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 Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!!

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Empty
PostSubject: Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!!   Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Icon_minitimeFri Feb 14, 2014 11:27 am

 Smile Smile 

Smile inaugurating new subject on Valentine's Day  Smile 
 party smiley cheekey smiley hasi cheekey smiley party smiley 

How Nice and Funny Videos for the Day. Bravo!
Very Beautiful.
Has come a time when I can easy talk about Endless Loving You and Philosophy, or dinner, or Nutrition or any subject, so Normal. Yes, You've Truly Become a Part of my whole Life.
And though sometimes it seems to be the toughest emotion, because of the longing -MUCH MORE SINCE I COULD TOUCH YOU PERSON TO PERSON- it's the Most Precious Treasure of my Heart and my Soul for All of my Life and Eternity of Time.
I Love You, I Love You. And though I can toughly live through the distance, I Need You too.
See later in a while, Love.
 flower cheers love smiley cheers flower 

ps: today not going to Conference "Philosophy: between Love and Desire" under the Open Air, mostly because of a matter of time, it's, the first time, at 17 on time; how Nice! I'll post the poster.
Love You so, Brooke.
 Smile Smile 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!!   Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Icon_minitimeWed Jun 11, 2014 8:04 pm

 Smile flower Smile 

Only a moment for Very Tremendous Hug!
Sending Very Much Love and Kiss, Brooke.
 flower cheers party smiley cheekey smiley hasi love smiley hasi cheekey smiley party smiley cheers flower 
 action smiley 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!!   Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Icon_minitimeSat Jun 14, 2014 1:55 pm

 cheers flower cheers 

Came Calm but so Happy!!
Good at first, but after New Pictures...
You're Looking so Gorgeous and Lovely in those last ones. The one where You're sunglasses off... that glance is a Dream of Life. I'm so Happy and Proud too.
I'm Posting.
Lucille Ball was so Great and Funny, Yes Real Diva!
And All other Pictures of the Day so Very Nice too!
What A Real Good Mood Here! Brooke!  action smiley 
Now going to Post Pictures. After, some more talking.
 flower  cheers  party smiley  cheekey smiley  hasi  love smiley  hasi  cheekey smiley  party smiley  cheers  flower 

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!!   Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Icon_minitimeTue Jun 24, 2014 6:04 pm

 Smile flower Smile 

Very Good Beautiful Day, You're a Dream Come True. Your Innocence and Your Beauty, Body and Heart, are some Heaven's Gift to me.
Even after seeing Spain's Team losing (Have to say I've Enjoyed with this Team, next to the Basketball one, some of Best Sport Emotions in my Life, Thank You for Everything, Thankfulness Forever for Help us All to Believe Dreams can come True, and for All Values that All Kids Have Seen  action smiley )), have to say I'm so Playful, on these days.
You're Adorable, You're my Life. You're the Best of me.
flower I Love You!!  flower 
Smile  cheers party smiley cheekey smiley hasi love smiley hasi cheekey smiley party smiley cheers Smile 
 action smiley 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!!   Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Icon_minitimeSat Jun 28, 2014 7:11 pm

 Smile flower Smile 

And, well, if Home is where our Hearts Do Live...
Because We're Together!
 flower love smiley flower 

