so little thing about it.
But I would not like my brain was under experiments when me passed away. ONLY because would not want to be taken back to life in a machine, by instance, or another body. This is very clear to me. Experiments for just understanding, in case this could be considered interesting to science, I'd admit. but Nothing else. And this only for solidarity, not for liking it, in Fact True.
flower love smiley flower

I think I could break the psycologic wall (Dreams, Sense, Eternity) in a meeting with You, and also could break the animal attraction too for getting it into Socially Acceptable Behaviour. True!!
Difficult but Possible.
Big Good Hug!!
flower cheers love smiley cheers flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Apr 11, 2016 9:28 am

cheers flower cheers

Lazy mind but ready for task.
I worked too on the weekend (time for different things), and I am fixing the coming chapters and the actual second one. As I said, brain is actually lazy but works well.
Feeling good. Need time, concentration and energy; so, gotta be selfish on the treatise finishing, not forgetting the totality of duties, obviusly.
Have Very Good Day Please, Here we're Going action smiley
Loving Well for Always!!
flower cheers love smiley cheers flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 13, 2016 9:39 am

Hi, only little moment more.
I don't like to get very directly involved with opinions related to specific subjects from actuality and news. I'm Focused in my Work for One Sense, I am Honestly leaving this Work to other Ones. But I think this time have to say I'm Obviously not supporting the Mississippi's law against LGBT Rights.
Justice, Nature, Equality, Fraternity. These and many other Good things are what Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Constitutions say.
It's a Real Challenge, to Make All those Words Real for All in the World!
flower love smiley flower
action smiley
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 15, 2016 11:29 am

cheers flower cheers

These Videos... Want to wake my posts up... I'm 10 years doing, I'm at work, writing a 700 pages treatise that nobody is going to publish but that's going to be Fundamental Knowledge thrown to the air, my life is under spying, economic situation of my Family is tough...
You really know compassion? Shocked scratch Exclamation
Well, I can say, Lady Beautiful that my Heart will Always be Opened to Your Goodness, Compassion, Sincerity, Respect, Love and Honesty.  Always for Eternity!!
I Swear!
flower cheers cheekey smiley love smiley cheekey smiley cheers flower

About the work, can say that yesterday I was reflecting very well, ready to directly write.  by instance, can share that when it's about definition of life, the typical "born, grow..." is not enough for philosophy, though it's essential (capturing essence, as long as there's no other thing, theorically, that shares those characters).
It's descriptive-causal definition of phenomena called "life".  Good.  Philosophy needs a little more, it's about going to the last ontologic constitution, at the very least try it.
to understand the importance of this methode is key what Wittgenstein says in "Philosophic investigations" about the possible essential definitions of different things, objects.  Very good.
I do relate this to the mereology on holism of "uno and the mulitiplicity" that's under all key problems in philosophy, starting up by the metaphysic paradoxes.
Going back to the substantive point, I'm talking about concepts I said.  Organic, vital pulsion (fundamental: ARistotile, Schopenhauer, Lorenz, Damasio), ecosystem and consciousness in brained beings.
by instance, I can say I'm also adding the concept of genetics; which is key for including the concept of life created artificially by human, like clons, in the life; and differencing it from the most developed softwares (consciousness it's the other key for this last thing, as long as pulsion too and...).
Edited lines on viruses (I said the Stupidity viruses don't have gens  Shocked  scratch  study ; I knew what I'm editing, but it's too much information and too many balls in the air; anyway, for the treatise I'm comproving everything much better): Viruses do not have their own methabolysm (do need cells) and don't have the structure of cells (considered the core of life by almost universal agreement).  They are like just "pieces for copy themselves" waiting. And to be True, I think there're genetic differences, in fact. If remember well, in the ADN chains (sometimes only ARN) it's different, and it's very complicated to define the interaction with cells, to whats related to the genetic effects: mutations.
This is key till the point the fact viruses are part of the kingdom of the life is a very discussed question in scientists cercles.  But this is the only case, so it's not touching very much my general theory.
Anyway, this is key for fixing concepts. They share ecosystem, organic... Do they share vital pulsion? Fixing concepts. They're in an "interface", they got a latent pulsion, that gets started by the "fussion" with the cell.
As we see, philosophy and science reasons do not work so differently.  Logic is the same.  And the induction, symbolism, abduction... are not different in any kind of intellectual creativity.
the main difference is the object, but not the deepest functional structures for the making of ideas and concepts.
Obviously, the object makes the previous intellectual context of ideas very different, and the methodology somehow changes, but it's more a case of superficial differences in the brain: in philosophy there's more freedom from ortodoxian methodes, but this does need to be very explained, cause the logic works everywhere, and the "abduction" of creativity that Peirce and Einstein claimed for too.
flower love smiley flower

ps: Brooke I Love You Very Much True!!

psII: Talking Letters it's Not a bad idea if ever feel the Need for True Real Human Communication.
cheekey smiley  flower cheers Razz love smiley Razz cheers flower cheekey smiley
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Apr 19, 2016 2:01 pm

for little nice while.
On an important qualitative jump (not finished yet).
I think I've been improven the other "type" of thinking, in the duality some scientists say: kind of creativity I talked about (opened senses) and the "divergent" thinking, which means capacity for concentration and capturing of possible choices and decide. In this second one there's a huger filter before inputs.
The isolation I am able to achieve in mind, however, as any other one, and coherently to Damasio, can not be separated from the emotions working for the cognitive brain. This is important related to any kind of mental isolation and asociability we may want to overreach.
Plasticity of the brain.
Mine, honestly, so badly "directed" for these "public" years. Sorry me.
Fortunetely, I'm re-directing the "therapy".
Another thing important.
Conceptuality and symbology, related to animals.
I have to face last discovering (not so new I know) on gorilas habilities (or bonobos) for language of signs do mean something.
It's more graduable skills, evolutive terms, than I thought, I am thinking actually.
Not agreeing with Chomsky, "generative grammar" Great, not totally (but totally yes about the Ontogenetic Process). Evolutive is Key.
There're also experiments proving the good control (comparedly to other animals) of the breathing by gorillas like Koko, which is key for the automatic behaviour "laringe" need for talk.
At last, I think we're getting into the context of the "functional memory".
I mean, our chances are really better in it.
However, Koko understands 2000 signs and can say by herself 1.200, less or more.
And, also, she can difference so well between identic objects when they have different and known signs.
Not changing my ideas on abstractivity and "abduction" as creativity, a Process of mind; as long as I think the more terms and subjects You've got there to deal with, the more chances, at once (this is the same as the egg and the hen, sorry me no jokes, or the ontogenetic evolution of brain and skillls: more developed by the use, or more skills for genetic; or both at once), you have to work this net. I mean: number of information and skills for dealing with it do have somehow to go together.
As it had to go together this capacity, the language and, as a motor, the social integration of individuals, where complexity of understanding and of making of signs was more and more key for the success.
And here we do have to include the mirror neurores and the empathy.
Key for the understanding (maybe for this Plato, by isntance, wanted much more the teaching in person rather than the books?: second was so very secondary compared to classes), and key for social integration.
As long as the emotion is key for the knowledge and reason, as Damasio proves by experiments, we do somehow have to come back to the concept of interest (Habermas found).
But this interest do also have to be taken to the "pure" altruism brought by mirror neurones (we not angels because it's all a net of complexity in brain).
And its enough for today.
I have been "PREDATING" visual and linguistic information, and now I am, sorry me for the joke now real, "ejecting" now all here.
Good Hug Loving Good.
It's not bipolar, it's cycles of mind. Any athlete can stand 100% in an imaginary season of 12 months, by instance and for explaining what I say.
My emotions are well controlled in both fases (though brain much more complex: there are more than just two, many).
Before too. Though I was letting my Loving pulsions of romanticism pure (not conscious sex, True!!) did flow in the forum; because of the prolongued frustration for decades, about the " tongue smiley Razz geek action smiley broomantic" Loving.
Big Hug for Eternity Loving True!!
flower cheers love smiley cheers flower

ps: yes, me wave ; but Good
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 22, 2016 5:38 pm

cheers flower cheers

Nice TV Program on Video!
Everything OK here! action smiley Razz
Only problem is that i had to visit dictionary before coming, cause i did not know the meaning of "manipulatio". What the... This may mean scratch study
Smile Laughing Razz Laughing Smile