Some better mood.  This ice in my arm is burning!  affraid Mad Smile 
Calcium I think it's because of injuries I had for many times years ago, because of too much "free working" (this time it was an accident, True).  I'm going to get like new in a couple of weeks.  And some wiser too.
And thoughts
Las relaciones lógico-formales de las matemáticas han sido a menudo utilizadas para representar el ideal de la razón, modelo del recto pensamiento que se ajusta a las reglas del lenguaje del corpus de las reglas lógicas.  Ya Platón, y antes Pitágoras, intentó mostrar cómo los mecanismos de la razón, en su sentido perfectivo e ideal –correcto-, no son sino la expresión de las proporciones y leyes matemáticas y geométricas.
Los planteamientos logicistas de la filosofía en su configuración de la razón no constituyen ninguna novedad histórica, en términos diacrónicos absolutos; lo que sí constituye una novedad, propia de la Modernidad, es la constitución y explicación de la razón como una instancia perfectamente cerrada sobre sí misma, como origen, medio y resultado.  Es este “autoperfeccionamiento” de la razón filosófica (de la razón que explica el Sentido de todo lo real, lo vital y lo mental), casi sincrónico en el tiempo con la Revolución científica del XVIII, lo que supone un cambio cualitativo esencial.  
La fijación kantiana de lo trascendental como límite de lo cognoscible y, a su vez, como punto de partida “hacia abajo” (es decir, como paso previo, en sentido negativo respecto del “noumeno”, para la comprensión del “fenómeno”) es un punto de inflexión que marca el auge definitivo, hasta su implantación global, del pensamiento antimetafísico, esto es, de la parcelación y discontinuidad pura y perfecta entre las dimensiones de lo matematizable y de lo meramente tematizable (como sinónimo de lo no reconducible a la razón lógica), en términos generales.  
Pronto las ciencias sociales tratarán de adaptar, por todos los medios, y con el fin de alcanzar su propia legitimidad como fuente de conocimiento válido y fiable, los procesos logicomatematicos universalizables –respecto del estudio de casos del mundo físico- de las ciencias de la naturaleza, con mayor o menor éxito.
El atractivo de la explicación matemática y lógica en sentido puro, además de los éxitos que nos ha otorgado en la dominación tecnológica del entorno, es que nos ofrecen una visión ideal de nuestra razón –autónoma y, supuestamente, libre- y de su correspondencia perfecta con el todo, a modo de factótum independiente explicativo universal – y donde, en último término, hallamos el Sentido existencial.  Las matemáticas, para tener sentido, sólo se necesitan a sí mismas (bueno, y de unos cuantos axiomas), al igual que las leyes lógicas; puesto que este sentido se halla inscrito –a nuestros ojos- en un conjunto de interrelaciones formales de elementos abstractos que, si se describen homogénea y coherentemente entre sí, carecen de necesidad externa de justificación (aunque la noción necesaria e intrínsecamente matemática de axioma contradiga esto, en realidad).
Haciendo el correspondiente paralelismo con la razón en términos generales o filosóficos, este carácter externo (mencionado al hablar de las matemáticas) vendría a ser lo que entiendo como elemento trascendental necesario; que se presenta, en realidad, como un proceso mental no autoclausurado dentro de los márgenes prefijados de lo estrictamente demostrable (sólo ideal y supuestamente, como vemos incluso en el caso de las matemáticas, con la necesidad del principio axiomático –carácter de idealización que demuestra el auténtico carácter de nuestra razón), en términos logicocientificos clásicos.
Pero ninguna comprensión “atrascendental” –o “intrascendental”- es viable para ofrecer una explicación de totalidad (o del Ser).   Esto se observa de dos formas distintas que, de hecho, representan dos consecuencias mutuas:
1) Los resultados de la ciencia siempre se muestran insuficientes para la comprensión del mundo –en todas sus esferas y niveles- y del universo.  Los horizontes de la ciencia se hacen progresivamente mayores y más difusos a medida que aumenta el conocimiento científico (la Verdad de la existencia aparece como un límite matemático que, contrariamente a lo que sería de esperar, se aleja en el camino del saber).
2) El desarrollo biológico de nuestra mente, que en tantas ocasiones ya he tratado de explicar.
El problema de la circularidad argumentativa (un caso paradigmático es el del axioma matemático), como necesidad de un fundamento cognitivo previo a todo pensamiento definible como verdadero, es el reverso biológicamente necesario de lo anterior, dada la estructura funcional de nuestra mente.
El Sentido se halla en la dialéctica compleja de razón-emotividad (medios)-/-conceptos previos-casos (principios), que funciona como una narración sin principio ni final que siempre avanza en un sentido abstracto (por medio de la comprensión progresivamente, aunque nunca lo bastante, “omnicomprensiva”) respecto de lo previamente sabido.
 Y mi teoría es que la necesidad del Sentido aparece, precisamente, por esta característica evolutiva de nuestras estructuras complejas de pensamiento.  Es un rasgo de nuestra mente que aparece con la capacidad conceptual, transcendental (por medio de la dialéctica indicada) respecto de contextos cognitivos previos."

The formal logical relations of mathematics have often been used to represent the ideal of reason, right thought pattern that conforms to the rules of language corpus of logical rules. Even Plato and Pythagoras before, tried to show how the mechanisms of reason in its perfective and perfect-right-direction, are but the expression of proportions and mathematical and geometrical laws.
  The logicist approaches to philosophy in its configuration of reason do not constitute historical novelty, in absolute terms diachronic; what we do is new, of modernity itself, is the constitution and explanation of reason as a perfectly self-enclosed instance, as a source, medium and outcome. It is this "self-improvement" of almost synchronous in time with the Scientific Revolution of the eighteenth philosophical reason (the reason for the direction of all reality, the vital and the mental), which is an essential qualitative change.
Kant fixing the transcendental as the limit of the knowable and, in turn, as a starting point "down" (ie, as a step in the negative direction with respect to the "noumenon" to understanding the "phenomenon") is a turning point marking the final boom, until overall implementation of the anti-metaphysical thinking, this is, of plots and pure and perfect discontinuity between the dimensions of the mathematizable and merely thematizable (as synonymous with no traceable to logic) reason, in general terms.
Soon the social sciences try to adapt, by all means, and in order to achieve their own legitimacy as a source of valid and reliable knowledge, processes logicomatematicos universalisable-case study regarding the physical world of the natural sciences with varying success.
The appeal of the mathematical and logical explanation in pure sense, in addition to the successes it has given us the technological domination of the environment is that we offer an ideal vision of our reason-autonomous and supposedly free-and its perfect correspondence to the whole, as a universal explanatory independent handyman - and where, ultimately, we find the existential sense. Mathematics to make sense, it only takes themselves (well, and a few axioms), like the laws of logic; since this connection is inscribed-our eyes on a set of formal interrelationships of abstract elements, whether described together coherently homogeneous and lack external need for justification (although intrinsically necessary mathematical notion of axiome contradicts this, in reality).
Making the appropriate parallel or reason in general philosophical terms, this external (mentioned about mathematics) would become what I understand as a transcendental element necessary; presented, in fact, as a mental process not autoclausurado within preset margins strictly provable (and supposedly only ideal, as we see even in the case of mathematics, with the need of the principle of idealization axiomatic character-showing the true nature of our reason) in terms logicocientificos classics
But no "atrascendental"-or "inconsequential" understanding - is feasible to offer an explanation of all (or the Self). This is observed in two different forms in fact represent two mutual consequences:
1) The results of science is always insufficient for understanding the world, in all areas and levels-and the universe. The horizons of science become progressively larger and more diffuse with increasing scientific knowledge (Truth of existence appears as a mathematical limit, contrary to what would be expected, recedes into the path of knowledge).
2) The biological development of our mind, which is so often and have tried to explain.
The problem of circularity of argument (a paradigmatic case is the mathematical axiom) as a pre-need basis to all definable cognitive thought as true, is biologically necessary reverse of the above, given the functional structure of our mind.
The Meaning is in the pre-complex cases -/-conceptos (principles), which functions as a narrative without beginning or end that always moves in an abstract sense (through progressively dialectical understanding of reason-emotion (means) though never enough, "encompassing") with respect to previously known.
   And my theory is that the need to Sentido appears precisely because of this evolutionary property of our complex structures of thought. It is a feature of our mind that comes with conceptual, transcendental capacity (indicated by the dialectic) for previous cognitive contexts."
 flower  love smiley  flower 

And, as the Song says, I can't help Believing!!  action smiley  Razz 
 party smiley  cheers  cheekey smiley  cheers  party smiley
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!!   Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Icon_minitimeThu Jul 03, 2014 12:12 am

 Smile flower Smile 

Here coming again. Some modificated text, and not totally unhappy about it. So difficult to be expressed (and also, to me, first to think and understand it), everything.
Love You Very Much!! Always Dedicating, innocently intentioned emotions,