Congratulations and Tons of Health!!!!
Im Always Loving You!!
Have Fine weekend, God Bless!
Good Evolution, proud and Happy.
Me having some rest, fun and reading; though specially rest; Key for functuonal mind, Heart and All.
Good Hugs Loving!
flower cheers love smiley cheers flower
action smiley tongue smiley cheekey smiley
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2016 7:28 pm

love smiley

Pc: computer cell was difficult and for not playing with it, simplest was make new post.
Going so Happy for all done and expressed.
action smiley
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Apr 27, 2016 7:29 pm

love smiley

Pc: computer cell was difficult and for not playing with it, simplest was make new post.
Going so Happy for all done and expressed.
action smiley
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 29, 2016 1:20 am

Oh girl, i could Always think and dream of You under my selfmade filter (Innate poet and big conceptual mind me beyond any deceiving real life experience) of Purity (Pain: With All of my Heart and Respect, Sorry to say that to my opinion, this "weakness" was the hugest handicap of Sensitive Geniuses as Michael or Prince).
I Know You Dont like/Really Like it at all geek Laughing
I Understand. True. Human.
Who knows, maybe the almost innate feelings of melting of deepest of Soul (my opinion, its True but im keeping it) is not enough for two People...
Anyway, You Always gonna be my Love.
And now to rest. A real day life, where i have, and want, to be very focused, and also kind and good to Everybody, is getting closer in the morning.
Honest and Friendly action smiley love smiley flower Smile
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Apr 29, 2016 10:22 am

I delivered the letter to Pare Joan Matas (Charlton Heston's Very Good Friend!), though I did never know what happened with it.
I also delivered another letter to another Person with some Good Contacts (or Contacts for the Contacts for..., in any case), Carol Brady, american citizen. The same about the letter.
All before 22.
It's OK!
flower love smiley flower

Felt Good, sharing this.
flower cheers love smiley cheers flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat May 07, 2016 3:11 pm

And i know why so much intetest in dusturbing me.
Many things.
Envy, fear, laboratory rat, sadic and hatable resistence to abuse begore all (highly hated as me enemy to powers, as me a danger to suffocate)
But believe, im just a person normal with a mind and a heart.
Who just wanted a good life for me, my people and for all.
World by itself, at the very least to your grandsons, is not exactly going to best places, by insisting in the same model of convivence, local, national and global.
And me not hide and not an apocaliptic profet; just take a look at what other wise people say: global warm, socual unequality, violence... All around.
Im not saying me the cure.
Though im not the crime neither.
God Bless. Good!
flower love smiley flower
action smiley

Ps: later Movie. No mote critics, positive all as they were (obvious)
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon May 09, 2016 12:22 pm