Creo que habría que considerar dos dimensiones distintas de la mente y de la funcionalidad cognitiva. Una sería la correspondiente a la descripción, que puede ser lingüística o puramente lógico-matemática; la otra correspondería a la imaginación y a la recreación mentales.
Dentro del contexto de la descripción se hallaría la distinción que mencioné el otro día, entre descripción—normatividad—referencia—conceptualidad transcendental. Toda descripción es normativa, la que dice “2+2=4” y la que señala “en Pere fa feina”. En ambos casos, de forma más o menos implícita o explicíta, la información con sentido que se vierte responde a determinadas reglas, en múltiples niveles (ontológico, epistémico, axiológico…).
En el primer caso citado -aritmética-hay un fundamento de objetividad que no puede existir, por ejemplo, en el segundo, siempre susceptible de apreciación individual. ¿Dónde halla acomodo, entonces, el concepto de “límite transcendental” ideal del pensamiento del que he hablado en alusión a la referencia objetiva supuestamente inaprensible?
Efectivamente, no existe en el lenguaje de la lógica o la matemática puras. Sin embargo, y dejando a un lado el problema de la circularidad y de la regla fundacional o axioma, aquél readquiere un estatus problemático tan pronto como intentamos encajar perfectamente la realidad en las expresiones matemáticas. Llegado este punto, es imposible –creo- establecer una carácter genérico del problema. Suscitaré la cuestión por medio de dos ejemplos bien distintos pero relacionados con lo planteado.
Cuatro naranjas siempre son cuatro naranjas, pero desde un punto de vista cuántico el número que éstas representan será muyo mayor y, quizá, en un plano metafísico más profundo, es posible incluso discutir si existen como parte del todo existencial cuando nos situamos fuera de nuestra consciencia. He aquí una indeterminación “moderada”. Y ahora un caso más “complicado”: cuando se trata de medir el tiempo –relativo en todo caso, ya que siempre se mide, en términos humanos, desde un momento previo--, por ejemplo, la cosa se hace mucho más complicada, y ni siquiera los relojes atómicos nos pueden ofrecer una medida absoluta y perfectamente precisa, exacta.
En el segundo caso, la noción referencia-límite transcendental (aunque mucho “menos” subjetivo, claro) permanece, y esto es evidente. En el primero (y lo que estoy haciendo me parece una casuística casi escolástica), no. Pero por mor de una idealización cognitiva de nuestra mente evolucionada. Creo que es la utilidad evolutiva lo que da sentido a esta negación del concepto transcendental que trato de mostrar. Sin certezas “metafísicamente idealizadas desde un punto de vista cognitivo o epistémico”, sería harto complicado sobrevivir en la naturaleza. El número de naranjas puede significar la línea que delimite la supervivencia de un grupo paleolítico, en un caso extremo. Por otra parte, otras nociones imprecisas, como la medición del tiempo relativo, únicamente lo son de un modo muy atenuado, por las mismas razones.
De todos modos, no hay duda de que los conceptos, siempre con una vertiente individual de cada sujeto interviniente -la definición de número o de tiempo, por ejemplo, son siempre opinables, en mayor o menor medida- sí se hallan inmersos siempre en la problemática referencial. Creo que estas diferencias entre relaciones estructurales de la mente-realidad (caso de la aritmética: cuando somos pequeños no la aprendemos formalmente, ya que es precisa la referencia física concreta –contar dedos- con que identificar la escala numérica; sólo a partir de entonces alcanzamos a comprender las relación lógico-formal interna entre las figuras numéricas) y los conceptos no puramente cuantitativos en sí (conceptos que naturalmente –en su conexión con la realidad: esto supone la necesidad de profundizar en el estudio de las estructuras mente-realidad- exceden la descripción del lenguaje lógico-formal puro, esto es, no son totalmente explicables por medio de un sistema lógico-abstracto independiente de la realidad ) han de servir de algún modo para explicar y fundamentar la teoría evolutiva en sentido complejo (más allá del gen egoísta) como principio neocartesiano (con este nombre porque ya hemos señalado que no existen conceptos plenamente objetivos) primero de mi teoría epistemológica.
La recreación y la imaginación son el auténtico origen de los conceptos mentales, y su origen (el chispazo creativo, el Sentido que se enciende en un contexto parcial –el Sentido, su pulsión, actúa como constante evolutiva siempre, no sólo al preguntarnos por el sentido de la existencia) se halla en un momento previo (si bien creo que este paso cognitivo fundacional de la idea no es totalmente separable de su concreción) al de su captación por medio de las descripciones lingüísticas o lógico-matemáticas (así se aprecia en los pasos explicados por el propio Einstein sobre su ideación de la Teoría de la relatividad).
Ya expliqué mi teoría sobre la aparición evolutiva de la capacidad conceptual, y creo que esta definición primera (rudimentaria pero fundacional) es bastante próxima a la noción que tenemos de los dos términos mencionados (recreación e imaginación) . La fácil comprensión por parte de todos del carácter subjetivo de estas nociones –recreación e imaginación- de algún modo reafirma, desde esa “demostración” previa, la inmanencia al concepto de la problemática de la idealización transcendental."


I think we should consider two different dimensions of mind and cognitive function. One would be relevant to the description, which may be purely linguistic or logical-mathematical; the other corresponds to the imagination and mental recreation.
Within the context of describing the distinction I mentioned the other day, between description-reference-standards-conceptuality transcendental be found. Each description is normative, which says "2 +2 = 4" and states that "in Pere feina fa". In both cases, more or less implicitly or explicitly, the meaningful information that pours responds to certain rules, on multiple levels (ontological, epistemological, axiological ...).
In the first case cited-arithmetic-there is a foundation of objectivity can not exist, for example, in the second, always susceptible to individual assessment. Where do you find accommodation, then the concept of ideal "transcendental limit" of thought of which I spoke in allusion to the supposedly elusive objective reference?
Indeed, there is in the language of logic or pure mathematics. However, leaving aside the problem of circularity and the foundational rule or axiom, it reacquires a problematic status as soon as we try to fit perfectly into reality math expressions. At this point, I believe, it is impossible to establish a generic nature of the problem. I will raise the issue through two distinct but related examples I raised.
Four oranges are always four oranges, but from a quantum point of view they represent the number muyo be greater, and perhaps on a deeper metaphysical level, it is possible even to discuss whether there as part of the whole existential when we stand outside our consciousness. Here is a "moderate" indeterminacy. And now a "complicated" case: when it comes to time-on in any case, as always measured in human terms, from a previous time - for example, the thing becomes much more complicated, and even atomic clocks we can offer a complete and perfectly precise, accurate measurement.
In the second case, the reference-limit transcendental notion (though much "less" subjective, of course) remains, and this is evident. In the first (and what I'm doing seems to me an almost scholastic casuistry), no. But for the sake of a cognitive idealization of our evolved mind. I think it's the evolutionary utility that gives meaning to this denial of transcendental concept that I try to show. No certainties "metaphysically idealized from a cognitive or epistemic view" would be very complicated to survive in nature. The number of oranges can mean the line delimiting the survival of a Paleolithic group, in an extreme case. Moreover, other vague notions, such as measuring the relative time, they are only a very attenuated way, for the same reasons.
  Anyway, there is no doubt that the concepts, always with a single aspect of each subject-defining intervening number or time, for example, are always debatable, to a greater or lesser extent are immersed himself always in the referential problematic. I think these differences between structural relations of mind-reality (if arithmetic: when we are young not formally learn because it requires the physical reference concrete-count fingers to identify the numerical scale, only thereafter fail to understand the internal formal logical relationship between the numerical figures) and not purely quantitative concepts themselves (naturally-concepts in their connection with reality: this implies the need for further study of the structures actually mind-exceed the description of formal logical pure language, that is, are not fully explainable by a separate logical-abstract system of reality) have to serve in some way to explain and support the evolutionary theory in complex sense (beyond selfish) gene as Neocartesian top (with this name because we have noted that there is no fully objective concepts) first my epistemological theory.
Recreation and imagination are the true origin of mental concepts, and their origin (the creative spark, the direction that turns in a context partially Sense, your instinct, acting as evolutionary always constant, not only to ask for meaning of life) is at an earlier time (although I think this foundational cognitive step of the idea is not completely separable from its realization) of its uptake by linguistic or logical-mathematical descriptions (here shown in the steps explained by Einstein himself on his ideation of the Theory of Relativity).
  I explained my theory about the evolutionary emergence of conceptual ability, and I believe that this first definition (but rudimentary foundation) is quite close to our notion of the two terms mentioned (recreation and imagination). Readily understandable by all of the subjective nature of these notions and imagination-recreation-somehow reaffirms since that prior "demonstration" immanence to the concept of the problem of transcendental idealization."
 flower  love smiley  flower 