cheers flower cheers

Yes, I think philosophy is key.
Cause it brings Sense, on everything by itself, on interconnections among all possible associations (physics, morals...) and on existential totality, by integrative reason (as complete reason, not only cartesian, and as the "way" for the mereologic understanding), at all levels of abstraction.
It's well explained, but it can not be well understood as long as it's a qualia. And this means you have to understand and feel the sense.
And for it, sorry me modestly, you have to read my philosophy.
Well, beside the last part geek Laughing Smile , it's important to find out everybody by itself the deep of the existential sense involving everything and for everything; it's key.
Could make people better. never perfect, but improving.
Not asking for all study philosophy at university; but yes at the very least school, high-school and some subjects in college; well enough.
And, of course, make people concerned with this importance (more than any other thing), cause the key is the existential reflection on integrative reason.
I can say it about myself. Improved, though far from perfect.
As long as reason is more than logic, the sense improves all of it, as long as it's adquired by all of it.
Pure coherence of the argument justified by itself, when you reflect about deep things of live, and with some critic (on yourself too) perspective.
Critic is some contrafactic projection of things, behaviour of yourself...
Why do you think wave like global national support of totalitarism has been possible in history?
CAuse the Sense does Take a Real Work from each one; it's not coming written on gens. Gens just demand, for a healthy (including the moral, but not only: practic things, like ecosystem nature) existence on earth, we search for it the better possible. This is what Makes us Human.
Not the only thing, but it's just this is involving all. All you do: Love, work, Family, Social...
Obviously, this is not "totalitarism". This would be saying something like gravity deffenders, scientist, are totalitary people.
Sense is as common as breathing, to People.
God Bless!
flower love smiley flower

ps: Somehow, I think the Idea of God is Personal; but what it means, to me, it's something very close to that Universal Sense I was talking about before.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed May 11, 2016 1:32 pm

Razz cheers flower cheers Razz
Need lower going of mind now. OK, tongue smiley
Taking also next week for re-reading all and "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus".
Not needing to go faster than this; and even though I was not this Fixed on the body of theories (all re-read was making sense automatically in mind, next to the actual schemes for all chapters) and not this sure I am writing each chapter in 2-3 weeks to the longest time, I'd do.
Health. And one week less or more...
Is this the lactic acid of the brain, that makes me stop? geek Laughing Smile
I think it could be some "extra-charge" of continued voltage (so little, compared to conventional electricity sources we all know, anyway) among neurones, the reason. CAuse I don't need energy, from eating. Just some stopping time, when get this state.
Could it be, another possibility, too much oxygen in brain? Or the lack of it for so much effort of neurones?
Haven't proves enough for saying which one. Though, empiric terms, I can say the symthomatology and its evolution is what just as I've said.
This means Not losing of sense at all, just some fatigue, like geting into very soft sand (progressive on time) when you want to run: start feeling heavier and heavier, making the exercise much more difficult, as you're in a process when your legs are getting deeper and deeper into the ground. This is how it feels, for telling in a way that could be less or more explanatory of how it is.
Taking "easy" the rest of the day; though not in a state of mind where I could not do anymore "brutal" effort of concentration; it's just that I deal healthiest possible terms with the going.
I think definitive finishing on july (before the end of month). After, just edit my own words, that I have to say, as long as this is result of practice on the translation of thoughts to words, each day I'm writing better at first time before correcting. I mean, each day I need to correct less things from what I wrote directly first.
Obviuosly, this is not happening to my english... geek Laughing Smile
And Very Good Hugs Loving!!
flower cheers love smiley cheers flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue May 17, 2016 12:28 am

Hope nobody feels the need of attacking me just for saying i just need myself for Create. Its just in the past ive been for even much more stupid (and ignored sonetimes) reasons.
In Fact is a Liberation for Others, this. Taking any pressure off. "Totally unstalking", for Real.
In case me not wanted as im coming in future times: thoughts fir Good from me to All, just tell me please, administrator or whoever involved too, and ill go. True, i Give my True word.
And now rest. Finishing me personal here is not erasing me exhausted for work, homeworks cleaning and brutal concentration for Good thoughts intellectualy done.
God Bless. True! action smiley
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Jul 04, 2016 12:18 pm