ps: going to make one more reading Here. This is so Good for my Tasking. Improved, so Much Inspired, the Feelings.
 cheers  hasi  cheekey smiley  hasi  cheers 

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!!   Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Icon_minitimeThu Jul 03, 2014 9:44 pm

 Smile flower Smile 

Today could not get impressed on paper last text for technical problems, but I keep reading. I think it's a very Useful and Good task to make selfcriticism on it, for more conclusions. Confirming, modifying or going a little further, if possible.
Have to say that the more conclusions I may find, and the deeper they may be, the more connections among everything I think I find.
I think I've got something new, but want to think a little more about it. Later at night I'll post if after some more reflecting I get an initial confirmation in mind.
I Love You  action smiley 
 love smiley flower 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!!   Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Icon_minitimeFri Jul 11, 2014 2:58 pm

Hi!  flower Smile 
 party smiley hasi party smiley 

I'm leaving free the little animal I am for a little while.
Only when You properly and publically say that I am The Most Beautiful and Handsome man You've ever Seen and are Absolutely Sure You'll ever See, then I'll start thinking again in posting some pictures  affraid geek 
 Smile Laughing Razz Laughing Smile 

The Truth is that for all things: operations, arms cracks, car crashes, thinking... (effects proved by all little mistakes I've been doing about fixing agenda on time) I have not taken the time.
But now those LOVELINESS FROM HEAVEN SWEETNESS were Posted by You the other day... There's no other choice but a rude but so Well Intentioned Try from me for some Nice Shared.
 flower love smiley flower 

Next monday not coming to work, only going to doctor (the other appointment was yesterday made).
Have to say that I'm also Very Happy about this Book I'm Reading, Great Compilation Made by Professor Luis M. Valdés Villanueva.
Because I'm not going to critizise all Authors, only those who can Help for my Investigation. And in this Book there's Such a Very Brilliant Selection for a first Selection (almost definitive from the moment the Book Reading is finished).
Good Days!
Today Reading some More. On the weekend nothing on this.
Those 2 days will come for Hug at the very least. Going to take a Good and Necessary Rest too.
One more post in the morning.
 cheers cheekey smiley hasi cheekey smiley cheers 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!!   Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Icon_minitimeTue Jul 22, 2014 9:33 am

 Smile flower Smile 

Bringing a really Good day Here. Inspiredly  Razz for the Living Good.
Quite speechless. In the starting of the day, already. This can be  affraid 
 Smile Laughing Razz Laughing Smile 

Loving so Much, Dealing less or more well with the Vision of Heaven in my Mind, talking about my Human senses.
This is More Energy I'm Trying to use for Good.
I Love You.
I do think You have not been staying lazy, actually. It seems to me like You're Always, almost, Working.
This Inspires me More.
I am Very  Razz Cool cheekey smiley Exclamation about last Everything  action smiley  Just wanted to say it.
See You for All of the time.
 flower cheers party smiley cheekey smiley hasi love smiley hasi cheekey smiley party smiley cheers flower 

ps: I'm tasking too, today. Arm's better... Going quite Well.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!!   Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Icon_minitimeMon Jul 28, 2014 3:19 pm


Smile only for a relatively fast saying  Smile 
The entering of piano... I was talking about the second 43, when for preparing the first Elevation it gets in along with the Voice of the Singer.
Great Music, Beautiful Harmony of Elements.
As this Love!!
 flower love smiley flower 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!!   Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Icon_minitimeWed Jul 30, 2014 3:18 pm

 Smile flower Smile 

I Truly ADMIRE and Love the  study side of You. VERY MUCH  action smiley 
I Did Truly Love moment talking about time and Sense and All around it. Very, Very Touching.
All so Beautiful in the Video.
 cheers cheers cheers 

In a talk, about the fact People may have opinions about People whom just only know by their careers, I mean, when those opinions are reaching spheres of Person going beyond professional standing.
It's True. I'd first say that the advice I'd give to All are: never forget Respecting Person, that's the Most Important of All (I Truly Tried, Brooke, I Know that You Know).
For some reason, All, less or more, are pulled to judging People whom we don't know, even when there's only a superfficial touch.
TV and Cinema, and Magazines, and lately the Internet, so Much, have meant so much to that.
It's a difficult subject to be analyzed, because it's very subjective. Nobody does the same things.
Though now I'm Trying to be completely objective, going on with the conversation, Global Terms (it Interested me -beyond Nice Messages to be Understood about it).
To talk about others is a natural thing to human. Interest for celebrities and their lifes is as normal as reading. Some mirroring, some comparing, some admiring... and some critizising too; why not saying it.
In my case, I've rarely been interested in celebrities or their lifes as subject. But I do admit I always liked to see TV docummentaries (Qualitatively Good and Honest) on their lifes, or biographies, as Inspiration.
Probably for not having a very clear male figure in my life to imitate (father -many times wrong-, uncle -not so close and more as a friend-, granfather -gone too soon), I did always get very focused in ways of actors, for wrong or for bad. When I grew up I did understand I did have to find my own way, but as I was growing, I did only find some Good Answer -Need some Smart Thinking, Understanding Need for Abstraction of the Contexts: Movie vs Reality- asking myself: and what thing this actor or, better said, character, would do in this situation?
After all, I think it did not run so bad.  Smile 
Probably for this Focusing, and for the Fact of Being a Big Cinema Fan, I Did Always Used to Get Focused in Beauty, and Talent, of Actresses.
In Brooke Shields, I Always Thought I Had Found something Special, far beyond facts of her real living. It was something coming from the Heart. I could not explain, it was something Spiritual, Chemical and Animal at once.
And, well, as I was Always so Good Recreator of Stories and Situations in my Mind, since very little kid, it was almost a natural thing to Dream about this Person.
I've Always been Very Sensitive Person (I was joking with workmates friends today about this: I said sensitivity is good for survival, just imagine some being insensitive to knifes into its body, and another one who jumps for just seeing a feather around, what's the better one  Smile  Laughing ; we did have some good time), and the emotional environment, not only Family but also All, did Always leave with a sense of emotional emptiness. I found the Magical Recipy in my Brooke Shields Dreams. And this Became so Personal, so Touching, so Closely Personal to my Heart, that I Did Get in Love with this Emotion Made Upon Her Image and Her Visible (and the not so visible, if we Do Believe in the fact we're something more than we just see, and in the fact sometimes it is possible to feel some of this) Ways, more than I did ever get and could get with a real Girl.
Wanted to Meet, but bla, bla, bla... This I'm not talking any more about.
And when did come, it was Impossible to me to Separate the two Spheres, the Socially Visible Side of Brooke Shields, and that One I Had Fed and Loved in my Heart and in my Youth Dreams.
 Smile And, well, Here We are!!  Smile 
 flower  love smiley  flower
 action smiley  

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!!   Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Icon_minitimeFri Aug 01, 2014 1:06 pm

 cheekey smiley party smiley flower party smiley cheekey smiley 

Came for a while for a moment for a talk for fun and for good!
 Smile Razz Smile 

Going to some task I've got to do now. Coming later soon.
You're the Most Beautiful thing I've ever Seen, and I've Never Found any human chemistry like Yours and Mine Together, Love.
 flower cheekey smiley hasi love smiley hasi cheekey smiley flower 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!!   Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Icon_minitimeMon Aug 04, 2014 2:01 pm