Sharing. Just because.
"Just for laughs" resets my mind.
This one, "Bricomanía" is such a Calming pill to my inner kid study Shocked Basketball
Many TV programs do excite me or they're actually too row to me. Driving myself, I'm sharing.
I mean, it's good there's space for all, the problem is that I think demands is actually too much focused in some specific type, very bloody and evil behaviour, very explicit violence, it is actually the most fashioned till the points dominates biggest part of TV time when you look at the
I know the market rules the chances for making programs, as long as investment does only go to the ones making money; Self.consciousness and Education can make tastes of audiences more versatile, I think.
this predominance of certain type of model... I think it's not a good thing. And I do insist: it's not about forbidding or about a total erasing of genres.
It's more about variation, culture increasing and (I admit this last one is more a matter of subjectivity, but only till certain point) quality gained by the story not the "very strident" scenes (bloody or FX; necessary in some kind of Movies, but even in them the Importance of the Story is the key; remembering Hitchcock, by instance).
flower love smiley flower
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Normal Developing on Time!   Normal Developing on Time! - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Jul 05, 2016 2:17 pm

For the virtual results, I think it's been liked, my last conclusions. Great! I just Want to help. All Nice Recognizing Feels Good, anyway.
However, have to say there's something I still have to fix better: integration of logics and symbolism. I understand it, but I have to find the Words explaining it. I'll do it.
I had to say something else but I am not remembering now. True scratch
Well, one of the things is that as long as it's a essay on epistemology, I'm talking Well about what I said yesterday, symbolism and interculturality, but I'm not doing it at the end as a big specific item. I'll Do, but on its place, now I'm doing it, the next epigraph on symbolism and logics, and the next one, "evolutive" symbolism; and in "conclusions", final ones.
And it seemed I was not talking very much about it. Laughing geek
I think connecting to animals is also key for making Sense, Ecologic and Solidary One with All Beings. Something there but that was not cleared enough, i think. It's not animals are only instinct, Aristotile was wrong. They Think, not abstractive terms, but they Do it!; and Feel, Obviously!
scratch I think the other thing I had to say is that this moderate thinking for some time is Good to results; and that (oh my, it's an idea that comes and goes, True!; cause I've got many thoughts on mind at once, and I've got Used to it, and now I'm too "relaxed" -Reasons for that)...
Minutes later... ( lol! Shocked Smile )
I don't remember.
I'm not sure if it was something in my "abductive" space of mind (Pierce, not alliens lol).-
The time passed it was not "reflection", I had to attend some People who came.
I was saying, maybe my abductive center of ideas (like "magic"), in its connection to my centers of "entire" consciousness and to the following ones of language, brought some sign as sense on something waiting to be said as new, when this was not there in fact. It's not the first time. This is happening quite usually to me in the states between "half-slept" and awaken (interpretation of something as if it was belonging to a different epistemic category, by instance; by instance, confusing a wild animal as a pet), and I think it's normal to all. Very "abductive" training must mean some touching of these points of "magic", as metaphysic to the "entire" consciousness, and the consequence could be what happened to me now.
And I think my "entire" consciousness, the one directly connected to the centers of my language skills, did find something new: a little better understanding of the connectivity of the human brain.
I think, in case it was something really new, the possible losing was worth in any case, then (in any case, it was something interpreting as explanation on my intellectual doing for the essay).
flower love smiley flower

and resting, TOTALLY ALL THE POINTS OF the BRAIN wave Rolling Eyes scratch geek bounce , for the rest of the day.
This moderate doing is going to be Good.
And I remembered and it did go away again. TRUE!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my. Its like it was taking me "outside", the coming of the thought. I can't Fix it!!!
Have to Take a Rest Total One today.
I Got it.
It's just that the idea is much connected to many other ones, and it was all mixed in brain.
I was wanting to say that each time I get a little "paralized", wow if all my stops are like this bounce geek Laughing , I think it's not just for being tired, but because somehow I know I have to order all the ideas and think a little more. Though it can be understood as just a need for stop, and the following good consequences from it, like there was not "instinctive" stops from me. I think it's two things. When I'm INSPIRED KNOWING WELL what I have to write, the Pulsion is too big for feeling the fatigue, at the very least at this (whatever it may seem now after all I just said Laughing lol! Smile ) "moderate" states of fatigue I'm dealing with for these days.
Hugs and Love!!
flower cheers love smiley cheers flower
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