 Smile party smiley cheers flower party smiley cheers Smile 

Came for a while for One.
Ah, and for completing (never getting the totality!, by my human limits) Music, sharing what Inspire for Task,
Loving; UP!!
 flower cheekey smiley love smiley cheekey smiley flower 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!!   Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Icon_minitimeTue Aug 05, 2014 10:00 am

Hi,  Cool ( party smiley hasi cheers )
 cheekey smiley flower cheekey smiley 

I was so Emotioned that I did not notice Picture is from this same year.
True!! Oh my!  affraid cheekey smiley Razz 
 cheers party smiley hasi party smiley cheers 

Yesterday read two Articles, and the second one was specially Tremendous and Good. I'll share few lines, main argument only, but not now. I'm understanding and using for well, in my memory files for future, all I'm reading, so Good. Taking Easy but Very Focusedly.
All of my muscles are specially slow (being True, almost paralized  Smile  action smiley ) today (though slept so Well), my Dreamy mind is Working so Intense now today  Smile Razz Smile 
Well, Wake Up, there's a lot of Work to be done.
But I'm so  cheekey smiley Exclamation party smiley cheers 
 flower love smiley flower 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!!   Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Icon_minitimeFri Aug 08, 2014 6:57 pm

 Smile cheers flower cheers Smile 

Had to come again for getting Pictures because I did not find before.
Had to See them again
To Think about You is not that Easy, have to Fight against the longing for it not get painful again.
But I had to Look at Pictures One more time.
Heaven, Precious, Beautiful, Sweet Lady, Adored, Angel, my Wonderful Loveliness of my Heart and my Soul.
Feeling a little better now. Fun but TRUE!!
Please Believe I Do Feel this, and Do also Feel it like Pure Eternity.
All words sounding very  What a Face  because I'm not taking myself very seriuosly, for the good feeling.
But behind them and their  geek There's this Love for You that I could Never get appart.
My cells and my Soul get Alive in the Knowing We are Love Forever (Embarassed )
 flower love smiley flower 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!!   Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Icon_minitimeMon Oct 10, 2016 1:42 pm

Hi quite tired but not enough Smile
Hope You may Like it, it's Hearted,
 cheers  hasi  love smiley  hasi  cheers
Razz  flower Razz

ps: and "tremendouses" Laughing Razz bounce philoresults, brain OK.  You Love, and cute!! cheekey smiley Exclamation action smiley
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 14575
Anmeldedatum : 2009-06-01

Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!!   Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Icon_minitimeTue Feb 06, 2018 8:13 pm

Brooke action smiley
Cuteness Beautiful, i Love You so.
And i Agree with myself im an asshole when i "fights" with You for... My stupiditism.
Autism is admissible, cause its how i am -Moderate, asperger, not for assuming me genius or Edward on car along Hollywood Boulevard, but cause i Think its True-, but stupid...
Its Always the Same. I get ego-touched and i react non Violent but going too far without noticing, True.
But Not Violent, You could Notice at Feinstein's. The "click" i talked about was for Hopes, not for physical attacks Embarassed Razz flower
TVs Choices are Perfect Play You action smiley cheekey smiley Razz
Good Intentions after knowing i Watching Great "Outlander" TV...
You an Ángel. And i, for Proving me Male with no needs for your extended hand, am a piece of an animal. Please Sorry me Brooke, from the Heart What a Face
Thanks so Much, i Love You, Ángel Lady!
HOPE im Able to shake hands with You again and even to Hug You so Kind! action smiley study cheers
My Goodness last Pictures of You so TOUCHING
You Stunning and so BRIGHT!
flower party smiley cheekey smiley hasi love smiley hasi cheekey smiley cheekey smiley flower

Ps: i Think Barack Obama is Smart and All Good Intentions! (For What i said about "Brain" -Good!-; not for Words on Science, but about Mames; my True Apologies!).
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PostSubject: Re: Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!!   Happy Day, Brooke I Love You!! Icon_minitime

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